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Donald Trump floats his stupidest trial defense yet

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Do you have any keepsakes? I do. Keepsakes are lovely tokens of remembrance. And what kind of things are the most popular memory keepsakes? I have always been fond of collecting rocks from the beach sands and polishing them. Perhaps you, too, have collected them, or perhaps you collected seashells that could transport you back in an instant to the glimmering sea.

Perhaps for you, it’s picture frames or tickets or some other type of memorabilia. Yes, most of us have some sort of keepsake. But I bet none of us have ever considered classified government document Folders as “keepsakes.”

“Cool keepsake!” This is the message that traitor Donald John Trump put out on Truth Social. As some of us collect trinkets, antiques, and seashells, Trump claims he collects classified document folders — because they’re “cool.” Excuse me for chuckling a bit at this news.

This appears to be the latest defense Trump is trying out. Trump has been searching in vain for a good defense of his classified document scandal. I do not think he’s found it. And yet this is what Trump posted on truth social. He claims he thought the folders would make cool keepsakes, so he “saved hundreds of them.”

Thank you, Donald, for admitting you’re a thief. As for the keepsake defense? That’ll get him nowhere. What it WILL get him is a whole lot of laughter because I think it is his most absurd defense yet.

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Can you picture it? Let me set the stage. A lonely Trump leaving the White House says to himself, “I need some type of keepsake. I know! I’ll take classified documents out of their folders and keep the folders scattered in all sorts of places as reminders of my horrible time in the office.”

Make sense to you? Nah. Me neither. Trump says 48 folders that he stole (Stole is my word — because he did steal them) were empty because he left the documents behind, wanting only the folders to gaze fondly at. And Trump claims that when classified documents were distributed, and it was time to collect them and put them back, nobody bothered to collect the folders.

“Remember,” Trump wrote insanely, “they were just ordinary, inexpensive folders with various words printed on them.” It is truly amazing, is it not that we had a President this stupid? So thank you, Donald Trump, for your confession, which I’m sure will be studied at great length by Jack Smith and his fellow prosecutors.

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