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So much for the supposed Biden documents scandal

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When the news first broke that President Joe Biden’s representatives had found classified documents in Biden’s home, Palmer Report predicted that this would end up being a non-scandal that went nowhere. There was simply no correlation between the Biden non-scandal and Donald Trump’s classified document criminal scandal, and any attempt at making any such connections would fall flat.

Sure enough, even as Fox News and right wing propagandists have desperately tried to make the Biden documents story into a scandal, the mainstream media has already grown bored with the story. After Biden had the FBI come search his home, we said that would more or less put the whole thing to bed. And now things have taken a turn that really is going to let the air out of the Biden documents narrative.

It turns out Mike Pence’s representatives searched his home and also found classified documents, which Pence has now turned over to the FBI. This makes clear that former Presidents and Vice Presidents tend to handle so many classified documents while in office, it’s not uncommon for a smattering of them to get placed in the wrong boxes when packing up and leaving office.

It’s also clear that the likes of Biden and Pence aren’t in any actual trouble; they searched their own properties and turned over what they found in order to make sure they weren’t going to be in any trouble.

This also draws a clear contrast between these non-scandals and Donald Trump’s criminal scandal, in which he repeatedly lied about being in possession of classified documents, and tried to obstruct the investigation once he was caught being in possession of them. Trump’s attempt at a coverup alone makes him guilty of felony obstruction of justice, no matter how the documents ended up in his home. And his actions give away that he obviously took the classified documents – which include nuclear state secrets – for nefarious purposes.

In other words, this is a good day for President Biden. He’s completely off the hook, in both a legal and perceptual sense, now that Mike Pence has also found classified documents in his home. And it’s a terrible day for Donald Trump, because it draws a clear dividing line between the Biden non-scandal and the Trump criminal scandal.

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