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This is what Orwell warned us about

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There are so many beautiful things about books I could not possibly list them all. One thing about books is they give us a chance to understand not just the characters within but the authors as well.

And right now, all I can think of is a particular author. He wrote several books, but his book “1984” is widely considered one of the best books ever written. And when I first heard about the following story, all I could think was: “Oh Orwell, how right you were.”

George Orwell. He was so ahead of his time. And he knew. He knew what we could become. Many children in the state of Florida are living in the world created by Orwell — warned about by Orwell.

I’ve often written about DeSantis. He’s corrupt as hell and wicked. And what he is doing right now is the sum of all of Orwell’s fears.

The location: Manatee County, Florida.

The who: teachers and librarians.

The what: books.

The where: their schools.

The victims: children.

The adults at the schools were told that “every book on their shelves was banned until otherwise notified.”

I am not making this up. And if they said no? If they refused? They are at risk of prosecution as felons. FELONS!! The books must be banned until “censors can vet them.” Orwell, Orwell — how right you were.

Children can no longer handle their books — their source of knowledge without — surveillance. He has turned the teachers — the librarians — the adults of Florida – into the “reading police.”

One can see in the eyes of DeSantis — nothing. Nothing at all. But one can sense how happy he’d be to prosecute someone. One can feel he is ITCHING to do just that. There is good news in all this. There are the courts.

For example, several students have hinted they plan to file suit against DeSantis for his banning of the African American studies AP class Palmer report told you about. If DeSantis keeps this up, the amount of litigation, he faces might exceed that of Trump.

I never thought we’d exist in the dark world Orwell wrote about. And now it’s happened. The good news is there are far more of us than there are DeSantis clones. And we will win this war against the reading police and right the wrongs Orwell was so passionate in warning us about.

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