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Basket case

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When someone is a target of a criminal investigation, one thing they never do is call the person investigating them a thug and a terrorist. At least MOST people would never do that. Donald Trump, however, is not most people. Donald Trump, as you know, is a man with a deep psychosis.

And it reared its insane head on the Mark Levin show. Trump, speaking to Mark Levin, went bonkers and began railing against Smith, calling him a “terrorist.” Wow. Talk about self-sabotage. Nice work, Trump.

“His wife hates Trump,” the traitor went on, easily slipping back into referring to himself in the third person. Trump demanded Jack Smith resign. But that was not the end of it. Because Trump, took to truth social and called Smith a trump-hating thug.

Trump then proceeded to say Smith had jailed a “high government official” in Europe simply for being a trump hater. Oh — he also called Smith an “unfair savage.” I think “an unfair savage” would make a great title for a book about Trump, don’t you?

So what are we to make of this latest insane fit, this latest temper tantrum? It tells me that Trump is terrified. Smith is coming for Trump, and Trump knows it. Trump is like a pawn on Smith’s chess board being moved around against his will, forward-back, forward-back, as the chess champion moves diagonally forward slowly and carefully, eyes on the helpless little pawn.

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I do not think that when one is fighting for their freedom, one should really start verbally attacking the prosecutor and his family members, but that’s just me. Perhaps Trump has a secret plan on how to get free from his own chaos.

Just kidding. Trump could not have a plan because he lives only in the now. He lacks the ability to plan ahead.

Trump likely said all this because the chess king is coming closer and Trump, being the fool he is, has no other way to vent except for stupid tantrums like this. But it does tell us something. It tells us the game of chess is almost at an end and that it probably won’t be very long until Jack smith is able to say checkmate.

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