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Howie Carr: Smirking con-man latest example of Massachusetts going soft on crime

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What do you have to do to get locked up these days in Massachusetts?

You have to murder somebody. It’s that simple. It’s that hard to get thrown in the jug now.

Brian Walshe is merely the latest example of this deadly trend. If we still had real punishment for serious crimes short of murder, a lot of people might not have died grisly deaths. They might even still be alive.

The most recent poster boy for Massachusetts’ coddling of criminals is Brian Walshe, who should have been in federal prison on Jan. 1 when his wife disappeared. According to the feds, Walshe had been running art scams on three continents.

He’d already pleaded guilty. But he was “awaiting sentencing.”

This is the way it’s been since the Panic was ginned up three years ago. If a thug isn’t awaiting sentencing, he’s getting early release, or probation, or supervised release, or CWOF – continued without a finding.

Three years ago, the Deep State decided to lock all of us law-abiding citizens up, while letting all the criminals out.

How’s that call working out for Ana Walshe?

You should see the letters that were sent in to the judge last year to keep Ana Walshe’s smirking con-man husband out and about.

Here’s one from his lawyer (and neighbor in Cohasset) Tracy Miner:

“Brian has continued to work with his partners on his mental health issues… through self-reflection and community service.”

Really? You don’t say. By the way, Tracy Miner was the lawyer for FBI agent/Mob hitman John “Zip” Connolly in his first racketeering trial.

Zip was convicted of a gangland hit in Florida, but was freed back during the Panic in 2021 because he was supposed to be dead within a year. It’s now 2023 and guess what – Zip is still a free man, not in good shape, but he’s out and about. It’s all about… COVID.

Getting out of stir early has resulted in more miracle cures than Our Lady of Lourdes. The numbers aren’t even close.

Last year Tracy was telling the federal court that Walshe was trying to get his businesses “off the ground” so he could “meet the restitution obligations.”

What kind of business, you ask? This is what poor Ana wanted the court to know about her husband, who should have already been behind bars.

“Brian continues to… focus on charity work, to serve as a coach within his transformational leadership community.”

Sad. It used to be, the con would be in prison, and they’d call him a role model for the younger inmates. But that of course being a role model for the youths would mean you were doing time yourself. How much more pleasurable it is to remain free, even with an ankle bracelet, while serving as a coach in a “transformational leadership community.”

Walshe’s brother-in-law: “He is focused on creating positive results for everyone around him every day.”

His mother-in-law described him as “a kind and loving man.”

Of course they had to write that stuff, for Ana and the three young boys. It’s expected.

As for the cops, they weren’t fooled by Walshe. From “Victim 3,” they wrote, he took $145,000 and then went on a shopping spree at Prada. On a single day he deposited $33,512 in bad checks. They financed his  “lavish lifestyle.”

“WALSHE started his fraud by betraying a friend.”

You can’t blame the feds for what happened, not really. This is just the way the system now operates, or doesn’t operate. A bad actor can get away with just about anything except, literally, murder.

Walshe was in court Monday and District Court Judge Mark Coven set his bail at $500,000, which was amazing in itself, because Coven is a bleeding heart’s bleeding heart.

Coven is a Mike Dukakis hack – that’s how long he’s had his snout buried in the public trough – and now he’s double-dipping with both a pension of $119,653 a year as well as working as a “recall” justice. Last year he pocketed another $62,330 plus the pension.

His name was on the witness list at the probation department scandal in federal court a few years back. After a nationwide search, his daughter Monica had gotten a job as a probation officer. Now she too is getting a kiss in the mail – a $54,816 pension after retiring from her $104,298 job in the hackerama.

Coven is a poster boy for what a joke the criminal justice system has become. Remember the blow-in hippies who blocked the Southeast Expressway a few years back as part of a protest against… something or other?

The man-buns knew they wouldn’t be doing any jail time when they ended up in front of Mike Dukakis’ coat holder. He “scolded” his fellow Democrats and after tsk-tsking them said, “I hope you have all learned from this experience.”

Yeah, Cheech and Chong learned all right. They learned that you can get away with everything but murder nowadays. At least in Quincy District Court.


More recently Coven had before him another nice young man named Christopher Keeley. He’d done a short stretch for almost beating to death an autistic kid. Keeley got out and was doing 18 months probation when he and another punk were lugged for, among other crimes, driving without a license and possession of drugs, a stolen firearm and brass knuckles.

After six months in the House of Correction Keeley got lucky when he drew Judge Dukakis, I mean Coven. The DA wanted to revoke his probation and make him serve another year in the jug. But as always, Coven got the vapors and let the fiend go with time served.

Oh yeah, and he had to forfeit his cell phone.

Now Keeley is back in custody, at the Bridgewater State Hospital. He has another court appearance scheduled Feb. 28.

You see, after Coven cut him some slack, Keeley is now charged with murder – stabbing and bludgeoning an elderly Marshfield couple on Thanksgiving. Then he fled to Miami Beach, where he tried to blend in on Collins Avenue by dying his hair pink.

Coven broomed Keeley’s case back in 2020 when the hacks were trying to clear out the jails because… COVID. Wink wink nudge nudge. Once they let all the hoods go, then everybody in the courthouses could go home too.

Which they did. And basically they’ve never come back. Unless one of these nice young misunderstood fellows like Walshe or Keeley happens to get arrested for murdering somebody they’d been living with.

In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls.

Cohasset, MA - January 7: Police continue to search the area for missing mother Ana Walshe on January 7, 2023 in , Cohasset, MA. (Stuart Cahill/Boston Herald)Police are searching all over for clues into missing mother Ana Walshe. (Stuart Cahill/Boston Herald)
John 'Zip' Connolly (Herald file)John ‘Zip’ Connolly (Herald file)
Christopher Keeley (Photo courtesy Miami-Dade County)Christopher Keeley (Photo courtesy Miami-Dade County)