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Kevin McCarthy caves

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On Sunday, Kevin McCarthy did yet another predictable thing – officially announcing that he was no longer going to force cuts to Medicare and Social Security in the fight his party decided to pick with Democrats over the debt ceiling.

The problem is that these comments came out in a place he didn’t really want them to – while he was doing the rounds on Sunday political shows. McCarthy was almost always going to have to make this move – since he doesn’t have the numbers within his own caucus to force cuts to the programs that Republicans have been wanting to cut from the day they were created.

McCarthy, like just about any other rabid Republican, wanted to gut these programs, but the House GOP members in swing districts have largely made it impossible. This is in part due to us getting out the word that Republicans would do whatever they could to destroy the social safety net if trusted with power when we fought them last year.

McCarthy knows that he’s fairly limited in what he can do until 2024 – and we just need to keep reminding him of it until we can vote out the Republican House majority for good.

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