Counterintelligence My Opinion - Michael Novakhov

M.N.: There is something happening here… Are these the "Chinese" in Sun Tzu's sense or the New York slang sense? | FBI director says China is its top counterintelligence priority – WCBI TV | Six dead in California shooting spree

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You walk into the room with your pencil in your hand You see somebody naked and you say, “Who is that man?” You try so hard but you don’t understand Just what you will say when you get home

Because something is happening here but you don’t know what it is Do you, Mr. Jones?

You raise up your head and you ask, “Is this where it is?” And somebody points to you and says, “It’s his” And you say, “What’s mine?” and somebody else says, “Well, what is?” And you say, “Oh my God, am I here all alone?” But something is happening and you don’t know what it is Do you, Mr. Jones? You hand in your ticket and you go watch the geek Who immediately walks up to you when he hears you speak And says, “How does it feel to be such a freak?” And you say, “Impossible!” as he hands you a bone And something is happening here but you don’t know what it is Do you, Mr. Jones? You have many contacts among the lumberjacks To get you facts when someone attacks your imagination But nobody has any respect, anyway they already expect you to all give a check To tax-deductible charity organizations Ah, you’ve been with the professors and they’ve all liked your looks With great lawyers you have discussed lepers and crooks You’ve been through all of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s books You’re very well-read, it’s well-known But something is happening here and you don’t know what it is Do you, Mr. Jones? Well, the sword swallower, he comes up to you and then he kneels He crosses himself and then he clicks his high heels And without further notice, he asks you how it feels And he says, “Here is your throat back, thanks for the loan” And you know something is happening but you don’t know what it is Do you, Mr. Jones? Now, you see this one-eyed midget shouting the word “Now” And you say, “For what reason?” and he says, “How” And you say, “What does this mean?” and he screams back, “You’re a cow! Give me some milk or else go home” And you know something’s happening but you don’t know what it is Do you, Mr. Jones? Well, you walk into the room like a camel, and then you frown You put your eyes in your pocket and your nose on the ground There ought to be a law against you comin’ around You should be made to wear earphones ‘Cause something is happening and you don’t know what it is Do you, Mr. Jones? Songwriters: BOB DYLAN Ballad Of A Thin Man lyrics © BOB DYLAN MUSIC CO

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Image result for FBI Counterintelligence priorities


FBI director says China is its top counterintelligence priority – WCBI TV 
M.N.: In what sense? Are these the “Chinese” in the “Sun Tzu sense” or in the “New York slang sense”? 
Are these the same “ubiquitous Chinese, practicing all kinds of deceptions against everybody, as their traditional “Art of War” prescribes”? 
Me thinks humbly, my dear freunds, that what is happening here is the construction of the joint, common US – Russian (Dis)Information System, or Mass Media System as the main mechanism of the social control and manipulation, based on a common Information Space – the Internet. And this process is gleefully presided over and managed by Germany, or more specifically, by the “New Abwehr”, as their tool of the world domination. 
The common thread in the pronouncements on both the Russian and the US sides is the “Chinese threat”, which is undeniably present but is not the main driver. This is the “New Abwehr’s” new “Chinese” mask. The style is the same like in their previous operations: the threat is not invented but is significantly exaggerated, with the factored-in geopolitical and other benefits. 
I think, this process started during the 2016 Elections Campaign, and I did mention it specifically at that time. The following quote is from:
Wednesday, November 9, 2016 – The Autumn Of Our Discontent – by Michael Novakhov
Image result for Trump and Russian intelligence

Trump and Russian intelligence

There is maybe a five-year plot by Russian intelligence to recruit Trump:

Last: but certainly not least, David Corn at Mother Jones reports the existence of a memo shared with the FBI by a former western intelligence official who now does private security work. This memo alleges that the “Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years” and that Trump “and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals.” According to the memo, the goal “endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance.” Corn reports that the FBI asked for followup information from the author of the memo (meaning they considered him credible), which has been provided, but that he does not know whether the Bureau has been able to confirm or debunk its contents.” 

Curiously enough, “the reason the FBI did not join the Intelligence Community letter accusing Russian hackers of trying to intervene in the US election is that Comey felt it was inappropriate for the Bureau to comment on a politically salient matter so close to the election.” It is also curious, how easy it is apparently, to use the foil and the counter-accusations of “the new McCarthyism”

Democrats Claim Putin is Helping Trump
Trump, a puppet of the Russian KGB

engages in the crude disinformation campaign, targeting the naïve morons, very much like himself (the only difference is that he has his own, clear ulterior motive: money), the example of which can be this piece, a reminiscence of the best efforts of the Russian Stalinist propaganda. 

