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The Republican reckoning

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One thing republicans do not seem to get or to understand is that when a republican turns on another — or many — things have the potential of becoming very unpleasant. That is because republicans treat each other like they treat their voters — carelessly, with little honor or loyalty.

But then again, what should we expect? There is truly no honor among them, as the following story will indicate. When Ronna McDaniel was voted in again as Republican national chair, many republicans were left fuming. These republicans do not like McDaniel, feel she’s worn out her welcome, and were infuriated when she was voted back in last week at that miserable excuse for a republican gathering.

One of the people who is very angry at republicans right now is Steve Bannon. Bannon is very upset about this situation and on Monday told his podcast audience that he recommends a boycott of fundraising. “Don’t send them any money,” Bannon warned his audience.

Bannon’s venom is in part because he feels McDaniel abandoned Kari Lake, which tells you all you need to know. This is the battle of the factions, in a sense. Moderates vs. conservatives vs alt-right crazies.

There has been much talk from embittered republicans who are steaming about McDaniel’s re-election, and there have been many whispers that the GOP will have a difficult time fundraising now.

Bannon may be an idiot, but he does have a following. And he has just told that following to “cease and desist” all donations to the GOP. At some point — in my opinion — the GOP will have to make a decision.

There is no room in the party for all of these warring factions. And because many of these republicans are insurrectionists and crazy people, they will likely keep this up. At some point, however, the GOP will face a reckoning, and how they choose to handle that reckoning will say a lot about the future of the not-so-grand old party.

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