FBI News Review

11:41 AM 12/3/2017 – Trump lashes out at own FBI in a series of tweets – The Daily Freeman

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Trump lashes out at own FBI in a series of tweets – The Daily Freeman

Trump Attacks The FBI On Twitter, Urges Followers To Sue ABC News
Donald Trumps lawyer may have just sent himself to prison too
Trump says he has nothing to fear from Flynn, then stokes new controversy with tweet – Washington Post
Witnesses get peek inside the secretive nerve center of the Mueller investigation – Chicago Tribune
Has Mitch McConnell cut a grand bargain to oust Donald Trump?
The Sanity Of the ‘Teflon Don’ – Lynchburg News and Advance
Has Mitch McConnell cut a grand bargain to oust Donald Trump?
Everyone piles on as Donald Trump launches into his most cartoonish meltdown yet
FBI official’s role in Clinton email investigation under review – Fox News
CIA director: Trump tweets yielding valuable intelligence – CNN
‘Saturday Night Love’ Cold Opening: Donald Trump Gets Ghostly Visits From Michael Flynn, Billy Bush, Hillary Clinton – Deadline
Mueller aide fired for anti-Trump texts now facing review for role in Clinton email probe – Fox News
Donald Trump begins late night Twitter meltdown about Michael Flynn and Hillary Clinton
Analysis: Flynn plea clouds Trump’s tax victory – Northwest Herald
Baldwin’s Scrooge-Trump Flamed By Ghosts On ‘Saturday Night Live’
Flynn guilty plea overshadows Trump tax bill win –
On ‘SNL,’ Flynn, Putin, Billy Bush, Hillary Clinton visit Trump as Christmas ghosts –
Everyone piles on as Donald Trump launches into his most cartoonish meltdown yet
Thousands In Utah Protest Trump Plans To Shrink National Monuments
Mueller fired FBI agent for anti-Trump texts – Boston Herald
Trump’s lawyer: I wrote the president’s ‘sloppy’ tweet about Flynn’s dismissal – ABC News
Reza Zarrab, the star witness unnerving Ankara – Digital Journal
Was Michael Flynn asked to wear a wire in Mueller hunt for evidence on Russia?
Professor Who Has Predicted Last 8 Elections, Says Trump Will Be Impeached – GoLocalProv
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Trump lashes out at own FBI in a series of tweets – The Daily Freeman

Trump lashes out at own FBI in a series of tweets
The Daily Freeman
… national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, again denied that he directed FBI Director James Comey to stop investigating Flynn. The Republican president offered a running Twitter commentary Sunday amid renewed focus 
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Trump Attacks The FBI On Twitter, Urges Followers To Sue ABC News

Just another Sunday morning for the president on social media.
Donald Trumps lawyer may have just sent himself to prison too

Thus far, four of Donald Trumps advisers have been arrested in his Russia scandal, and two of them have already pleaded guilty. It matters greatly here that Ive said pleaded guilty and not pled guilty but well get to that in a moment. The upshot is that a whole lot more of Trumps people are going to end up in prison by the time this is over. As of yesterday, Trumps own personal attorney may end up being one of them.
Its painfully clear that Trump wrote his own tweet yesterday in which he confessed to felony obstruction of justice. But upon realizing his grave error, Trump incredibly claimed the tweet had been written by his attorney John Dowd. Today, Dowd publicly backed Trump up on this by asserting that he did indeed write the tweet in question. The trouble: if it can be legally proven that Dowd didnt write the tweet, he may be on his way to prison.
Trump wrote the tweet. Even the dumbest of attorneys would never be clueless enough to write a tweet confessing that his client committed a felony. Thats simply not possible. In addition, every first year law student has it drilled into them that the proper legal phrase is pleaded guilty yet the tweet in question says pled guilty. Trumps attorey did not write this tweet, yet hes claiming he did.
There is a limit when it comes to what an attorney is allowed to say and do with regard to a clients crimes. The general sentiment youll hear in the legal community is that its okay if you know where your client buried the bodies, but its not okay if you helped your client bury the bodies. It appears Trumps attorney is now lying about his own actions in an attempt at getting his clients public confession thrown out.
This gets into legally murky, and very dangerous, territory. If a judge rules that John Dowd has to testify whether he wrote the tweet, hell have to choose between perjuring himself or admitting he tried to help his client cover up a crime. Attorneys went to prison in Richard Nixons Watergate scandal. Is it about to happen again in Donald Trumps treason scandal?
The post Donald Trumps lawyer may have just sent himself to prison too appeared first on Palmer Report.
Trump says he has nothing to fear from Flynn, then stokes new controversy with tweet – Washington Post

Washington Post
Trump says he has nothing to fear from Flynn, then stokes new controversy with tweet
Washington Post
NEW YORK President Trump said Saturday that he is not worried about what former national security adviser Michael Flynn might share now that he is cooperating with prosecutors, forcefully asserting that there was absolutely no collusion between  
Trump’s Diplomacy DramasNPR

Trump-Russia: Flynn’s dealings were ‘lawful’BBC News
NYT: Emails show senior Trump transition official saying Russia ‘has just thrown the USA election to him’CNN
Trump tweet suggests he knew Flynn had lied to FBI at time of
TIMEBusiness Insider
 –New York Times Business Insider
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Witnesses get peek inside the secretive nerve center of the Mueller investigation – Chicago Tribune

Chicago Tribune
Witnesses get peek inside the secretive nerve center of the Mueller investigation
Chicago Tribune
At least two dozen people who traveled in Trump’s orbit in 2016 and 2017 on the campaign trail, in his transition operation and then in the White House have been questioned in the past 10 weeks, according to people familiar with the interviews. The 
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Has Mitch McConnell cut a grand bargain to oust Donald Trump?

Late on Friday night, we witnessed something which shouldn’t have been possible. The Republican Senators who opposed the criminally corrupt tax legislation all lined up to dutifully vote for it. Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and others committed career suicide by marrying themselves to the most unpopular legislation of all time, and they’ll have difficulty ever getting elected again. I’ve been thinking about how Mitch McConnell convinced them to do it.
Let’s be clear: the holdout Senators who reluctantly voted for the tax scam aren’t stupid. They did it with their eyes wide open. Yes, they wanted to please their wealthy donors. But they know full well that they probably just lost their reelection bids in the process. So why would these Senators throw away everything just to help pass legislation they don’t believe in and didn’t want to be attached to? It just so happens that the biggest holdouts on the tax bill are generally Donald Trump’s biggest detractors in the Republican Party. There is seemingly only one thing McConnell could have offered them.
Let’s be clear: no matter what the mainstream media says to you to try to convince you that there’s still some doubt about the outcome, Donald Trump is finished. I can’t tell you when it’ll happen, but Michael Flynn’s deal cements Trump’s eventual ouster from office. The Republicans in Congress know it too. Their legislative agenda is now finished until Trump is gone, because his unraveling and downfall will become the only focus in the meantime. At this point the GOP is better off ousting Trump now, before he ends up causing them to get wiped out in the midterms.
Mitch McConnell, sociopathic criminal that he may be, is politically savvy enough to know this. He also knows that his Republican Party is about to get dragged down into the Russia scandal, thanks to this week’s media reports that Donald Trump asked a number of Republican Senators to sabotage the investigation. The best move, and in fact only logical move, for the GOP is to oust Trump and do it soon. McConnell knows this.
So I’m left to wonder aloud if Mitch McConnell might have cut a grand bargain with the holdout Republican Senators. They voted for his tax scam in order to appease the party’s wealthy donors, and in return, McConnell agreed to oust Donald Trump and let them take credit for it. That way these holdout Republicans can go into reelection bragging about how they virtuously ousted the criminal Trump, and perhaps it’s enough to distract voters from their own criminal participation in the tax scam.
I’m not working with any inside information here, just thinking out loud and asking a question that needs to be asked. Perhaps it’s a stretch to think that the dysfunctional Republican Party could have pulled off such a deal in secret. But if not, then the only other explanation is that the holdout Republicans in the Senate decided to throw away their consciences, their reputations, and their careers for no reason at all.
The post Has Mitch McConnell cut a grand bargain to oust Donald Trump? appeared first on Palmer Report.
The Sanity Of the ‘Teflon Don’ – Lynchburg News and Advance

Lynchburg News and Advance
The Sanity Of the ‘Teflon Don’
Lynchburg News and Advance
But Trump won praise from David Duke, former Ku Klux Klan leader, who tweeted: Thank God for Trump! That’s why we love him. Thumbing his nose at an ally, Trump tweeted to May to mind her own business. During the campaign, Trump’s many GOP competitors 
Has Mitch McConnell cut a grand bargain to oust Donald Trump?

Has Mitch McConnell cut a grand bargain to oust Donald Trump?
Has Mitch McConnell cut a grand bargain to oust Donald Trump?

Is there any other explanation for what we just watched play out?
Everyone piles on as Donald Trump launches into his most cartoonish meltdown yet

We all knew it was coming. A day and a half after Michael Flynn finalized a plea deal to save his own son and destroy Donald Trump in the process, Trump went off the deep end for all to see. This time around it was arguably his most cartoonish meltdown to date, as he struggled to get his message across and inadvertently confessed to at least one felony along the way. This led observers on all sides to pile on as Trump finished himself off.
Trump began his meltdown by asserting that Michael Flynn’s life has been ruined, when the reality is that Flynn is potentially looking at a very light sentence because he has evidence that will ruin Trump’s life. Trump’s first tweet read “So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday interrogation with no swearing in and no recording, lies many times…and nothing happens to her? Rigged system, or just a double standard?”
MSNBC analyst Malcolm Nance quickly pegged the meltdown for what it was: “Standby for trouble: Trump knows he is trapped. He will lash out soon.” Meanwhile, Colonel Morris Davis took a sarcastic approach: “Donald Trump unleashes another string of presidential style tweets to uplift the American people and reassure the world that its most heavily armed country is in stable and reliable hands.”
Earlier in the day, Donald Trump tweeted that he knew Michael Flynn had lied to the FBI, and in the process confessed to felony obstruction of justice. Trump then falsely claimed that his attorney John Dowd wrote the tweet. After Trump’s late night meltdown began, former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti seized on the moment, replying “Did Dowd write this one too?” As the night went on, Trump began ranting even more thoroughly about Hillary Clinton in increasingly incoherent fashion and the night is still young.
The post Everyone piles on as Donald Trump launches into his most cartoonish meltdown yet appeared first on Palmer Report.
FBI official’s role in Clinton email investigation under review – Fox News

New York Magazine
FBI official’s role in Clinton email investigation under review
Fox News
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, D-Calif., has sought documents and witnesses from the Department of Justice and FBI to determine what role, if any, the dossier played in the move to place a Trump campaign associate under foreign 
Mueller Removed FBI Agent From Russia Investigation Over Possible Anti-Trump TextsNew York Magazine
all 79 news articles »
CIA director: Trump tweets yielding valuable intelligence – CNN

CIA director: Trump tweets yielding valuable intelligence
Washington (CNN) CIA Director Mike Pompeo said Saturday that President Donald Trump’s prolific Twitter feed was yielding valuable intelligence. “I’ve actually seen it help us,” Pompeo told the audience at The Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi
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‘Saturday Night Love’ Cold Opening: Donald Trump Gets Ghostly Visits From Michael Flynn, Billy Bush, Hillary Clinton – Deadline

‘Saturday Night Love’ Cold Opening: Donald Trump Gets Ghostly Visits From Michael Flynn, Billy Bush, Hillary Clinton
From the Senate’s passage of a tax reform bill that cuts corporate taxes from 35% to 20%, to the guilty plea by former national security advisor Michael Flynn that seems to implicate Donald Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner in contact with the Russians
SNL cold open features Michael Flynn and the ghosts of Donald Trump’s
all 16 news articles »
Mueller aide fired for anti-Trump texts now facing review for role in Clinton email probe – Fox News

Fox News
Mueller aide fired for anti-Trump texts now facing review for role in Clinton email probe
Fox News
The “dossier” was a compendium of salacious and largely unverified allegations about then-candidate Trump and others around him that was compiled by the opposition research firm Fusion GPS. The firm’s bank records, obtained by House investigators 
Mueller Removed FBI Agent From Russia Investigation Over Possible Anti-Trump TextsNew York Magazine 
A timeline of Michael Flynn’s contacts with Russia, his ouster and guilty pleaCBS News
Trump’s favorite general: Michael Flynn’s rise and fallNew Jersey Herald
The AustralianBusiness Insider Australia
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Donald Trump begins late night Twitter meltdown about Michael Flynn and Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump begins late night Twitter meltdown about Michael Flynn and Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump begins late night Twitter meltdown about Michael Flynn and Hillary Clinton

Get your popcorn ready. Donald Trump is finishing himself off.
Analysis: Flynn plea clouds Trump’s tax victory – Northwest Herald

Analysis: Flynn plea clouds Trump’s tax victory
Northwest Herald
Flynn became the first member of the Trump White House to admit guilt in Mueller’s criminal investigation. His cooperation with investigators could help build a case involving possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia to influence the 
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Baldwin’s Scrooge-Trump Flamed By Ghosts On ‘Saturday Night Live’