The clear connection between Trump’s campaign and the Russian intelligence, engaging in cyber-thefts, collections of “kompromat”, blatant propaganda through Russian government’s information channels, such as “Sputnik” and “RT’, and possibly the wide range of other activities, that we might not be fully aware of, makes them

practically a single information-intelligence entity,

created under the guise of the free democratic elections. The failure, on the part of the FBI, to investigate and to address this issue of brazen interference into the American political process and elections fully and head-on might be viewed in itself as a dereliction of duty and the prosecutable criminal omission. And I certainly hope that this grave error of omission, probably much more significant than the clearly orchestrated Mrs. Clinton’s “emails crisis”, will be prosecuted fully and soon. 

“Trump and his campaign have also spread propaganda created as part of the Kremlin’s effort, relying on bogus information generated through traditional Russian disinformation techniques. In one instance, a manipulated document was put out onto the internet anonymously by propagandists working with Russia; within hours, Trump was reciting that false information at a campaign rally. The Trump campaign has also spread claims from Sputnik, another news outlet identified by American intelligence as part of the Russian disinformation campaign. For example, almost immediately after the posting of an article by Sputnik attacking this Newsweek reporter, the Trump campaign emailed a link to the piece to American reporters, urging them to pursue the same story… 
Western intelligence and law enforcement say tens of thousands of people have been working with Russia on its hacking and disinformation campaign for many years. They include propagandists and cyber-operatives stationed in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk, located in the southwestern part of Siberia. Operations have also been conducted in the United States, primarily out of New York City, Washington D.C. and Miami. Those involved include a large number of Russian emigres, as well as Americans and other foreign nationals. Intelligence operations in Europe and the U.S. have determined that the money these emigres receive for their work is disguised as payments from a Russian pension system. One U.S. official says there is evidence many of these Americans and foreign nationals do not know they are part of Russia’s propaganda operation.” 

The failure on the part of the FBI to investigate in-depth, fully and without any bias, the connection between the Russian intelligence (and/or in conjunction with other foreign services), despite the clearly present clues, with the terrorist activities on the US soil, apparently, in accordance with the Obama Administration’s general ideological guidance, might also imply the potential elements of criminal culpability. “We do not operate on innuendo”, unless these “innuendos” are fully investigated and turn out some credible and actionable evidential proves, at least circumstantial, which, in my view, in some cases, are almost easily seen. Otherwise these “innuendos” will continue to operate on us, with no end in sight. 

Image result for J.E. Hoover is turning in his grave

Mr. J.E. Hoover is spinning in his grave, many times over.” 

Michael Novakhov


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FBI Counterintelligence priorities – Google Search
FBI Counterintelligence priorities – Google Search
FBI Counterintelligence priorities – Google Search
FBI Counterintelligence priorities – Google Search
FBI Counterintelligence priorities – Google Search
FBI Counterintelligence priorities – Google Search
FBI Counterintelligence priorities – Google Search
FBI Counterintelligence priorities – Google Search
FBI director says China is its top counterintelligence priority – WCBI TV
Skripal poisoning suspects claim they were tourists in ‘wonderful town of Salisbury’ to visit famous cathedral –
Six dead in California shooting spree
hurricane florence – Google Search
Oregon novelist who wrote about ‘How to Murder Your Husband’ charged with murdering her husband
billy budd naked gay – Google Search
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Chef Daniel Brophy – Google Search
Yellow Submarine – The Beatles tribute – Lyrics – YouTube
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FBI Counterintelligence priorities – Google Search

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Story image for FBI Counterintelligence priorities from CBS News

FBI Director Christopher Wray says China is agency’s top …

CBS News2 hours ago
“CBS This Morning” co-host Norah O’Donnell met up with FBI … I look at our counterintelligence mission overall, China is our top priority in that …
Story image for FBI Counterintelligence priorities from WCBI

FBI director says China is its top counterintelligence priority

WCBI1 hour ago
CHRISTOPHER WRAY: If I look at our counterintelligence mission overall, China is our top priority in that space… We’ve had cases involving …
Story image for FBI Counterintelligence priorities from Lawfare (blog)

Artificial Intelligence – A Counterintelligence Perspective: Part I

Lawfare (blog)Aug 15, 2018
The FBI, which has been in the counterintelligence business since 1917, … You have to prioritize the threats and what you are trying to protect …
Story image for FBI Counterintelligence priorities from The Epoch Times (press release)

FBI Eyes Cyber Security Threats to US

The Epoch Times (press release)Aug 15, 2018
“So the FBI has a number of priorities that we are responsible for. … obviously is a counter-terrorism threat and the counter-intelligence threat.
FBI director says China is its top counterintelligence priority – WCBI TV

mikenova shared this story from WCBI TV | Your News Leader.

