FBI News Review

8:27 AM 12/5/2017 – Saved Stories: Trump to FBI: Losers!

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Andrew McCabe – Google News: Old Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweet about ‘attacking FBI’ goes viral after Trump’s tweetstorm – The Daily Dot
james b. comey – Google News: Trump to FBI: Losers – Baltimore Sun
Andrew McCabe – Google News: Nunes Ramps Up Threats That He’ll Hold DOJ In Contempt Of Congress – TPM
Trump complains about ‘very unfair’ treatment of Flynn – WFTV Orlando
fbi – Google News: WH lawyer told Trump that Flynn misled FBI and Pence – CNN
james b. comey – Google News: Trump always lashes out when he’s cornered. He told me so years ago. – Washington Post
Christopher Wray – Google News: House Intel chairman threatens FBI director, deputy AG with contempt of Congress – USA TODAY
james b. comey – Google News: FBI in tatters: Trump – The Telegraph
mueller – Google News: Trump firing Robert Mueller would echo Watergate’s ‘Saturday Night Massacre’ – New York Daily News
Federal Bureau of Investigation: Trump Says He Feels Badly for Flynn
FactChecking Trump’s Criticism of the FBI –
fbi – Google News: Former FBI agent warns anti-Trump investigator could ‘compromise’ Mueller probe – WJLA
Christopher Wray – Google News: Director Defends FBI After Trump Says Bureau Is in ‘Tatters’ – New York Times
mueller – Google News: Mueller: Manafort’s Collaborator Has Ties To Russia’s Intelligence Services – NPR
fbi – Google News: FBI director tells staff to ‘expect — and welcome’ tough questions – CNN
fbi – Google News: Law enforcement officials warily eye White House as Trump criticizes FBI – Washington Post
Christopher Wray – Google News: ‘Keep calm and tackle hard’: FBI director sends out motivational email to agents after Trump’s fiery tweets – Business Insider
mueller – Google News: Robert Mueller’s mighty tuna shrinks to a goldfish – Washington Times
Federal Bureau of Investigation: Director Defends F.B.I. After Trump Says Bureau Is in Tatters
Federal Bureau of Investigation: Yes, the President Can Obstruct Justice
Christopher Wray – Google News: Baltimore police ask FBI to investigate officer’s killing – CNN
Christopher Wray – Google News: FBI Director Christopher Wray stands by staff after Trump attacks: ‘Keep calm and tackle hard’ – Washington Examiner
Andrew McCabe – Google News: Ex-Justice Department officials defend FBI after Trump says bureau is ‘in tatters’ – Yahoo News
fbi – Google News: FBI Director Chris Wray sends internal email to boost employee morale – CBS News
Feed Integration by RSS Dog.


Saved Stories – None
Andrew McCabe – Google News: Old Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweet about ‘attacking FBI’ goes viral after Trump’s tweetstorm – The Daily Dot

The Daily Dot
Old Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweet about ‘attacking FBI’ goes viral after Trump’s tweetstorm
The Daily Dot
A tweet from White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders last year shortly before the presidential election has a bit of a different meaning after President Donald Trump blasted the FBI on Twitter over the weekend. On Nov. 3 last year, Sanders
and more »

 Andrew McCabe – Google News

james b. comey – Google News: Trump to FBI: Losers – Baltimore Sun

Baltimore Sun
Trump to FBI: Losers
Baltimore Sun
It’s not every day that a sitting president savages as in tatters the reputation of the federal government’s top law enforcement arm, but it is a fairly common practice for those who have something to fear from police and prosecutors to attack them 
and more »

 james b. comey – Google News

fbi – Google News: Trump to FBI: Losers – Baltimore Sun

Baltimore Sun
Trump to FBI: Losers
Baltimore Sun
It’s not every day that a sitting president savages as in tatters the reputation of the federal government’s top law enforcement arm, but it is a fairly common practice for those who have something to fear from police and prosecutors to attack them 
FBI agents fire back at Trump: Saying we’re not dedicated is ‘simply false’The Hill
all 18 news articles »

 fbi – Google News

Andrew McCabe – Google News: Nunes Ramps Up Threats That He’ll Hold DOJ In Contempt Of Congress – TPM

