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Pentagon, taking time off from drag queen shows, warns ISIS is reconstituting, prepping for future attacks

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WASHINGTON, DC- In the same week we received warnings that al Qaeda may be planning a “retooled” 9/11-style attack using American jetliners comes a report that the Islamic State, otherwise known as ISIS, may be reconstituting itself.

The Washington Times reports that a resurgence of the terrorist group may be coming later this year, citing military officials and national security insiders. They believe that conditions across the Middle East and Africa are ripe for a revival of the group, as the Biden administration worries itself with dropping billions on Ukraine and implementing woke policies in the military.

Pentagon warns of ‘next generation’ of extremist fighters as terror group ISIS plots 2023 comeback

— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) January 6, 2023

Those officials suggest that ISIS is poised for a comeback as a major terrorist force and a threat to global stability, as well as American national security. Add to that the fact the administration has left the southern border open to anyone desiring to come to the United States and commit harm and it appears to be a perfect storm.

Under former President Trump, ISIS had been emasculated to the point of apparent insignificance. Now however it appears that the group whose caliphate at one time controlled a substantial swath of territory in Iraq and Syria is ready for a comeback.

According to the unnamed military officials and national security insiders, ISIS is likely planning to undertake a “revenge tour” against the United States and its allies after US air strikes killed a number of ISIS leaders and what were described as “high ranking” officials.

While ISIS has nowhere near the numbers it had around ten years ago, it still maintains thousands of Islamic idealogues within its numbers. It is believed the group still is more than capable of carrying out deadly terrorist attacks, including on the US homeland.

The Times notes that some US analysts have warned of “strategic neglect” by the United States and its allies to the threat of a reconstitution of ISIS.

In the past week alone, ISIS claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack in the Egyptian city of Ismailia, which killed four people. They also said a bombing near the Afghan capital of Kabul, which killed and wounded several people, was their handiwork, according to Afghan officials.

The Kabul bombing was the latest among a string of terrorist attacks by ISIS and its affiliates in Afghanistan since the Biden administration abandoned the country and allowed the Taliban to regain control of the country.

During that failed withdrawal mission, ISIS committed a suicide bombing in August 2021 at the Kabul airport. That resulted in the deaths of 13 US service members and a number of civilians as the Biden administration conducted what can only be described as a chaotic withdrawal from the war-torn country.

While all of this was going on, Pentagon officials have concerned themselves with so-called “extremism” within the ranks of the US military, as reported in December 2021 by Politico.

At that time, the Pentagon issued new rules which prohibited service members from engaging in “extremist activities.” That was a result of some members attending the January 2021 rally at the US Capitol where a small number of attendees engaged in violence, leading leftist idealogues to call the rally an “insurrection.”

Politico reported that less than 100 military members were alleged to have been involved in cases of “extremist” activity in the prior year, however warned they believe those numbers may grow due to so-called “spikes” in domestic violent extremism, including some involving veterans.

The policy implemented by the Pentagon banned a number of activities, ranging from advocating terrorism or supporting the overthrow of the government, fundraising or rallying on behalf of so-called “extremist” groups, and even “liking” or sharing extremist views on social media.

The new policy more clearly defined what the Pentagon believed constituted extremist activity. However according to far left idealogue and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, a more wide-ranging effort to root out so-called extremism in the armed forces came about because military veterans, as well as current service members were present at the US Capitol incident on January 6, 2021.

Meanwhile, true threats to the United States, such as al Qaeda and ISIS, are preparing themselves to attack the United States once again and/or our allies as the Pentagon concerns itself with members who may support groups such as the Proud Boys, which some leftists such as the Southern Poverty Law Center deem an extremist group.

Terrorist groups such as al Qaeda and ISIS look at the United States under the “leadership” of Joe Biden and realize we are ripe for the picking.

We learned nothing from September 11, 2001.

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