China is the target of economic espionage investigations in nearly all 56 of the FBI field offices. “CBS This Morning” co-host Norah O’Donnell met up with FBI director Christopher Wray at the agency’s headquarters in Washington on Wednesday, where he spoke to her about how China is looking to steal secrets on everything from technology to agriculture.
CHRISTOPHER WRAY: If I look at our counterintelligence mission overall, China is our top priority in that space… We’ve had cases involving everything from turbine technology in places like upstate New York to corn seed development in Iowa.
NORAH O’DONNELL: What do you mean corn seed? They’re trying to steal our corn seed?
WRAY: Well, of course we have, I think America’s agriculture is the envy of the world and we’re very proud of it and we should be. And whenever we’re the best at something, somebody else is chasing us….It’s something that I think most Americans don’t understand.
O’DONNELL: But what are they trying to steal? What do they want?
WRAY: They’re trying to steal our trade secrets, our ideas, our innovation.

FBI Director Christopher Wray and Norah O’Donnell

CBS News
O’DONNELL: The U.S. trade representative put a figure on the theft of intellectual property and it’s up to $600 billion annually. That’s enormous.
WRAY: The thing that people need to understand is that this has an impact on everyday people. It has an impact on American businesses. It has an impact on American jobs. It has an impact on American consumers.
O’DONNELL: How so?
WRAY: Well, China’s goal is to take what it can and become essentially self-sufficient and put American businesses out of business.
O’DONNELL: Well, to replace America as the world’s economic superpower.
WRAY: I think that’s their goal and they’re pretty open about it.
O’DONNELL: It’s not only these individuals who are engaged in spying, it’s companies. You’ve raised concerns about the Chinese telecom giants Huawei and ZTE. Why are they national security risks?
WRAY: Well, anytime you start talking about foreign companies that are beholden to foreign governments that don’t share our values and our dedication to the rule of law…It enables them to conduct economic espionage. It enables them to conduct different kinds of cyberattacks. It enables them to steal information in a variety of ways.
O’DONNELL: The president intervened a few months ago to save ZTE from some of these crippling financial penalties that Congress wanted. Was the president wrong?
WRAY: I continue to be very concerned and I think the intelligence community continues to be very concerned about the threat to our telecommunications infrastructure presented by some of the kinds of companies that are beholden to foreign governments that don’t share our values… And the idea of letting the fox in the henhouse is something that I think people need to be really, really careful about before we find out that we’re gonna regret it.
O’DONNELL: Director Wray, I know you have been asked this many times… But I do want to ask it of you because the president has issued repeated attacks on the FBI, on the integrity of its work, on the people who work here at the FBI. In fact, he’s said that the reputation of the FBI is in tatters. Those attacks have to have taken their toll?
WRAY: I’ll tell you what I see. I see 37,000 men and women who get up every day trying to keep 325 million American people safe. I see people who work their tails off in that effort, who are people of character, of courage, of professionalism and diligence. And we do thousands and thousands of investigations every year. I think about the agents that I swear in at Quantico several times a year who compete like heck to be accepted into the ranks of the FBI…I could give you example after example, that’s the FBI that I see. That’s the real FBI and that’s what we’re about.
O’DONNELL: How would you describe your relationship with President Trump?
WRAY: My focus is on having a very professional relationship with the president. I think that’s what I’ve been trying to do since day one and that’s true today just as much as it was on day one.
O’DONNELL: He tweets a lot about Cabinet members and top members of his administration. But you specifically have never been the subject of one of his tweets.
WRAY: Well I’m not much of a Twitter guy, as people will tell you. And that’s not meant to criticize Twitter. Social media commentary has its place. I just find that I’ve got enough to do all day long running the FBI without getting too hung up on worrying about what’s on Twitter.

Skripal poisoning suspects claim they were tourists in ‘wonderful town of Salisbury’ to visit famous cathedral –

mikenova shared this story from Top Stories – Google News.
Skripal poisoning suspects claim they were tourists in ‘wonderful town of Salisbury’ to visit famous cathedral
The two Russians charged with attempted murder in the Salisbury nerve agent attack have claimed they were visiting the town’s “famous” cathedral as tourists. Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov were interviewed by the editor-in-chief of state-funded 
Skripal suspects: ‘We were just tourists in Salisbury’BBC News
Skripal Novichok attack suspects say they only visited Salisbury to see the cathedral and StonehengeEvening Standard
Two Russians accused by UK in spy poisoning to give interviewReutersall 231 news articles »
Six dead in California shooting spree

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WILMINGTON, N.C. — Hurricane Florence could batter parts of coastal North and South Carolina with hurricane conditions for 24 hours or more and bring up to 40 inches of rain in its center, federal emergency officials said Wednesday.

