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Mike Pence just found a whole new way to humiliate himself

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“I’ll be home for Christmas.” That appears to be what former Vice President Mike Pence wants for Donald John Trump. Pence is expressing concern for the man who turned a blind eye to the insurrectionists that wanted to hang the former Vice President.

Don’t prosecute Trump, a forlorn Pence is pleading. Why? Because it’s Christmas, silly! And Christmas is a time of festivity! Speaking with Fox non-news, Pence said he hopes very much that the Department of Justice lets Trump continue to be a free man.

Pence also said that although Trump displayed recklessness on January 6, he isn’t so sure he actually displayed criminality. And then Pence brought up Christmas. ‘Tis the season. Pence seemed to be saying to let bygones be bygones and allow insurrectionists to continue to make peoples’ lives miserable.

“At this time of year,” Pence said shamelessly, “We’re all thinking about the most important things in our lives. Our faith, our family.” All right then. So is Mike Pence saying Trump should not be indicted because people need to be more focused on their faith?

Pence is a bozo! I don’t like to name-call, but this story cries out for it. I do wonder how Pence’s FAMILY sees this. Have they, too, forgiven Trump? Do they think Trump really didn’t do anything wrong and is just a misunderstood, peaceful American?

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Luckily Mike Pence doesn’t run the justice department. So it isn’t up to him what happens.

I feel this is just a way for Pence to try and get in good with the Trump wing of the party. You know, those nasty insurrection-loving people who cheered while he was hunted like a dog on January 6.

Poor misguided Pence, trying his best to maintain some relevancy. As for our faith and our families? Well — I think the department of justice can walk and chew gum at the same time. And so apparently do the millions of Americans who despise Trump and want an indictment.

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