
Michael Novakhov retweeted: German commando Operation Greif did not achieve any major military goals, but confusion and panic reached as far as Paris. Thousands of pamphlets of Hitler’s favorite commando are distributed, Otto Skorzeny, aka “Scarface”. #WW2

Michael Novakhov retweeted:

German commando Operation Greif did not achieve any major military goals, but confusion and panic reached as far as Paris. Thousands of pamphlets of Hitler’s favorite commando are distributed, Otto Skorzeny, aka “Scarface”. #WW2


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Michael Novakhov retweeted:

German commando Operation Greif did not achieve any major military goals, but confusion and panic reached as far as Paris. Thousands of pamphlets of Hitler’s favorite commando are distributed, Otto Skorzeny, aka “Scarface”. #WW2