Here’s the latest on Hurricane Florence

  • The Category 2 storm is forecast to bring 15-25 inches of rain in some areas, with up to 40 inches of rainfall near its exact center.
  • As of 11 p.m. Wednesday, the storm was about 280 miles east-southeast of Wilmington, North Carolina, with maximum sustained winds of 110 mph. It was moving northwest at 17 mph.
  • About 1.7 million people in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia have been warned to evacuate.
  • Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and Maryland have declared states of emergency.

The storm was expected to make landfall late Thursday or Friday in coastal North Carolina and then potentially stall as it churns its way slowly down the coast, FEMA’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration liaison Steve Goldstein said at a news conference Wednesday morning.
“This could mean that parts of North and South Carolina near the coast will experience hurricane-force winds and hurricane conditions for 24 hours or more,” he said.
But regardless of when actual landfall occurs, hurricane-force winds were extending 80 miles from the center, and tropical-storm-force winds were extending outward of 195 miles from the center, the hurricane center said.
Coastal North Carolina could get 20 to 30 inches of rain, with isolated areas getting up to 40 inches, and all that rain could produce “catastrophic flash flooding,” the hurricane center said. South Carolina could see 5 to 10 inches, with isolated areas getting 20 inches.
A large area of North Carolina was forecast to get 10 inches of rain or more Friday into Saturday.
“This is not going to be a glancing blow,” said Jeff Byard, FEMA’s associate administrator for response and recovery. “This is going to be a Mike Tyson punch to the Carolina coast.”
The storm weakened to a Category 3 hurricane Wednesday afternoon and then weakened to just below that to a Category 2 as of 11 p.m. But the National Hurricane Center warned that “life-threatening storm surge and rainfall” were still expected, and the forecast predicts little change in strength before the storm’s center reaches the U.S. coast.
Wilmington, a city of around 119,000 on North Carolina’s coast, is along the forecast track. In the final hours before authorities shut down access to Wrightsville Beach, a town just east of Wilmington along the ocean, residents scrambled to secure their possessions, board up their windows, pack their cars and head inland.
Many lived through past storms, including hurricanes Fran and Bertha in 1996 and Floyd in 1999. They expected Florence to be at least as bad. But they largely accepted that with a sense of calm, saying that most homes on the island were more resilient than the cottages wiped out in those prior storms.
“It’s a much different beach here now,” said local Todd Schoen, just before he drove off the island with his wife and 9-year-old twin sons to stay with his parents four miles inland. “They’re all better prepared. A lot of those old beach houses are gone. They were trampled, washed away, knocked down and replaced with other bigger, better constructed houses. It’s a different time now.”
Duke Energy, the main power supplier for North and South Carolina, said on Twitter that as many as 1 million to 3 million of the company’s 4 million customers could experience power outages.
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper warned those under evacuation orders that time was running out and urged the state to prepare for the powerful storm.
“North Carolina, my message is clear: Disaster is at the doorstep and it’s coming in,” he said at a news conference Wednesday morning. “If you’re on the coast, there’s still time to get out safely. No possession is worth your life.”
He warned North Carolinians to plan to be without power for days and “understand the rain may last for days and not hours.”
“The National Weather Service has just said it will be unbelievably damaging and they can’t emphasize that enough,” he added. Cooper said on MSNBC that some 2,800 National Guard soldiers have been activated and others are standing by.
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal declared a state of emergency on Wednesday afternoon, joining South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and Maryland. West Virginia has declared a state of preparedness.
“In light of the storm’s forecasted southward track after making landfall, I encourage Georgians to be prepared for the inland effects of the storm as well as the ensuing storm surge in coastal areas,” he said in a statement.
Christina Saracina, a resident of Cape Carteret, North Carolina, said she was evacuating with her elderly parents and headed to Atlanta.
“We sat through a Category 2 hurricane before and it did enough damage that we decided that if it was a Category 3 or above we were out,” she said. “It was a hard decision because you’re leaving all your possessions and your home. You’re trying to pack whatever you can and go.”
She said she boarded up her home and her parents’ home before leaving.
“The area was going to be a disaster zone,” she said. “There’s a lot of trees in the area and we’re by the water.”

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Oregon novelist who wrote about ‘How to Murder Your Husband’ charged with murdering her husband

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