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House Republicans are off to a disastrous start

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Hello, Palmer Report readers! I thought it might be time to check in on our “friends” on the other side — the red side — the crazy side. After all, you know that expression, “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” So on this day, let us have a look at the loud, the garish, and the gaudy. Let us see how they are doing in these first weeks of January.

The loud: Donald John Trump is reportedly thinking of asking Marjorie Taylor Greene to be his fake Vice President in his fake campaign for President. This would be a pair to contend with! Too bad it will never happen.

Matt Gaetz interviewed George Santos the other day on his podcast. Santos assured Gaetz he has always lived an honest life, causing the (few) listeners an undoubted belly laugh.

The Garish:

Kevin McCarthy will not call on George Santos to resign but somehow thinks it’s okay to kick various democrats off their committees for no reason. I suppose that’s just Kevin being — well — Kevin.

A former Republican House speaker has jumped into the fray. Paul Ryan — remember him — has labeled Donald Trump a “proven loser,” likely infuriating the loser and once again forcing Republicans to have to choose sides.

House Republicans just passed the: “born alive” bill, which isn’t a thing vowing to stop babies from being born alive and murdered, even though that does not happen.

The Gaudy:

Kevin McCarthy said he’s willing to look at: ‘expunging” Trump’s two impeachments. Yep, that is actually on the table. But some Republicans are said to be very upset that that is even being thought about, setting up yet another game of infighting between republicans. Does it ever stop?

Mitch McConnell surely wasn’t pleased to find new polling from Morning Consult shows he is the most unpopular Senator in the United States. Congratulations Mitch!

The loud, the garish, AND the gaudy:

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Republicans are in meltdown mode over yet another lie: that democrats are planning to ban gas stoves. This will never happen, but that isn’t stopping Republicans from melting down over it. Perhaps they should ask George Santos about it as he won ‘sales rep” of the year in selling gas stoves. Just kidding!

Some Republicans are not happy about a special prosecutor looking into the Biden classified documents because now Gym Jordan and others will not be able to harass DOJ officials. Ah well.

So as you can see — the Republicans are off to a horrible start. I wonder how much trouble they’ll be in by February.

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