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Americans agree with ‘alarming’ number of antisemitic tropes, ADL finds

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A majority of Americans believe it is at least partly true that Jews “stick together more than other Americans,” and seek to hire other Jews, a new survey from the the Anti-Defamation League found. Smaller numbers — 39% and 26%, respectively — agreed with the statements that Jews were more loyal to Israel than the United States, and that Jews “have too much power in the business world.”

The findings come at a time when American Jews have reported rising levels of alarm over antisemitism, and several prominent celebrities have been involved in controversies related to antisemitism.

The share of Americans who reported a belief in the most negative stereotypes about Jews was relatively low, including 16% who believed it was at least “somewhat” true Jews were less honest than other businesspeople, 17% who believed they were “not warm and friendly” 19% who said Jews “have a lot of irritating faults.”

“Those of us on the front lines have expected such results for a while now — and yet the data are still stunning and sobering: there is an alarming increase in antisemitic views and hatred across nearly every metric — at levels unseen for decades,” said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO.

The survey also asked about negative sentiments related to Israel. It found that while 90% of Americans believe Israel has “a right to defend itself against those who want to destroy it,” 18% were not comfortable spending time with “people who openly support Israel.” And 40% of respondents “at least slightly agree” that Israel treats Palestinians like the Nazis treated the Jews.

The survey was conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago, an independent research institution, which polled a representative sample of 4,000 individuals during September and October of last year.


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