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Karma comes for Kevin McCarthy

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Karma often arrives when one least expects it. Karma definitely arrived for Kevin McCarthy this week, leaving him shaken, desperate and turning him into a literal beggar. As Kevin literally begged for the Speaker’s position, groveling and cutting all sorts of unscrupulous deals, there could be no doubt that Karma had swooped right in.

But Karma has not left. Sure, Kevin finally — after 15 tries — got his speakership position. But he lost more than he won. Karma took a bug chunk of that thing that passes for his soul. Karma has made sure to leave him vulnerable, fragile and the weakest House leader this nation has ever had.

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The crazy train will regularly call for Kevin’s head on a platter. He will spend his days in a state of desperation, hoping that today isn’t the day someone calls for a motion to vacate the chair.

He will get nothing done, dragging his party down even further into the depths and showing the world how ineffectual they all are. He will never be able to control the warring factions of his own party. He will turn bitter. He will become morose. The desperation will start to fall like snowflakes from him as he struggles to keep all members of his caucus happy, a feat which cannot ever be done.

Kevin McCarthy is about to reap the rewards of being a coward. He is like a clueless lamb being led to the slaughter. He has no idea of the hell he is about to face. But Karma does. Karma, like us, is watching from the sidelines watching as the “leader” of the house steps right into hell, for all to see.

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