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Kevin McCarthy ducks and covers

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As Kevin McCarthy goes about his business, screwing up the House of Representatives and making absurd promises he will never be able to keep, there is a bit of noise going on, and it’s coming from somewhere far, far from DC.

The noises are growing increasingly angry in tone and tenor. Perhaps McCarthy should listen to them because they’re coming from inside his own house. Not the house on the hill in DC. I am speaking of his OWN house — his district in California. His constituents who are getting increasingly annoyed as they realize he doesn’t give a damn about any of them.

Kevin comes from a largely rural area. And that area has been experiencing some problems. And these problems are things that their CONGRESS PEOPLE are supposed to fix. There is a crisis going on in Kevin’s district back in California. They are running low on water. They are running VERY low on water, and they need help.

Some of Kevin’s constituents are saying their only choice to get some water is by using gas station restrooms to clean up. They need fresh water, and they need it badly. But constituents’ pleas are falling on deaf ears. That is because McCarthy couldn’t give a rat’s ass about anything except for satisfying his need for power.

CNN’s Elia Nielson is reporting around 8,000 people in the area need gallons of water just to keep their taps on. And she said that number is growing. Earth to Kevin. Can you stop your stupid games long enough to care for your constituents? People have been trying to engage with Kevin on this issue, but he is often elusive. Big shocker.

Jessi Snyder, the director of community development at a local nonprofit, had this to say:

“In my experience, he has never engaged with us on any of these kinds of emergencies.”

Ouch. I do feel for these people, and I think we’d all like to help them. But where is their leader? Where the HECK is Kevin?

Mr. McCarthy should not get too comfortable, nor should he rest on his laurels and ignore his constituents. They are the ones who ultimately decide whether he gets voted back in, and what they giveth they can also taketh away quite easily.

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