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Lindsey Graham caves and testifies to grand jury in criminal case against Donald Trump

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Senator Lindsey Graham used every legal tactic he could to delay testifying to the grand jury in the Fulton County District Attorney’s criminal case against Donald Trump. But as with all legal stalling effort, Graham finally ran out of tactics, and he went ahead and sat before the grand jury today.

NBC News reported that Graham testified for two hours today. If someone pleads the fifth to every question, their testimony goes very quickly, and would typically take far less than two hours. So this suggested that Graham did indeed cooperate on at least some level.

Now Politico is now reporting that according to Graham himself, he answered every single question posed. If this is a lie, the District Attorney will surely call it out soon enough. But it’s difficult to imagine that even someone as unwell as Graham would plead the fifth and then lie about it to the media, knowing that such a lie would get immediately shot down.

So this reasonably tells us that Graham has indeed caved and given at least somewhat cooperative testimony to a grand jury in a criminal case against Donald Trump. This perhaps isn’t surprising. Graham is a whack job who’s bizarrely devoted to whichever political figure he’s worshipping at the time. But he does have a habit of moving on from one such figure to the next, in an attempt at keeping himself in the game.

If Lindsey Graham did indeed conclude that he had to throw Donald Trump to the grand jury wolves in order to save himself from getting indicted, then that’s likely exactly what Graham did today. He knows that he can always find some other Republican politician to worship, and that Donald Trump is finished either way.

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