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Donald Trump throws complete tantrum as his legal troubles finally close in on him

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Donald Trump melted down on Friday morning on Truth Social, insisting that the documents he stole “should be returned at once.” That’s one way to piss off the Justice Department; I’ll give him that.

Trump is running on empty these days. But Friday’s meltdown was insane, too, even by his standards. Thanking Elon Musk profusely for revealing the “truth”, Trump proceeded to insult:


The President

The Justice Department


Donald Trump is insane. We know that. But here’s also having issues with his lawyers. None of them appear to want to sign off on the fact that all classified documents have, in fact, been returned. That is likely because they probably HAVEN’T Been.

One of the problems is that Trump’s legal team will not apparently designate a “custodian of records” — someone to sign a document ensuring that all documents have been returned.

One knows it’s pretty bad when one’s own lawyers will not commit to their client not being a liar. But how could the lawyers commit to that? If they did, they would likely be in a lot of trouble since anyone with a brain knows that Trump is, in all likelihood, holding onto plenty more documents.

And in the meantime, the Department of Justice is asking that Trump be held in contempt. That is likely because Trump’s got this little hobby of lying to everyone about everything, and nothing seems to be able to change that. And every day, the man loses it a bit more.

Word is the Justice Department is losing patience with him. And so, yes, Trump has had yet another terrible week. Each week lately, seems to get worse for him. I wonder what next week has in store.

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