He’s haunted by a “ghost “‘ghost of witnesses flipped” and gleeful “Hillary Clinton.”
Flynn guilty plea overshadows Trump tax bill win –
Flynn guilty plea overshadows Trump tax bill win
Flynn is the fourth person associated with Trump to be charged in the widening investigation. George Papadopoulos, a Trumpcampaign foreign policy aide, pleaded guilty on October 30 to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia. Paul Manafort 
Trump defends Flynn’s actions during transition: ‘There was nothing to hide!’The Hill
Mueller fired FBI agent for anti-Trump textsBoston Herald
Who Is Peter Strzok? Robert Mueller Expelled The FBI Agent From His Russia Probe Over Possible Anti-Trump TextsBustle 
Business InsiderThe Australian
Gulf Times
 –One America News Network (press release)
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New York Times
all 760 news articles »
On ‘SNL,’ Flynn, Putin, Billy Bush, Hillary Clinton visit Trump as Christmas ghosts –
On ‘SNL,’ Flynn, Putin, Billy Bush, Hillary Clinton visit Trump as Christmas ghosts
Alec Baldwin returned to Saturday Night Live this week for a cold open that seized on the latest twists in the Russia investigation and the sexual misconduct allegations against former Today anchor Matt Lauer. In the opening sketch, President 
‘Saturday Night Live’ lampoons Trump in ‘A Christmas Carol’-inspired sketchABC News
On ‘SNL,’ Trump Is Visited By Christmas Ghosts Mike Flynn, Vladimir Putin
SNL ‘A Christmas Carol’ skit shows Trump visited by ghost of FlynnThe Hill
‘Saturday Night Love’ Cold Opening: Donald Trump Gets Ghostly Visits From Michael Flynn,
 Billy Bush, Hillary Clinton NBC New York
Ghosts of Michael Flynn, Hillary Clinton visit Trump in ‘SNL’ ‘Christmas Carol’ sketchNew York Daily News
The HillDeadlineWashington PostABC News
all 60 Deadline
SNL cold open features Michael Flynn and the ghosts of Donald Trump’s
The Edwardsville IntelligencerHollywood ReporterMediaite
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news articles »
Everyone piles on as Donald Trump launches into his most cartoonish meltdown yet

Everyone piles on as Donald Trump launches into his most cartoonish meltdown yet
Everyone piles on as Donald Trump launches into his most cartoonish meltdown yet

No one’s even sure what this guy’s talking about anymore
Thousands In Utah Protest Trump Plans To Shrink National Monuments

Five tribes intend to Five tribes will sue after Trump details his moves on Monday.
bares details to slash public lands Monday.
Mueller fired FBI agent for anti-Trump texts – Boston Herald

Boston Herald
Mueller fired FBI agent for anti-Trump texts
Boston Herald
The texts between Strzok and a colleague occurred during presidential debates and other news events, according to the Times. Mueller’s investigation has so far indicted four Trump associates, including Friday’s charges and a guilty plea from the
Who Is Peter Strzok? Robert Mueller Expelled The FBI Agent From His Russia Probe Over Possible Anti-Trump TextsBustle
Peter Strzok & Lisa Page: 5 Fast Facts You Need to
all 84 news articles »
Trump’s lawyer: I wrote the president’s ‘sloppy’ tweet about Flynn’s dismissal – ABC News


CBS News
Reza Zarrab, the star witness unnerving Ankara – Digital Journal

Digital Journal
Reza Zarrab, the star witness unnerving Ankara
Digital Journal
Zarrab for some time and hoped for his release, hiring top-flight lawyers including former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani. The case has angered Erdogan, who has urged Washington to free Zarrab and denounced the trial as a “political plot” hatched by his 
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Was Michael Flynn asked to wear a wire in Mueller hunt for evidence on Russia?

Plea agreement includes clause showing Flynn consented to participate in covert law enforcement activities if required

The least-noticed sentence in Michael Flynns plea agreement with special counsel Robert Mueller may also be the most important one.
Section eight of the deal reached by Donald Trumps former national security adviser in the inquiry into Russian meddling in the US election is entitled cooperation. It specifies that as well as answering questions and submitting to government-administered polygraph tests, Flynns cooperation may include participating in covert law enforcement activities.
Related: Donald Trump: Michael Flynn’s actions during transition were lawful
Related: ‘Guilty, your honor’: Michael Flynn, who led the ‘lock her up’ chants, enters his plea
Continue reading…

Professor Who Has Predicted Last 8 Elections, Says Trump Will Be Impeached – GoLocalProv

Professor Who Has Predicted Last 8 Elections, Says Trump Will Be Impeached
The model that Lichtman created with Russian seismologist Vladimir Keilis-Borok, known as The Keys to the White House, has accurately predicted the popular vote winner of all of the U.S. presidential elections from 1984 to 2012. In 2000, Lichtman 
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