Nunes Ramps Up Threats That He’ll Hold DOJ In Contempt Of Congress
The DOJ statement added that that the department had given House Intel several hundred pages of classified documents and multiple briefings, including responses to questions about the dossier. The statement also noted that Strzok had been cleared to 
and more »

 Andrew McCabe – Google News

Trump complains about ‘very unfair’ treatment of Flynn – WFTV Orlando

WFTV Orlando
Trump complains about ‘very unfair’ treatment of Flynn
WFTV Orlando
Trump, who spoke to reporters Monday as he left the White House to head to Utah, unleashed a string of tweets over the weekend in which he criticized the FBI and raised questions about the federal investigation into Russian election meddling and 
Russia-Trump: President criticised for attacking FBIBBC News
Trump slams DOJ and FBI in weekend tweetstormCNN 
Trump complains about ‘unfair’ treatment of FlynnThe Spokesman-Review
Comey And Holder Blast Trump Over FBI Criticism

The Daily Caller 
all 2,672
The Spokesman-ReviewAmerican Thinker (blog)
all 2,498 news articles »
fbi – Google News: WH lawyer told Trump that Flynn misled FBI and Pence – CNN

WH lawyer told Trump that Flynn misled FBI and Pence
The description of the conversation raises new questions about what Trump knew about Flynn’s situation when he urged then-FBI Director James Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn and whether anyone in the White House, including the President 
James Comey, Sally Yates and Eric Holder defend FBI after Trump’s Twitter attackWashington Post
FBI ‘Destroyed’ Flynn’s Life for Lying, Trump Says, but ‘Nothing Happened’ to ClintonNew York Times
FBI agents and James Comey fire back after Trump called their integrity into questionBusiness Insider
Bloomberg –The Hill –The Atlantic
all 2,507 news articles »

 fbi – Google News

james b. comey – Google News: Trump always lashes out when he’s cornered. He told me so years ago. – Washington Post

Washington Post
Trump always lashes out when he’s cornered. He told me so years ago.
Washington Post
President Trump spent the early hours Sunday the way he has so many mornings since he took office: watching Fox News and tweeting in ways that seem impulsive, unmoored from reality and potentially self-destructive. In less than two hours, he managed to 
and more »

 james b. comey – Google News

Christopher Wray – Google News: House Intel chairman threatens FBI director, deputy AG with contempt of Congress – USA TODAY

House Intel chairman threatens FBI director, deputy AG with contempt of Congress
WASHINGTON House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has directed his staff to prepare a contempt of Congress resolution against FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for “hiding” a top agent’s alleged 
House Republicans Prepare Contempt Action Against FBI, DOJ …Bloomberg
House intel committee threatens DOJ, FBI with contempt in Russia election meddling probeWashington Times
Justice Dept. offers up key witness in Russia probe as House Intel …CNN
The Spokesman-Review –The Daily Caller –TPM –Washington Examiner
all 30 news articles »

 Christopher Wray – Google News

james b. comey – Google News: FBI in tatters: Trump – The Telegraph

FBI in tatters: Trump
The Telegraph
On Friday, Michael T. Flynn, the former national security adviser, admitted that he had lied to the FBI about his conversations with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition. As part of the bureau’s inquiry, the special counsel, Robert 

 james b. comey – Google News

mueller – Google News: Trump firing Robert Mueller would echo Watergate’s ‘Saturday Night Massacre’ – New York Daily News

