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This is just embarrassing for Mike Pence

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Have you ever wondered about best-selling books? Have you ever wondered about books on the best-seller list that sound so awful one cannot imagine who reads them? Well, in that regard, a little nugget of information has leaked. And it concerns the written words of one Mike Pence.

Pence’s book called “So help me God” (Oh, the irony) was released on November 15, 2022. His book shot to the top of the heap, becoming a bestseller on the best selling list of the New York Times.

But just who was buying this book? Could one of the buyers have been — Mike Pence? This is the question being asked. That is because records show that our delightful and charismatic former VP spent a heck of a lot of money on November 9 of that year. The money went to an online bookstore called Books on Call, LLC. Books on call is an off-site bookseller.

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Financial reports from the Federal Elections Commission show Pence spent about $91,000 at Books on call. Hmm. But surely now — surely now — he could easily have been buying something else. Perhaps Pence bought multiple copies of “How to stand up for myself toward the man who caused an insurrection.” No, that’s not a real book, but it should be.

And it sounds a heck of a lot more interesting than Pence’s book. Now let us look at the category Pence’s purchases at this bookstore fell into. That is “collateral materials.” Hmm. This is basically a term for promoting oneself. Hmm. I seem to be saying that quite a bit.

And what makes all of this a bit suspicious is that Pence’s book shot to best seller status only AFTER pence’s purchase. Hmm. So yes, this is a circumstantial case. But it is a STRONG circumstantial case. And I hope it isn’t true. Could Pence REALLY have spent so much money buying copies of his own book? I believe it is a definite possibility.

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