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Jim Jordan just found a whole new way to make a fool of himself

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Jim Jordan strikes again. He obviously doesn’t care that everyone sees him as a foolish clown. Slate magazine refers to him as “a classic demagogue,” which is defined as: “A political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.” Yep. That’s Jordan in a proverbial nutshell. Slate reported that Jordan opened the House Judiciary Committee hearing by promising to go after the Biden Administration. “We won’t stop until we get to the truth to fix the problem for the American people.” Please. Jordan could care less about the American people; he’s merely drunk on his own power. As Slate wrote, all he succeeded in doing was revealing his unfitness to lead this committee-any committee-but especially this one.

Jordan’s first hearing addressed the alleged “border crisis.” He focused on MAGA disinformation not truth. This is no leader; this is a fool. He refuses to acknowledge the truth and instead argues his points that are no points at all. It is merely what he (erroneously) believes and panders to a small group of Americans who thrive on hate and prejudice. He has no business leading anything, let alone a committee that is supposed to seek the truth.

As Slate reported, Jordan opened the hearing with the standard white nationalist argument that President Biden is purposely allowing undocumented immigrants into the country to take over, which he calls “the Biden administration’s plan.” Jim Jordan was born in the wrong era; he would have been a powerful leader in the Jim Crow south, where fear of others drove everything. It is unfortunate that people exist who still believe this nonsense and manage to find “leaders” who capitalize on those fears. Jordan has no positive ideas that benefit the majority of Americans, and he is okay with that. If he has his fear-mongering voters, he’s good.

Jordan will handle his duties in this untruthful, unprofessional manner. Anything to get votes. As Slate pointed out, Jordan consistently shows contempt for any type of Congressional oversight “unless he wants to abuse it for partisan purposes.” Unfortunately, people who vote for this idiot can’t see how he changes things to fit his agenda. That alone should show them that he cares nothing about them and what they want from a congressman, yet they keep voting him in. As Forrest Gump once said: “Stupid is as stupid does,” and nothing can be more stupid than continuing to vote someone into office who has no one’s interests in mind save his own.

It is ironic that Jordan is chairing the House Judiciary Committee and the new “weaponization” subcommittee. Jordan’s history of coverups and lies is nothing new. Jordan was directly involved in the Ohio State University scandal surrounding sexual abuse of student athletes. The man is despicable. He has a lot of nerve investigating anyone until he admits to his own wrongdoings. This is what a court of law calls “unclean hands,” and no one’s hands are dirtier than Jim Jordan’s.

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