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Sound the alarm

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I have not always been, I’m sad to say, as alert to climate change as I should have been. My colleague Robert Harrington is right. It is the number one danger for all of us, and doing nothing will result in massive loss of life. It actually already has.

We’re witnessing the results of ignoring the peril, from massive floods to burning lands. Since December, the state of California has been in agony. There is something going on there called “atmospheric rivers.” What happens with the rivers is that “moisture unleashes intense blasts of precipitation.” That might be why parts of California have become drenched in water.

Small bodies of water have become raging rivers, roads have become impassible, and people have, in some tragic cases, lost their lives.

At least 19 people have been killed. There is flooding. There are power outages. There are people getting stranded as mudslides, torrents of rain, and raging storms reign down on California.

I am writing this because we all need to do our share. I am also writing it because of a poignant email I received from a friend of mine. She lives out in California. And her apartment has been leaking. Why isn’t the media covering this more, she — and MANY others wondered. So I promised her that I would. And we all need to do better.

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Though some in the media have spoken about it, this subject is getting lost. We cannot let it. Please email the media organizations you watch. If you are on social media, tweet them. Imagine if everyone reading this sent an email or a tweet.

The media needs to know we’re watching. They need to know the vital importance of what is happening and what will happen should we do nothing.

Please help me in doing — something — as much as we can — to help all the people of California and all the people everywhere. We need to educate, to let them know we hear them. And we need to make sure this very important issue does not become relegated to darkness like this planet will be if the subject is ignored.

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