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The shaky House Republican majority coalition is in trouble already

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It’s not even a month into the GOP House, and tensions are already exploding. House “leader” (Ha!) Kevin McCarthy can’t seem to get his act together. Everybody seems to be mad at everybody else. That’s what happens when you make the deal from hell. And tensions recently exploded right on the House floor.

Rep Vern Buchanan out of Florida was reportedly passed over for the chairman of the House ways and means committee. And he wasn’t happy about it. McCarthy decided against Buchanan in favor of Rep. Jason Smith. That’s when all hell broke loose.

According to multiple reports, Buchanan blew his stack and let McCarthy have it. And it definitely was NOT PG-13. “You f#cked me!!” screamed Buchanan at Kevin. Those republicans DO like to swear, don’t they? Hopefully, there were no children present at the time. “I know it was you,” Buchanan ranted.

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Well, it probably was. That’s our new House speaker — a weak, cowardly man making weak, cowardly deals. “You whipped against me!” Sigh. What did you expect? You all VOTED for this man. Honorable, he is not. Reportedly Buchanan then proceeded to chew out Kevin’s deputy chief of staff. Just one big happy family, people!

But there is more. Reportedly, things got so heated that Kevin’s security detail had to step in. This does not bode well for GOP’s “Brady Bunch” image. The reason Buchanan was so angry is that he was the most senior member of that committee. So, of course, he expected to get the position.

But alas, this is McCarthy we’re talking about and the GOP we’re dealing with. Betrayals and backstabbing are commonplace, and now I’m sure other republicans are wondering if they are the next ones to be screwed over. And they all lived unhappily ever after.

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