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President Biden delivers rousing SOTU speech – and corners House Republicans in the process

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President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party are coming off a historically successful midterm election cycle – a reminder that Biden is almost certainly more popular than approval rating polls are claiming. But the Republicans did nonetheless very narrowly win control of the House. This meant that Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night needed to be not only a pitch for his vision of America, but also a condemnation of House Republicans’ deranged agenda.

To that end, Biden delivered a rousing speech which laid out all that he and the Democratic Party have accomplished over these past two years, from rebuilding America’s reputation on the world stage, to rebuilding the economy, to rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure. But Biden also took a moment to call out House Republicans for repeatedly threatening to cut Medicare and Social Security while insisting they’re not actually making the threats that they’re making.

When Biden called House Republicans out for this, some of them began booing and heckling him. Of course they did; they’re all trash. But Biden managed to use this against them by stating that their pushback meant they must be in favor of protecting Social Security and Medicare – and he then dared them to work with him to protect these programs.

This allowed President Biden to use his live national television audience to bash House Republicans for vowing to cut these programs, and to put them on the spot with regard to protecting these programs. Now, no matter how House Republicans try to play this, they lose. Biden’s plain spoken nature often belies just how politically savvy he is.

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