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Hold the phone…

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Did you know some shark species cannot stop moving, or they’ll drown? It’s true. Many of them can rest but must stay on the move to stay alive Always they move as always time ticks by, and recently elected Congressman George Santos continues to lie. Some things never end. Congressman Santos’ lies are one of them.

I have lost count of how many lies Santos has told. On and on they go, unable to stop, piling into the air and tainting the GOP with their toxicity. An ex-boyfriend has come out and accused Santos of stealing his phone. He also says Santos never paid bills and rarely worked. Is this a surprise?

His name is Pedro Vilarva. He claims to have dated Santos in the year 2014. They eventually moved in together. Only problems abounded. Vilarva claims Santos rarely contributed to the house expenses. Vilarva also says, “He never actually went to work.”

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As you know, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs claim not to have records of Santos ever working there despite Santos claiming that he did. Vilarva also says at some point; he noticed his cell phone had vanished. Wherever could it be?

He said he believed that George Santos had it. And that he pawned it. Vilarva told the New York times he felt “gullible” for believing all of the lies Santos told. Eventually, he had enough, packed up his stuff, and got out.

So what are we to make of this? I suppose there will be more Santos lies. As I said, some things never stop. The clock never stops ticking. Sharks move about endlessly to keep themselves alive. And George Santos continues to lie, con, deceive and mistreat the American people and everyone around him.

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