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Donald Trump has berserk meltdown after Fulton County DA announces that criminal indictments are “imminent”

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On Tuesday, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis told the courts not to publicly release the special grand jury report yet because it wouldn’t be fair to the “future defendants.” She also added that charging decisions are “imminent.” In other words, indictments are about to drop in Georgia any minute. Suffice it to say that Donald Trump isn’t taking the news well.

Trump exploded on his own failing social media site after hearing the news, insisting in all caps that his phone call to Georgia’s Secretary of State was “PERFECT” and that the election was “RIGGED AND STOLEN” from him. He further went on to promote unhinged conspiracy theories that we’ve all heard before.

At this point it’s clear that Donald Trump is out of gas and out of messaging. What stands out is the sheer franticness with which Trump now repeats his same old lies and conspiracy theories. It’s as if he’s given up trying to convince anyone else out there, and is instead merely trying to convince himself that he’s somehow the real victim here. In any case, Trump is more frazzled than ever – and he should be. The District Attorney herself just said that indictments are imminent.

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