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USA Radio News 040222 Hour 08

posted at 12:16:04 UTC by USA Radio via USA Radio News
 audio/mpeg 040222news08.mp3
The Hill @thehill

posted at 12:17:48 UTC by The Hill via The Hill (Twitter)
As Russian forces move east, Ukraine digs in against losing Donbas


В Киевской области украинская полиция нашла тело украинского фотожурналиста Макса Левина, который вместе с Алексеем Чернышевым…


1047142 Каспаров.Ru

A Red Cross team will make a fresh attempt on Saturday to help evacuate thousands of civilians from the port city of Mariupol after its earlier try failed due to “conditions that made it impossible.”

The international aid organization appealed for all sides to provide security guarantees so that the evacuation mission can proceed.

“For the operation to succeed, it is critical that the parties respect the agreements and provide the necessary conditions and security guarantees,” the Red Cross urged.

The initial plan on Friday was for the Red Cross to escort dozens of cars and buses carrying thousands of civilians out of Mariupol and bring them safely to another Ukrainian city.

Russian and Ukrainian officials had previously agreed to a humanitarian corridor, but it was unclear whether the message had been received by troops on the ground.


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#Russia #Ukraine #Mariupol

За последние сутки трём тысячам жителей Мариуполя удалось добраться до Запорожья на личном транспорте или автобусах Красного Креста, однако в гуманитарной организации настаивают на полномасштабной операции по вывозу людей из зоны боевых действий.


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As the Russia shells major Ukrainian cities, neighbouring countries prepare help the exodus of refugees caused by the conflict.


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DW на русском @dw_russian

posted at 11:39:07 UTC by DW на русском via DW на русском (Twitter)
“Наш прогноз сокращения ВВП в первом квартале 2022 года составляет 16%, а годовое падение может достичь 40%”, – заявил замминистра экономики Украины Денис Кудрин. По его словам, сильнее всего пострадали авиационные и морские перевозки, а также сфера услуг

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USA Radio News 040222 Hour 08

posted at 12:16:04 UTC by USA Radio via USA Radio News
 audio/mpeg 040222news08.mp3
The Hill @thehill

posted at 12:17:48 UTC by The Hill via The Hill (Twitter)
As Russian forces move east, Ukraine digs in against losing Donbas


В Киевской области украинская полиция нашла тело украинского фотожурналиста Макса Левина, который вместе с Алексеем Чернышевым…


1047142 Каспаров.Ru

A Red Cross team will make a fresh attempt on Saturday to help evacuate thousands of civilians from the port city of Mariupol after its earlier try failed due to “conditions that made it impossible.”

The international aid organization appealed for all sides to provide security guarantees so that the evacuation mission can proceed.

“For the operation to succeed, it is critical that the parties respect the agreements and provide the necessary conditions and security guarantees,” the Red Cross urged.

The initial plan on Friday was for the Red Cross to escort dozens of cars and buses carrying thousands of civilians out of Mariupol and bring them safely to another Ukrainian city.

Russian and Ukrainian officials had previously agreed to a humanitarian corridor, but it was unclear whether the message had been received by troops on the ground.


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Für Videos in deutscher Sprache besuchen Sie:

#Russia #Ukraine #Mariupol

За последние сутки трём тысячам жителей Мариуполя удалось добраться до Запорожья на личном транспорте или автобусах Красного Креста, однако в гуманитарной организации настаивают на полномасштабной операции по вывозу людей из зоны боевых действий.


Прямой эфир euronews:евроньюс/live

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As the Russia shells major Ukrainian cities, neighbouring countries prepare help the exodus of refugees caused by the conflict.


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DW на русском @dw_russian

posted at 11:39:07 UTC by DW на русском via DW на русском (Twitter)
“Наш прогноз сокращения ВВП в первом квартале 2022 года составляет 16%, а годовое падение может достичь 40%”, – заявил замминистра экономики Украины Денис Кудрин. По его словам, сильнее всего пострадали авиационные и морские перевозки, а также сфера услуг

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