
US Seeks Balance as Fears Grow Russia May Invade Ukraine

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WASHINGTON (AP) xe2x80x94 The buildup of Russian troops near Ukraine has left U.S. officials perplexed, muddying the Biden administrationxe2x80x99s response.

Some Republican lawmakers have been pressing the U.S. to step up military support for Ukraine. But that risks turning what may be mere muscle-flexing by Russian President Vladimir Putin into a full-blown confrontation that only adds to the peril for Ukraine and could trigger an energy crisis in Europe.

But a weak U.S. response carries its own risks. It could embolden Putin to take more aggressive steps against Ukraine as fears grow he could try to seize more of its territory. And it could cause more political damage for President Joe Biden at a time his popularity is dropping.

Knowing how to strike the right balance would be easier if the U.S. had a better understanding of what Putin was trying to accomplish. But top officials admit they donxe2x80x99t know.

xe2x80x9cWexe2x80x99re not sure exactly what Mr. Putin is up to,xe2x80x9d Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Wednesday. A week earlier, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, xe2x80x9cWe donxe2x80x99t have clarity into Moscowxe2x80x99s intentions, but we do know its playbook.”

Rep. Mike Quigley, an Illinois Democrat and member of the House Intelligence Committee, said better understanding Putinxe2x80x99s intentions was critical xe2x80x9cto avoid the mistakes that have started great wars.xe2x80x9d

Any U.S. response must be calibrated to avoid being “an appeaser or a provocateur,xe2x80x9d he said.

xe2x80x9cThis is a tough, tough area to try to gain information,xe2x80x9d he said. xe2x80x9cItxe2x80x99s a challenge thatxe2x80x99s as tough or tougher than itxe2x80x99s ever been. It has a pretty serious impact on our ability to make the correct decisions.xe2x80x9d

Russia seized Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula in 2014 and an ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine between Kyiv and Russian-backed rebels in the region known as Donbas has left an estimated 14,000 dead. Now, Ukraine says an estimated 90,000 Russian troops have massed near the border.

The buildup could be a prelude to another Russian invasion. Speaking to Ukraine’s foreign minister this month, Blinken said Putin’s xe2x80x9cplaybookxe2x80x9d was for Russia to build up forces near the border and then invade, xe2x80x9cclaiming falsely that it was provoked.”

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Friday that the alliance is seeing an xe2x80x9cunusual concentrationxe2x80x9d of Russian forces along Ukraine’s border, warning that the same type of forces was used by Moscow in the past to intervene in neighboring countries.

Though U.S. officials don’t believe an invasion is imminent, Putin also has ramped up his dismissal of an independent Ukraine. A lengthy essay the Kremlin published in July asserts that Ukrainians and Russians are xe2x80x9cone peoplexe2x80x9d and the xe2x80x9ctrue sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia.xe2x80x9d

But the moves could also be saber-rattling to prevent Ukraine from growing closer to the West or being admitted into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which Putin strongly opposes. Itxe2x80x99s not clear if Russia would risk invading Ukraine, setting off a far more difficult war, or want to occupy hostile territory.

A similar Russian military buildup in the spring did not lead to an invasion, though lawmakers and officials say they are more concerned now, citing U.S. intelligence that has not been made public.

Russia denies it has aggressive motives, insisting it is responding to increased NATO activity near its borders and the strengthening of Ukraine’s military.

Speaking on Thursday, Putin said, xe2x80x9cIt should be taken into consideration that Western partners are exacerbating the situation by supplying lethal modern arms to Kyiv and carrying out provocative military maneuvers in the Black Sea xe2x80x94 and not only in the Black Sea but also in other regions close to our borders.xe2x80x9d

The U.S. has sent ships into the Black Sea as part of NATO activity alongside Ukraine and in recent weeks has delivered military equipment as part of a $60 million package announced in September. Since 2014, the U.S. has committed to spending more than $2.5 billion to help Ukraine strengthen its defense.

The White House said it hopes to de-escalate tensions. xe2x80x9cAs we have made clear in the past, escalatory or aggressive actions by Russia would be of great concern to the United States,xe2x80x9d a spokesperson for the National Security Council said in a statement.

There has been a flurry of diplomacy in recent weeks. U.S. leaders have met with their Russian and Ukrainian counterparts, including a visit by CIA Director William Burns to Moscow during which he spoke to Putin by phone. Germany and France have issued a joint statement affirming support for Ukraine.

Ultimately, the U.S. has few good apparent options to stop Putin were he to press forward.

The Biden administration in April imposed new sanctions on Russia for what it said was Russiaxe2x80x99s role in the Ukraine conflict as well as allegations that it has abetted cyberattacks on U.S. infrastructure and interference in American elections.

Imposing more sanctions is unlikely to influence Putinxe2x80x99s behavior, lawmakers and experts said. The Biden administration in May did waive sanctions related to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which will carry Russian natural gas directly to Germany, bypassing Ukraine.

A group of Republican lawmakers this month called on the U.S. to provide more lethal aid to Ukrainexe2x80x99s military, ramp up intelligence sharing, or deploy a larger presence of its own to the Black Sea. But Russia could quickly counter with more forces.

And Putin could respond to any Western action by limiting energy exports to Europe, which is heavily dependent on Russian natural gas.

xe2x80x9cThe traditional tools that nation-states use to govern behavior of other nation-states are not available,xe2x80x9d said Douglas Wise, a former deputy director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. xe2x80x9cThe Russians have very little at risk.xe2x80x9d

Writing for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, two analysts said Putin may want to send a message to Washington that it must treat Russia xe2x80x9cas a major power that cannot be marginalized on the U.S. agenda.xe2x80x9d But the analysts also described Ukraine as Putinxe2x80x99s xe2x80x9cunfinished business.”

xe2x80x9cThat piece of unfinished business is the restoration of Russiaxe2x80x99s dominion over key parts of its historic empire,xe2x80x9d Eugene Rumer and Andrew Weiss wrote. xe2x80x9cNo item on that agenda is more important xe2x80x94 or more pivotal xe2x80x94 than the return of Ukraine to the fold.xe2x80x9d

Trying to seize more of Ukraine xe2x80x94 or even pushing to Kyiv xe2x80x94 would be much tougher than taking Crimea or parts of eastern Ukraine, said Paul Kolbe, a former CIA officer who leads the Intelligence Project at Harvard Universityxe2x80x99s Belfer Center.

Putin can achieve many of his objectives without an invasion, Kolbe said, by putting pressure on Ukraine and NATO and driving a wedge between allies about how to respond.

xe2x80x9cItxe2x80x99s fitting in with a larger pattern of ensuring from their perception that they donxe2x80x99t face threats on their close borders,xe2x80x9d he said.


Associated Press writer Jim Heintz in Moscow contributed to this report.

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