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What Donald Trump doesn’t get

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Donald John Trump has come out and blamed his own party for losses in the 2022 midterm elections. This is not a surprise. When in the world has Trump ever admitted anything was his fault? On Sunday Trump took to Truth Social and declared he was not to blame for a string of republican losses.

Instead, Trump blamed abortion as the pivotal issue that caused republicans to lose — and to lose — and to lose. Naturally, some Republicans were none too pleased to see this. And it does show the splintering from within of the GOP.

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My feeling? The GOP lost for a lot of reasons. But nobody can deny abortion was a major factor. The GOP’s freakish plans for women undoubtedly drove scores of women to register to vote or to change from Republican to Democrat. We saw that for ourselves.

But Trump is also dead wrong that he was not responsible. The thing is, Trump endorsed bizarre candidates that were outside the mainstream and hated by almost everybody. Did Trump really expect people would fall in love with — Mehmet Oz? Blake Masters? Kari Lake? The issues kind of go hand in hand. Because many of the candidates who lost, such as Blake Masters, wanted to make abortion laws even MORE bizarre.

The GOP lost for a number of reasons, but most of all because they’ve turned into a human freak show. One should know things are bad when your political party turns into a popular punchline for comedians. Their inability to “get” that is what is going to cost them big time in years to come.

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