FBI News Review

6:52 AM 12/6/2017 – Obstruction of Justice was Coming from Inside the FBI – FrontPage Magazine

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Republicans are betting the future won’t happen. Who wants to tell them? – USA TODAY
Donald Trump Jr. to face questions about Russia contacts on Capitol Hill – ABC News
More charges could be coming against former Trump aide in Russia probe – CNN
Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey – VICE
Corey Lewandowski: Getting fired by Trump could be “greatest thing that ever happened” – CBS News
Robert Mueller reveals hes taking down Mike Pence along with Donald Trump
By pointing the finger at Moscow, Hillary Clinton has promoted Vladimir Putin power – Washington Times
Is Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation politically biased? – Fox Business
Trump Will Recognize Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital And Announce U.S. Embassy Move
White House: Jerusalem embassy move a ‘recognition of reality’ – CNN
Erik Prince proposed private spy network to Trump administration … – CNN
Donald Trump Jr. likely to face questions on Russian contacts from House panel –
Gangster Capitalism and Nostalgic Authoritarianism in Trump’s America – Truthdig
The media feeding frenzy about Donald Trump firing Robert Mueller is out of control
Firing Mueller would be hard for Trump and Congress should make it impossible – USA TODAY
Trump’s Endorsement of Roy Moore Points Up a GOP Problem: Chaos – New York Times
How Robert Mueller is using Deutsche Bank to prove Russia bought off Donald Trump
Music promoter behind Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer to testify before congressional investigators: Report – Washington Examiner
Comey Gets Emotional in Latest Subtweet Against Trump: Lady Liberty ‘In Rough Weather’ – Mediaite
Robert Muellers holiday gift to the American people: even more Trump-Russia indictments
Mike Pompeo just proved why America needs him at the CIA – Washington Examiner
Russia’s Influence Spreads – American Spectator
Press backpedals on Trump collusion charge, focuses on obstruction – Washington Examiner
White House: Reports of anti-Trump investigator on Mueller team ’cause a great deal of concern’ – Washington Examiner
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Saved Stories – None
Republicans are betting the future won’t happen. Who wants to tell them? – USA TODAY

Republicans are betting the future won’t happen. Who wants to tell them?
So how is Trump’s GOP handling a hemorrhaging of young voters who are establishing voting patterns that could last the rest of their adult lives? By trolling them out of the middle class. How does the GOP tax plan, which has now passed the House and
and more »
Donald Trump Jr. to face questions about Russia contacts on Capitol Hill – ABC News

Washington Examiner
Donald Trump Jr. to face questions about Russia contacts on Capitol Hill
ABC News
In October, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about interactions with Russian nationals and efforts to arrange a meeting between campaign and Russian officials. He is cooperating with 
Music promoter behind Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer to testify before congressional investigators: ReportWashington Examiner
all 39 news articles »
More charges could be coming against former Trump aide in Russia probe – CNN

More charges could be coming against former Trump aide in Russia probe
The indictments came almost six months after Mueller assumed the federal investigation into Russian collusion, yet so far the charges have not directly related to Manafort and Gates’ work for the Trump campaign or to Russian foreign policy. This week
and more »
Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey – VICE

Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
In fact, state lawmakers plan to start moving on legalization as soon as Republican (and Trump lackey) Chris Christie hands over the keys to the governor’s mansion next month. Christie has long opposed legal weed, arguing in May that the substance
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Corey Lewandowski: Getting fired by Trump could be “greatest thing that ever happened” – CBS News

CBS News
Corey Lewandowski: Getting fired by Trump could be “greatest thing that ever happened”
CBS News
… to hide” from special counsel Robert Mueller’s team in the ongoing investigation into Russian election meddling and any ties to the Trump campaign. Lewandowski and former deputy Trump campaign manager David Bossie will appear on CBSN’s “Red & Blue 
and more »
Robert Mueller reveals hes taking down Mike Pence along with Donald Trump

