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Here’s What You Missed On Twitter This Week, Vol. 4 

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At this point, your expectations for the Biden administration, media, and other Democrats are probably low. Well, they managed to have another full week of public humiliation. It may be the only thing they’re good at. 

It’s common by now to see the administration refusing to answer basic questions, but it’s hilariously ironic every time. Quite often, at least one Democratic member in Congress has a meltdown—but it’s not as common to see so many of them in one day. The multiple epic temper tantrums this week are ones for the books. 


Dem congresswoman says the government is ‘forcing pregnancy on people’

Rep. Sarah Jacobs (D., Calif.) said during a Tuesday hearing on ending the vaccine mandate for health care workers that without Roe v. Wade, “state governments are forcing pregnancy on people.”

It is unclear how the government could manage to impregnate somebody, what abortion has to do with vaccine mandates, or why Democrats are so afraid of the word “woman.”

Rep. Sara Jacobs: “Without Roe, state governments are forcing pregnancy on people.”

— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) January 31, 2023

The White House proves they are being transparent by refusing to answer any questions 

The Biden administration constantly assures reporters it is being “transparent” and “cooperative” about the classified documents scandal. The president “takes classified documents very seriously,” they claim. 

But the press is still getting stonewalled. In the briefing room, Karine Jean-Pierre refers every question about the documents to the White House counsel’s office or the Justice Department. Those agencies aren’t talking either. 

One reporter on Wednesday asked “how the White House can claim they are being transparent” when they failed to disclose the FBI’s search of the Penn Biden Center. Jean-Pierre said she was  “just not going to comment.”

Reporter: “I’m wondering how the White House can claim they are being transparent when the FBI search of the Penn Biden Center that happened months ago was not proactively disclosed to the public?”

Jean-Pierre: “I’m just not going to comment.”

— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) February 1, 2023

Al Sharpton says Tyre Nichols would still be alive if he was white 

During Wednesday’s funeral for Tyre Nichols, a man beaten to death in early January by police officers in Memphis, Tennessee, self-described “civil rights activist” and noted anti-Semite Al Sharpton said Nichols would still be alive if he was white. 

Sharpton claimed the police treat people better “on the white side” of Memphis, adding that he believed “if [Nichols] had been white, [the police] wouldn’t have beat him like that.” Sharpton failed to mention that all five police officers charged in Nichols’s death were black. 


Al Sharpton at Tyre Nichols’ funeral:

“I believe if that man had been white, [the police] wouldn’t have beaten him like that.”

— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) February 1, 2023

Meltdown #1: AOC says Ilhan Omar being removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee is a legacy of 9/11

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) jumped to the defense of fellow “squad” member Ilhan Omar when Republicans voted to kick her off the House Foreign Affairs Committee over her history of anti-Semitism. 

During one of the many temper tantrums Democrats threw on the House floor on Thursday, AOC said booting Omar from the committee is “racism and incitement of violence against women of color.”

“One of the disgusting legacies after 9/11 has been the targeting and racism against Muslim Americans throughout the U.S.,” she said, claiming that removing Omar from Foreign Affairs “is an extension of that legacy.”

AOC says removing Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee is “racism and incitement of violence against women of color”

“One of the disgusting legacies after 9/11 has been the targeting and racism against Muslim Americans throughout the U.S. This is an extension of that legacy.”

— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) February 2, 2023

Meltdown #2: Cori Bush says racism, Islamophobia, and white supremacy are to blame for Omar’s removal from Foreign Affairs Committee 

Rep. Cori Bush wants to “talk about what’s really going on here.” According to the Missouri Democrat, “Republicans are waging a blatantly Islamophobic and racist attack” by removing Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee. 

In yet another meltdown, Bush said “the white supremacy happening is unbelievable.” It is “despicable,” she said, adding that her removal is “just a bunch of racist gaslighting.”

Rep. Cori Bush on removing Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee:

“Republicans are waging a blatantly Islamophobic and racist attack on congresswoman Omar … The white supremacy happening is unbelievable. This is despicable … This is just a bunch of racist gaslighting.”

— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) February 2, 2023

Meltdown #3: Rashida Tlaib breaks into tears on House floor

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) had a Taylor Lorenz-style meltdown over Republicans removing Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee. If it was a competition between her and her follow “squad” members to see who could have the worst breakdown, Tlaib won by a landslide.

“I am so sorry, sis,” Tlaib told Omar, “that our country is failing you today.” Tlaib began yelling and sobbing as the House Clerk tried to tell her that her time to speak was up. 

The House voted to remove Omar shortly after. 

Rep. Rashida Talib tells Omar “our country is failing you today” by potentially removing her from the Foreign Affairs Committee

Talib has a breakdown and begins sobbing and yelling

— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) February 2, 2023


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