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Ron DeSantis hits a wall

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“It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen.” – George Orwell, 1984. It used to be the case that dystopian stories were merely fiction. One could read them and react in horror, assured that such things would never ever happen here in the United States.

Those days are long gone. We’ve seen The Handmaid’s tale play out here. We’ve also been dealing with Big Brother and Orwell’s vision in 1984, come to life for years — ever since Trump came down that escalator.

Now we have yet another dystopian nightmare on our hands. That would be Ron DeSantis and his stop-woke act. A Federal Judge has declared the DeSantis legislation “dystopian” and ordered Florida to stop enforcing parts of it.

This legislation had been the recipient of litigation. In said litigation, it was alleged that the law illegally clamps down on the ability of schools to speak freely with children about history and racism.

If you will remember, this law says that concepts that make people feel “guilt or “anguish” cannot be spoken about. So much for free speech. But this judge halted much of the stop woke law.

“Positively dystopian,” he said acidly, adding that this law violates first amendment rights to free speech. And he issued an injunction against the law from being continued. And this Judge astonishingly even made a reference to Orwell’s 1984.

“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking 13, and the powers in charge of Florida’s public university system have declared the state has unfettered authority to muzzle its professors in the name of freedom.”

Many thanks — MANY THANKS to this Judge who seemed happy to take on dystopian DeSantis and tell him in no uncertain terms that America is not living in 1984 and never will be.

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