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The Gaetz of Hell

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Where Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz goes, trouble surely follows. So as you know, Kevin McCarthy is now the House Speaker, God helps him. The man has no idea what he’s stepping into. It was not, however, through the help of Matt Gaetz, who seemed determined to make Kevin beg for it. After appearing on Fox non-news and all but promising to vote for McCarthy, Gaetz promptly broke his (sort of) promise. Hell followed.

It happened after the 14th House vote. Gaetz did not answer when his name was called at first. Gaetz appeared to be deliberately waiting to be the last vote. And he was. All Kevin needed was one more vote — the vote of Gaetz..

Gaetz, on that precious 14th vote, chose not to vote yes, leading to total mayhem on the House floor on national television. Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama appeared to lunge toward Gaetz and actually had to be pulled back.

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It was Rep Hudson who intervened and actually pulled Rogers away from Gaetz, who was left with his hair intact, if not his dignity. It was the lunge seen around the world. So, to sum up — while the Democrats were calm, cool, and united, the Gaetz of hell opened up on the House floor. Finger-pointing, arguments, and an actual almost fistfight prevailed. It was stupid, it was ugly, and it was shameful – for the Republicans.

They all came off as a bunch of goofballs which I suppose they are. The scene on the House floor resembled an out-of-control food fight, and if I were a republican (and thank goodness I’m not), I would be embarrassed to show my face in public.

So yes, Kevin got his precious speakership. But the real story – the story seems all over, on the covers of print media — was the scene of Republicans, of a silly and incompetent fight club who could not even retain their dignity long enough to elect a speaker. Welcome to the republican Party of 2023.

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