The News And Times Blog

Police apprehend parents of suspect in Michigan high school shooting. M.N.: First of all, we have to invesigate this episode of school shooting very carefully, and not demonize anyone before we know all the facts and understand fully what happened. It is in the interests of Crumbley family to cooperate with the investigation. This case may shed some light on the previous cases, and prevent the future ones. The shooter is alive and can give some clues.

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M.N.: First of all, we have to invesigate this episode of school shooting very carefully, and not demonize anyone before we know all the facts and understand fully what happened. 

It is in the interests of Crumbley family to cooperate with the investigation. 

This case may shed some light on the previous cases, and prevent the future ones. The shooter is alive and can give some clues. 

Ethan, James and Jennifer Crumbley – GS 

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M.N.: First of all, we have to invesigate this episode of school shooting very carefully, and not demonize anyone before we know all the facts and understand fully what happened. 

It is in the interests of Crumbley family to cooperate with the investigation. 

This case may shed some light on the previous cases, and prevent the future ones. The shooter is alive and can give some clues. 

Ethan, James and Jennifer Crumbley – GS