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Extreme Court

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The extreme court finally did something good on Monday. It’s true! The court declined to hear a rather bizarre case brought by Raland Brunson. Let’s talk about this ridiculous case that never had a snowball’s chance in hell of being heard, even by the sick six.

This case asks for the removal of President Joe Biden and Vice President Harris. The case also asks the court to punish former VP Mike Pence as well as hundreds of other politicians, most of them lawmakers. The reason cited is that they certified the 2020 presidential election.

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Sigh. Yes, the crazies are still out there, trying their best to do damage with absurd litigation that would make any sane person burst into hysterical peals of laughter. This case is absurd on its face, but that did not stop Maga lunatics from excitedly chirping online that at last — AT LAST — the Presidential election of 2020 would be set aside.

The case says that 94 senators, 291 House members, and Pence violated their oaths of office. The reason this litigation argues that they did that, is that they refused to investigate claims that the 2020 election was illegitimate. It takes all kinds.

And this clown actually asked for both Harris and Biden to be removed from office, as well as all the other lawmakers I cited above. Let us take a moment to reflect on the insanity of so many in this country — not only the idiot who brought this case but all the OTHER idiots thinking it might actually be heard, Of course, it was not. Even the extreme court has its limits, I suppose.

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