New York Daily News
Trump firing Robert Mueller would echo Watergate’s ‘Saturday Night Massacre’
New York Daily News
President Trump has sought ways to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation for months, but his hands might be tied as the veteran lawman has already charged four people. Trump’s potential firing of Mueller which is drawing 
Robert Mueller Can’t Save UsVICE
all 2 news articles »

 mueller – Google News

Federal Bureau of Investigation: Trump Says He Feels Badly for Flynn

President Trump spoke on Monday about Michael T. Flynn, his former national security adviser who admitted lying to the F.B.I.
 Federal Bureau of Investigation
FactChecking Trump’s Criticism of the FBI –
FactChecking Trump’s Criticism of the FBI
President Donald Trump claimed that Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI and nothing happened to her. In fact, the FBIdirector told Congress that there was no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI. Trump also left the false impression that  
Law enforcement officials warily eye White House as Trump criticizes FBIWashington Post

How Nonpartisan and Independent Was the FBI’s Leadership in 2016?National Review
Russia-Trump: President criticised for attacking FBIBBC News 
Chicago TribuneNewsmaxCNN
all 3,206 
Trump complains about ‘very unfair’ treatment of FlynnWFTV Orlando
CNNThe Hill
all 2,765
 news articles »
fbi – Google News: Former FBI agent warns anti-Trump investigator could ‘compromise’ Mueller probe – WJLA

Former FBI agent warns anti-Trump investigator could ‘compromise’ Mueller probe
The fact that an investigator involved in two of the most politically sensitive public corruption cases voiced his political views came as a shock to former FBI agents, who said his actions reflect a lack of integrity and judgment. But the revelation 
and more »

 fbi – Google News

Christopher Wray – Google News: Director Defends FBI After Trump Says Bureau Is in ‘Tatters’ – New York Times

Washington Examiner

New York Times
Director Defends FBI After Trump Says Bureau Is in ‘Tatters’
New York Times
WASHINGTON Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, defended his work force in an email on Monday, a dayMonday after President Trump said on Twitter that the agency’s standing was the worst in History and its reputation was in Tatters. In a message 
FBI Director Christopher Wray stands by staff
 to the F 
Trump calls FBI agent removed from Mueller probe ‘tainted’
LATEST ON FLYNN: Senator foresees obstruction of justice caseArkansas Online
FBI director defends agency after Trump attacks: ‘Keep calm and tackle hard’Washington Examiner
FBI Director Wray Email: ‘Truly an Honor to Represent You’Newsmax
FBI Director Defends Agency After Trump Says It’s ‘In Tatters’: ‘Truly An Honor to Represent You’Mediaite
fox8.comWichita EagleThe Hill
all 3,032 It’s an ‘honor to represent you’The Hill
Washington TimesCNN
all 2,861
news articles »

 Christopher Wray – Google News

mueller – Google News: Mueller: Manafort’s Collaborator Has Ties To Russia’s Intelligence Services – NPR

Mueller: Manafort’s Collaborator Has Ties To Russia’s Intelligence Services
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is trying to sway public opinion of his case by working with a Russian collaborator who has ties to Russia’s intelligence services, special counsel Robert
Last week, Manafort’s attorneys said they had reached such an agreement with Mueller’s team. It still needed the court’s approval, but
 Mueller’s office said in court papers Monday its filing on Monday that the government no longer supported the deal. That’s because of 
Mueller: Paul Manafort Wrote Op-Ed With Russian Operative Last WeekDaily Beast
Mueller just abruptly reversed course on his bail agreement with ManafortBusiness Insider 
Prosecutors: Paul Manafort should stay on house arrest after cowriting op-ed with colleague tied to Russian intelUSA TODAY
all 87 
Mueller urges judge to deny Manafort’s request to lift house arrestThe Hill
all 73
 news articles »

 mueller – Google News

fbi – Google News: FBI director tells staff to ‘expect — and welcome’ tough questions – CNN

FBI director tells staff to ‘expect — and welcome’ tough questions
(CNN) The FBI director told his staff in an agency-wide email Monday that the bureau should “expect — and welcome — people asking tough questions,” the day after President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter that the reputation of the FBI was in “tatters 
Fact check: Trump accused Clinton of lying but the FBI said she did
Law enforcement officials warily eye White House as Trump criticizes FBIWashington Post
FactChecking Trump’s Criticism of the
New York Times –RealClearPolitics –The Hill
all 3,136 news articles »

 fbi – Google News

fbi – Google News: Law enforcement officials warily eye White House as Trump criticizes FBI – Washington Post

