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This is disturbing beyond words

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Senate Bill 129 is legislation that has been proposed in the state of Oklahoma. This legislation has been created by the Oklahoma state senate and would have some serious implications on the lives of many should it be voted into law.

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Isn’t that just dandy? What is in this bill? Perhaps the bill contains things that would improve Oklahomans’ lives, like raising the minimum wage or positive changes to health care. Well — not quite. You see, this legislation does not address anything to HELP the American people.

In fact, this innocent-sounding bill that Oklahoma Republicans want to become law aims at criminalizing doctors. Doctors who provide care to the transgender community. Under the age of 26. I repeat — doctors who provide care to transgender people under the age of 26 would be branded criminals. No care for transgender people, and if any doctor DARES to provide said care, they would be committing a felony. Positively draconian.

“Prosecution for a criminal violation of this subsection must be commenced within forty (40) years after the commission of the such offense.” SB 129 is evil. It isn’t just dangerous — it is madness. And it must be stopped. So activists worldwide let people know about this. Look it up, do your research and make it front-page news. You’ll be helping to save lives if you do so.

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