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Paper tiger

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All his life, Donald Trump had gotten away with things. Time after time after time, he’d skirted with criminality. And time and again, he’d emerged unscathed. Not this time. “Trump faces peril in Docs probe after decades of scrutiny.” That’s the headline in an AP article. Think about all the horrible things Donald Trump has done. There are many. One would need to write a manuscript to count them all.

But perhaps none of these things have come back to bite him the way the paper scandal has. Paper. Such a simple word. Paper, however, tells stories. And the story that the paper is telling right now is that Donald Trump is a thief.

By stealing classified documents — Trump perhaps entangled himself in a trap he can’t get out of. Where are the rest of the documents? Where are all the papers? There are trails and trails of paper. And more paper keeps being found in unlikely places like storage units.

One needs to ask themselves — where are they going to turn up next? Under his pillow? Beneath is McDonald’s bag? Nothing would be surprising at this point. In the article from AP I referenced above, it says: “He’s perhaps never confronted a probe as perilous as this.”

I agree. Trump has left himself vulnerable. The man who never lets his hands get dirty has muddied them beyond recognition. He could be looking at espionage charges. He could be facing charges of obstruction of justice. All because of paper. Paper which was not — and will never be — his.

For years, Palmer Report has said Donald Trump is not nearly as threatening as he (and some in the media) would like us to believe — that he is a paper tiger. He, like all paper tigers, is weak and ineffectual.

Donald Trump will likely be indicted. He will be indicted because he is a thief — a paper thief. He will be indicted because — finally — at long last — he got his hands dirty.

He made a precious mistake, one many criminals make. He assumed he was invincible. He isn’t. He is weak. He is a paper tiger. And his denials are not worth the paper they’re printed on.

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