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Monsters Incorporated

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We all exist on earth for but a short time. And when we leave, our legacies live on. Some leave exquisite art that lives on for eternity. Others leave the gift of music. Writes leave the gift of words. All of us leave some type of legacy. We leave it in our children, our friends, and our family, and for us, we also leave it in our activism.

This is how we won and how will keep on winning. It’s because of the valiant work that we do — the work that leaves legacies for new and upcoming generations. What type of legacy will the GOP leave? Nothing. Nothing but fear and anguish and a lack of accountability.

I’d like to challenge anyone reading my words right now. I challenge you to think of ONE — just one GOP accomplishment that can serve as a legacy for them. Think. And continue thinking. I bet you just might be thinking from here to eternity because there isn’t anything. Well — I take that back. There are a few.

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Pain. Discontent. Sadness. Gloom. This is the legacy of the GOP. The GOP is a monster. This is not hyperbole. They are one big grotesque, freakish monster. What else but a monster would you call a political party that aids and abets insurrectionists, cheats and comes for women’s rights, and lies to the American people on a daily basis?

President Biden’s legacy shins ever-so brightly. It shines on millions of people whose lives he has made better. And he will continue to make our lives better — now and when he wins reelection in 2024.

But the legacy of the GOP — of the monsters among us — will be only pain and sorrow. This is their ever- lasting failure. This is what we will need to show the American people — the legacy of monsters, past and present, the ultimate in depraved indifference, the monster’s legacy that will cause them to lose again in 2024.

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