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The betrayal of Kevin McCarthy

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Some things go on for eternity. The sea ebbs and flows. The sun rises in the morning and dips low in the evening twilight. And for some, they dream forever. And sometimes their dreams come true. Other times the dream evaporates. That might happen because the dreamer decides against pursuing that which they crave. Other times there are those who choose to stop the dreamer — those who seek to betray.

Betrayal is not a nice word. It carries with it all the little stingers. It implies disloyalty, treachery and bad faith. And right now, Kevin McCarthy is in the midst of such a betrayal.

How long has McCarthy wanted this speaker role? I’d say that he came out of the womb craving it. It seems to be all that matters to him. And yet his hurdle isn’t the Democrats. The GOP won the house. But Kevin’s betrayers are his own party.

It is remarkable how easily they turn on each other, is it not? On Monday, November 28, Kevin appeared on Newsmax. And he showed his quiet desperation.

McCarthy warned that the republicans must converge around him — or risk letting democrats choose the next speaker.

Kevin talked and talked. I won’t quote him because the whole pitch was aimed squarely at the republicans blocking his beloved speaker role.

Some whisper it’s only five who block him. But in recent days, others murmur that that number has actually grown quite considerably.

McCarthy insisted “calmer heads” will prevail. But will they? Every day that goes by without McCarthy securing the speakership is another nail in his coffin, metaphorically speaking.

But the question is — why would he be betrayed by his own caucus?

It is because he is weak. He is desperate. The sharks don’t like desperation. When they smell it — they circle.

And worse for Kevin — is the lack of respect given to him.

Kevin McCarthy has yet to garner much respect from either party in all his years in Congress.Now, why do you suppose that is?

I think it’s because the sharks sense that Kevin actually has no policy positions. Kevin McCarthy is a man without one single conviction.Who would want to be led by such a person as that?

All these years, Kevin worked to secure the favor of Donald trump. But he forgot the members of his own party. So they forgot him.

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