
Michael Novakhov retweeted: ⚡️ Deputy Defense Minister: Chemical weapon use not yet confirmed, may be phosphorus munition. Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar said that the information is still being verified, but the preliminary data suggests phosphorus munition was used in Mariupol.

Michael Novakhov retweeted:

⚡️ Deputy Defense Minister: Chemical weapon use not yet confirmed, may be phosphorus munition.

Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar said that the information is still being verified, but the preliminary data suggests phosphorus munition was used in Mariupol.

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Michael Novakhov retweeted:

⚡️ Deputy Defense Minister: Chemical weapon use not yet confirmed, may be phosphorus munition.

Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar said that the information is still being verified, but the preliminary data suggests phosphorus munition was used in Mariupol.