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About how Clinton’s emails got on Weiner’s laptop. Never mind: Opinion | Did James Kallstrom, a specialist in #FBI-FBI electronic surveillance, Trump’s “top fun boy”, a close associate of Giuliani & Co, pull the “Clinton emails & Weiner sexting show”, his last act of rage and revenge (the details to be investigated!); & then died, the ultimate cover?

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 James Kallstrom on the FBI, James Comey and the US Election – the fifth estate

posted at 14:57:26 UTC via

Former Assistant FBI Director and Fox News commentator James Kallstrom on the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. Kallstrom also shares his thoughts on current FBI Director James Comey’s handling of the investigation during the US election campaign.

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About the fifth estate : For four decades the fifth estate has been Canada’s premier investigative documentary program. Hosts Bob McKeown, Gillian Findlay and Mark Kelley continue a tradition of provocative and fearless journalism. the fifth estate brings in-depth investigations that matter to Canadians – delivering a dazzling parade of political leaders, controversial characters and ordinary people whose lives were touched by triumph or tragedy.

Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 14:54:55 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
Did James Kallstrom, a specialist in #FBI-FBI electronic surveillance, Trump’s “top fun boy”, a close associate of Giuliani & Co, pull the “Clinton emails & Weiner sexting show”, his last act of rage and revenge (the details to be investigated!); & then died, the ultimate cover?




The FBI is planning to clarify testimony its director gave to Congress last week about how classified information got from then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton‘s private email server to the laptop of the disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, several news agencies are now reporting.

FBI Director James Comey told the Senate Judiciary Committee that Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin had “forwarded hundreds and thousands of emails, some of which contain classified information” to Weiner, who was then her husband.

“Somehow, her emails were being forwarded to Anthony Weiner, including classified information,” Comey told the Senate Judiciary Committee. “His then-spouse Huma Abedin appears to have had a regular practice of forwarding emails to him for him to print out for her so she could deliver them to the secretary of state.”

While some of the emails were forwarded, the FBI plans to tell Congress that it is likely that the vast majority were instead backed up to Weiner’s laptop, according to The New York Times.

The Times says the FBI “found that two emails that Ms. Abedin forwarded to Mr. Weiner contained classified information. Ten other emails that were backed up on Mr. Weiner’s laptop contained classified information.”

Weiner, who resigned from Congress and submarined his campaign for mayor of New York in separate sexting scandals, is under FBI investigation for allegedly sending illicit text messages to a 15-year-old girl. Weiner and Abedin separated last August.

The investigative website ProPublica was the first to report the FBI’s reversal.

“FBI officials have privately acknowledged that Comey misstated what Abedin did and what the FBI investigators found,” ProPublica reported. “On Monday, the FBI was said to be preparing to correct the record by sending a letter to Congress later this week.”

ProPublica noted that Comey’s testimony created a media stir: “The New York Post plastered its story on the front page with a photo of an underwear-clad Weiner and the headline: ‘HARD COPY: Huma sent Weiner classified Hillary emails to print out.’ The Daily News went with a similar front-page screamer: ‘HUMA ERROR: Sent classified emails to sext maniac Weiner.'”

The headline on my column last Thursday (May 4) was tame by comparison: “Clinton’s classified emails went to Weiner. Let that sink in: Opinion.”

No explanation has been offered so far on why Comey was so far off in his numbers or the details of how the emails ended up on Weiner’s computer.

The fact remains that the emails were mishandled, but apparently nowhere near the levels that Comey said.

Tim Morris is an opinions columnist at | The Times-Picayune. He can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @tmorris504.

Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 15:25:34 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
FBI Chief James Comey Testifies On Hillary Clinton, Wikileaks (Full Test… via @YouTube

Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 14:54:55 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
The Investigations of #Trump will inevitably lead to the investigation of the #FBI. INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS, and the Trumpistas among them especially. Reform or abolish the FBI, before they produce their next…


Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 14:24:19 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
How 650,000 emails landed in the Abedin – Weiner laptop? – Google Search…


Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 14:24:19 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
“Agents were focused on how Abedin’s and Clinton’s messages ended up on a laptop used by Weiner … Abedin was unsure how her emails could have ended up on the laptop …”

Clinton aide Huma Abedin was interviewed by the FBI last winter … – WP…

Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 14:24:19 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
“Huma Abedin backed up emails to Anthony Weiner’s laptop | Daily Mail Online”

Or so clams the Daily Mail!…

Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 13:52:48 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
How Clinton’s emails got on Weiner’s laptop? – Google Search……

Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 12:50:00 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
“The FBI officials who feared Trump’s election … didn’t hand the election to her. They may have taken it away from her.”
MN: And it might have been exactly the plan!

FBI ignored Anthony Weiner’s laptop and it may have cost Hillary Clinton the election.…

Clifford Ribner @cliffordribner

posted at 12:50:00 UTC by Clifford Ribner via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
Michael Novakhov retweeted:
Unconstitutional Federal Government Actions have Poisoned our Entire Judicial System #corruption #doj #fbi #immigration #justice #SupremeCourt @cliffordribner…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 12:50:00 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
“…the [IG] report finds no evidence that the three-week delay was a conspiracy to hurt Clinton. It was a product of [FBI] neglect.”
#DOJ: this “neglect” was CRIMINAL!
#FBI ignored Anthony Weiner’s laptop and it may have cost Hillary Clinton the election.…

Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 12:19:38 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
“FBI bias did affect the election, and the bias was, in a sense, pro-Clinton. But the bias didn’t help Clinton. It destroyed her.”

FBI ignored Anthony Weiner’s laptop and it may have cost Hillary Clinton the election.…

Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 11:17:55 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov

How did 650,000 emails land in the Abedin – Weiner laptop?

Were they deliberately dumped there?

By whom and how?

Was this issue adequately investigated?

Or was it conveniently ignored?



Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 11:49:03 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
Did the girl who engaged Anthony Weiner in sexting (by her own admission), & those behind her(!) use his email address to dump the potentially and supposedly classified emails into his and Abedin laptop?
Did the FBI play any part in it?
Ask the girl’s “protective” father.


Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted on Jan 29 2023 22:59:16 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov

Was the now-tainted McGonigal a source who told the New York Times that fateful October that Russia was not trying to help Trump win the election … ?!

The NYT should tell readers whether it helped crooked FBI agents get Trump elected in 2016…

Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted on Jan 29 2023 22:59:16 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
The NYT should tell readers whether it helped crooked FBI agents get Trump elected in 2016…

Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 10:47:04 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
Michael Novakhov retweeted:
The Investigations of #Trump will inevitably lead to the investigation of the #FBI. Their antagonisms are just a cover, a complex plot . INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS, and the Trumpistas among them especially. Reform or abolish the FBI, before they produce their next #Trumpushka!


Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 10:47:04 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
Michael Novakhov @mikenov

posted at 11:17:55 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
#FBI #NYT #Trump #McGonigal #Elections2016

The NYT should tell readers whether it helped crooked FBI agents get Trump elected in 2016…


University of New Haven @UNewHaven

posted at 11:17:55 UTC by University of New Haven via Tweets by ‎@mikenov
Michael Novakhov retweeted:
Dr. Robert Sanders, senior lecturer of #NationalSecurity at #UNewHaven, speaks to @CNN about how the former head of counterintelligence for the #FBI has been charged with allegedly working for a sanctioned Russian oligarch. –>




Published: 15:42 GMT, 8 January 2018 | Updated: 00:29 GMT, 9 January 2018

Huma Abedin backed up copies of her emails with Hillary Clinton to her pervert husband Anthony Weiner’s laptop, can disclose – conflicting with her account to the FBI and in court that she did not preserve the conversations.

An examination by of emails released by the State Department shows that backup copies of many of Abedin’s work-related messages with Clinton were created in the dates after Clinton left the State Department in early 2013.

The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –