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House Republican Lunatic Caucus reaches a new all time low

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We can all agree that gun violence in this country is a huge problem – one of our biggest. Time after time after time, thoughts and prayers are sent. Time after time, it happens again — and again — and again.

And it does not need to. Other countries do not have the issues with guns that we do. And this is an issue that can be blamed 100 percent on Republicans — and their unwillingness to take the bull by the horns and DO something to stem the tide of violence.

And it’s getting worse, not better. And this week, republicans — some republicans — in the House of Representatives caused a bit of an uproar. This is because they arrived on Capitol Hill wearing pins in the shape of assault weapons. Never let it be said that there is any low the GOP cannot grasp.

Liar George Santos was one of them. Also proudly sporting images of weaponry were Anna Paulina Luna of Florida and Andrew Clyde of Georgia. These gross and chilling badges of death and destruction our red friends displayed with pride caused outrage as Democratic lawmakers demanded to know where they came from.

“Who is passing them out?’ Rep. Jimmy Gomez of California demanded to know. So, to sum up — some republican members of the house are joyously displaying AR-15 lapel pins.

They display them with sinister guile, tainting the beautiful but stretched fabric of our country. These shepherds of the NRA are not only tone-deaf; they make a mockery of all the efforts we make to combat gun violence.

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