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Donald Trump throws a fit

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So the two year anniversary of January 6 has come and gone. The Democrats marked this tragic anniversary with solemnity and tributes. The GOP barely mentioned it. Figures. And Donald Trump? How did the CEO of the January 6 insurrection choose to remember it?

By unleashing a vicious torrent of words against the Capitol police, that’s how. Figures. Trump gave a speech on Saturday at his home Mag-a-lago. Calling the Capitol Police “lunatics,” Trump accused them of killing Ashli Babbitt “for no reason.” Figures.

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Trump referred to the insurrectionists as “protesters” and talked about the wrongs done to them by “horrible, horrible people.” It’s sad. It is sad that this creature of the insurrectionist swamp ever was President. In terms of Babbitt — while I feel for her family, the police were doing their job. The Capitol police were protecting Congress and all the people in the Capitol that day.

They did their job with honor. And they were celebrated by President Biden. And Trump does not give a damn about Babbitt. He is using her as a pawn. That’s what makes all of this so heartbreaking. I sincerely doubt Mr. Trump gives a damn about her or anybody. He’s a narcissist and cares only for himself.

It would have been nice if Trump — AND the GOP — had marked that day with soothing words, with thanks to our Capitol police, with the seriousness, and dignity such a day requires. But alas, that is asking too much from both Trump and the GOP. For Trump, January 6 was just another day to manipulate people, spread false grievances, and, in general, act like an asshole. That’s all he’s got, one supposes.

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