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Ukraine mourns its fallen as Zelenskiy says 1,300 soldiers killed

Funeral processions now a daily sight as social media tributes show country publicly acknowledging losses

Ukraine’s announcement that at least 1,300 of its soldiers have been killed so far during Russia’s invasion has been accompanied by an increasingly public acknowledgement of the country’s losses.

Sombre funeral processions have become a daily sight, with photographs showing rows of flag-draped coffins being delivered for their funerals in cities including Lviv – with its historic garrison church of St Peter and St Paul.

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The post Ukraine mourns its fallen as Zelenskiy says 1,300 soldiers killed first appeared on My News Links.

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Funeral processions now a daily sight as social media tributes show country publicly acknowledging losses

Ukraine’s announcement that at least 1,300 of its soldiers have been killed so far during Russia’s invasion has been accompanied by an increasingly public acknowledgement of the country’s losses.

Sombre funeral processions have become a daily sight, with photographs showing rows of flag-draped coffins being delivered for their funerals in cities including Lviv – with its historic garrison church of St Peter and St Paul.

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The post Ukraine mourns its fallen as Zelenskiy says 1,300 soldiers killed first appeared on My News Links.