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Owning the libs

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The world of fantasy can be a magical thing. It’s how great literature, film, art, music, and so many other beautiful things get created. They get created by artists who “live in their heads” and are constantly thinking. And sometimes, out of these thoughts, much beauty is born.

That term, to live in one’s head, means: “Overanalyzing a situation or behavior.” And: “constantly dwelling on the same thing over and over.” Authors are known to do this. Author Donna Tartt’s first book, “The Secret History,” is said to have taken her eight years to write.

Many authors obsess over getting the right word, the right phrase, and even strategic placement of a comma. But for some people living in one’s head can be a dangerous thing. It can even ruin one’s life. And right now, for a certain group, often referred to as ” the deplorables,” their lives are, in fact, being ruined by overthinking how to next “own the libs.”

All over the country, Twitter lit up with little deplorable. When some journalists were banned from Twitter last week, one deplorable tweeted this: “This is the best day I’ve had in years.” I replied “then you must lead a pitiful life.”

But that’s all they think about, you see. Their minds are so very cluttered. It appears they’re addicted to — us? I think so. “I think they’re really crying now. Let them see how it feels.”

This is one of many similar comments from a deplorable. See, they seem to live to see our tears. But the sad part is — most of us do not cry. “We’re getting our own back.” Really, Maga? Really?

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Perhaps some of these people experienced trauma as children, and this is how they choose to deal with it. I really do not know. I do know that Tweet after Tweet was fired off by angry deplorable wondering about liberal tears.

And nobody was listening. Except for perhaps writers like myself who couldn’t believe there are actual humans in the world who choose to spend their time this way. So yes, living in one’s head for a bit can be great if one chooses to create, envision, imagine, and design.

But one must be careful. Too much is living in one’s head, and one could wind up like these people. That is something most don’t want, to be like these miserable souls, cursed to live in a world of Maga purgatory, desperately seeking liberal tears as they click away in loneliness.

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