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President Biden nailed this one

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In the mountains of Asheville, North Carolina, the average to rent an apartment is $1,686. The average cost to rent an apartment in Seattle, Washington, is $2,324 The average cost for a one-bedroom apartment in Ithaca, New York, is $1,395. The average cost for an apartment in Tampa, Florida, is $1,917.

I could go on and on with this. The bottom line is — apartments are extremely expensive. These rental prices have been creeping upward for years now, and it’s happening almost everywhere.

And worker pay has not caught up with the increases yet. Do you know many people I’ve spoken to who can barely afford to live? President Biden knows. It’s been agonizing to see shady landlords indifferently raise rents everywhere, greedily cashing in. and there is nothing to stop them.

Biden is announcing new steps to help renters protect themselves and make housing more affordable. He’s introduced a blueprint for a renter’s bill of rights. It will outline steps for tenants to take to protect themselves.

In this blueprint, eviction prevention is emphasized. The Biden administration is also promoting the idea of providing housing vouchers to eligible recipients. The Biden administration is also promoting a “resident-centered housing challenge.” The goal of this is to promote better policies toward tenants and renters.

Some of the changes that could be included in the finalized renter bill of rights include preventing “egregious” rent increases on certain properties and more money for low-income people for access to legal representation of they face eviction.

We need this! Oh, how we need this! This subject does not get talked about enough. From the wealthy to the poor, it seems everyone struggles with rent.

Times aren’t what they used to be. Nowadays, it can cost thousands for one tiny, room to live in. It is one of the great injustices of this country and our dirty little secret that nobody wants to talk about. But President Biden is talking about it. And it is an injustice I am deeply glad to see the Biden administration attempting to change.

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