Washington Post

 fbi – Google News

Christopher Wray – Google News: ‘Keep calm and tackle hard’: FBI director sends out motivational email to agents after Trump’s fiery tweets – Business Insider

Business Insider
‘Keep calm and tackle hard’: FBI director sends out motivational email to agents after Trump’s fiery tweets
Business Insider
FBI Director Christopher Wray sent a motivational email to the FBI’s 35,000 employees on Monday, following President Donald Trump’s tirade against the agency on Sunday, The New York Times reported. Wray reportedly wrote that he was “inspired by example 
and more »

 Christopher Wray – Google News

mueller – Google News: Robert Mueller’s mighty tuna shrinks to a goldfish – Washington Times

Washington Times
Robert Mueller’s mighty tuna shrinks to a goldfish
Washington Times
Mr. Mueller, held up by his fellow Blackstones as a model of lawyerly rectitude, teased everyone last week that after testing his prowess to the limit, he had hooked a mighty tuna. His hallelujah chorus in the media celebrated the hundred-pound monster

 mueller – Google News

Federal Bureau of Investigation: Director Defends F.B.I. After Trump Says Bureau Is in Tatters

Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, did not mention the president in defending the agencys work force as focused on our critical mission.
 Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation: Yes, the President Can Obstruct Justice

Also: Why lie if youve done nothing wrong?
 Federal Bureau of Investigation
Christopher Wray – Google News: Baltimore police ask FBI to investigate officer’s killing – CNN

Baltimore police ask FBI to investigate officer’s killing
Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis said the FBI and federal prosecutors have said Suiter was not a target of the investigation into several Baltimore officers who were federally indicted in March. There is no apparent connection between Suiter’s 
No word from FBI on Baltimore police request that it take over Det …Baltimore Sun
all 6 news articles »

 Christopher Wray – Google News

Christopher Wray – Google News: FBI Director Christopher Wray stands by staff after Trump attacks: ‘Keep calm and tackle hard’ – Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner
FBI Director Christopher Wray stands by staff after Trump attacks: ‘Keep calm and tackle hard’
Washington Examiner
FBI Director Christopher Wray told his staff Monday it was “truly an honor” to represent them after President Trump took the agency to task for being the “worst in History” and leaving its reputation in “Tatters,” according to a report. Wray told 35 
Trump calls FBI agent removed from Mueller probe ‘tainted’
The Latest: Senator foresees obstruction of justice caseWichita Eagle
Trump hits FBI, Clinton as debate Over Mike Flynn plea intensifiesFox News
CNN Trump attacks own FBI in series of tweetsAurora Sentinel
White House turns to above-the-law political defense – CNNPoliticsCNN
Business Insider
Washington Times Business Insider
all 3,215
all 3,029
news articles »

 Christopher Wray – Google News

Andrew McCabe – Google News: Ex-Justice Department officials defend FBI after Trump says bureau is ‘in tatters’ – Yahoo News

Yahoo News
Ex-Justice Department officials defend FBI after Trump says bureau is ‘in tatters’
Yahoo News
At the time, the White House also said that Comey left the FBI disorganized and with low morale, though then-acting DirectorAndrew McCabe contradicted that claim. Trump ultimately appointed Christopher Wray to replace Comey, and the Senate confirmed 
and more »

 Andrew McCabe – Google News

fbi – Google News: FBI Director Chris Wray sends internal email to boost employee morale – CBS News

CBS News
FBI Director Chris Wray sends internal email to boost employee morale
CBS News
FBI Director Chris Wray sent an internal email to FBI employees Monday amid concerns about morale. On Sunday in a tweet President Trump had disparaged the Bureau as having a reputation “in tatters — worst in history.” In the email, which was obtained 

 fbi – Google News