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Death by 28 million cuts

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28.4 million. Remember that number. That is the number of people — of human beings in America — that as of 2022 were enrolled in medicare. 28.4 million. They include all sorts of people from the west to the east and all points in between.

Wouldn’t it be nice if each and every one of these humans knew what the GOP wants to do to them? They want to cut them — cut them off from medicare. They want to do what The White House says would be “one of the biggest Medicare benefit cuts in history.”

This is part of the message we must carry to the American people — because it’s real and it’s terrifying. The White House over the weekend offered a fierce condemnation of a newly introduced GOP Bill. In that bill, the inflation reduction act would be repealed.

In the Inflation Reduction Act, legislation signed into law by president Biden, costs for medicare beneficiaries are significantly lowered. See where I’m going with this? The Republican legislation, endorsed by the Koch organization, was introduced on Thursday.

The White House reportedly will offer a state-by-state analysis of just how this legislation and these medicare cuts would impact the American people. None of this is a big surprise because Republicans are the party of taking away – not giving. And it stands to reason they would be fiercely opposed to Americans getting cost relief for anything.

So it is going to come down to us to use our activism to warn the American people — to warn the staggering 28 million + people who might be affected by this. The GOP likes to take things from people. I imagine if they saw children in the street with lollipops, they just might snatch them away.

Sadly, as I’ve mentioned, many simply are not puffed into politics enough to even KNOW the sinister intentions of the GOP. So it will fall to us to tell them. 28.4 million — that’s a lot of people.

And many of them even now are happily doing other things like calling in their prescription meds, unaware the cost of these meds may skyrocket if the GOP ever gets into power again. Let’s make sure they don’t.

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