For quite some time, it’s been clear that Mike Pence willfully lied to the American public in an attempt at protecting Michael Flynn and covering up Donald Trump’s Russia scandal. That means Pence is guilty of obstruction of justice and maybe a lot more. The big question has been whether Special Counsel Robert Mueller would try to take Pence down along with Trump, or wait to tackle Pence until after Trump has been ousted. Now we’re getting our answer.
Mike Pence’s people are preparing him for what they believe is an inevitable interview with Mueller, according to details buried pretty far down the page in a lengthy new CNN online report (link). Mueller now has Michael Flynn on his side, and Flynn’s testimony and evidence are enough to incriminate Pence. Make no mistake: if Mueller is sitting down with Pence while he’s still investigating Trump, it’s to try to nail Pence. So where does this go?
Flynn is admitting that he was notifying the Trump transition team in real time about his efforts to get the Russian Ambassador to delay the Russian government’s sanctions response. Mike Pence was the head of the transition team. So unless the entire team conspired to keep this information from Pence, which is not a believable scenario, Pence knew that Flynn was committing crimes. That means Pence lied a month later when he claimed he had no knowledge of Flynn doing anything wrong.
Someone on the transition team will cut a deal and confirm that Mike Pence knew what Michael Flynn was up to. Throw in the fact that Congress notified Pence about some of Flynn’s crimes back in November of 2016, and Pence is hosed. Is Robert Mueller seeking to force Pence to cut a deal against Trump and resign the vice presidency? Only Mueller knows but it’s clear Pence knows he’s in jeopardy.
The post Robert Mueller reveals he’s taking down Mike Pence along with Donald Trump appeared first on Palmer Report.
By pointing the finger at Moscow, Hillary Clinton has promoted Vladimir Putin power – Washington Times

By pointing the finger at Moscow, Hillary Clinton has promoted Vladimir Putin power
Washington Times
Today even the FBI has taken up Hillary’s strategy, but nothing has as yet implicated Mr. Trump, and no White House grandee is implicated in a Russian-related crime. As of last weekend, we know that a Hillary supporter working high up in the FBI, Peter
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Is Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation politically biased? – Fox Business

Breitbart News
Is Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation politically biased?
Fox Business
From my standpoint, having spent a good part of my life in that agency, it’s not the agents that are screwing this all up,” formerFBI assistant director James Kallstrom told FOX Business’ Liz MacDonald. “It’s the people at the higher levels of the 
James Comey ‘Emperor with No Clothes,’ Says Former FBI Assistant Director After Gloating Bible Verse PostBreitbart News
FOX NEWS FIRST: Mueller Russia probe has credibility problem; Gay wedding cake showdown in Supreme CourtFox News
all 3,845 news articles »
Trump Will Recognize Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital And Announce U.S. Embassy Move

The decision threatens to inflame Israeli-Palestinian tensions and provoke outrage across the region.
White House: Jerusalem embassy move a ‘recognition of reality’ – CNN


Erik Prince proposed private spy network to Trump administration … – CNN

Erik Prince proposed private spy network to Trump administration …
The founder of the controversial military contracting firm Blackwater, Erik Prince, and his allies lobbied contacts inside the administration to provide the CIA with a private network of intelligence contractors, according to a US official with 
US official: Erik Prince proposed private spy network to Trump administrationWENY-TV
all 2 news articles »
Donald Trump Jr. likely to face questions on Russian contacts from House panel –
Donald Trump Jr. likely to face questions on Russian contacts from House panel
During a committee interview with the firm behind a 35-page dossier on then-candidate Trump last month, a Fusion GPS official not only stood by its claims but provided additional leads about Russian money flowing to Trump real estate projects 
Russian Lawyer To Senate: Don Jr. Asked For Clinton Info At Trump Tower MeetingTPM
President Trump’s eldest son to face congressional questions on his contacts with Russians, WikiLeaksLos Angeles Times
Music promoter behind Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer to testify before congressional investigators: ReportWashington Examiner
NBC Chicago
all 34 31 news articles »
Gangster Capitalism and Nostalgic Authoritarianism in Trump’s America – Truthdig

Gangster Capitalism and Nostalgic Authoritarianism in Trump’s America
Just one year into the Donald Trump presidency, not only have the failures of American democracy become clear, but many of the darkest elements of its history have been catapulted to the center of power. A dystopian ideology, a kind of nostalgic 
The media feeding frenzy about Donald Trump firing Robert Mueller is out of control

Donald Trump is going to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller any minute now, according to nearly every political news outlet in the country, based on no evidence whatsoever. Last month’s logic: Mueller arrested Paul Manafort, therefore Trump is about to fire Mueller. Last week’s logic: Michael Flynn cut a deal, therefore Trump is about to fire Mueller. This week’s logic: Mueller is probing Trump’s finances, therefore Trump is about to fire Mueller. It’s a media feeding frenzy, and it’s out of control.
Remember all the media buzz about Donald Trump firing James Comey just before it happened? No, you don’t, because there was none. That was the entire point. Trump was trying to catch everyone off guard by firing Comey at a time when no one was expecting it, hoping that he would get away with it because not enough of the public was paying attention to the Russia scandal at the time. It backfired on him, but there was a logic to it.
Trump firing Mueller right now would be completely logicless, even by Trump’s warped standards. He knows everyone is watching him right now. He knows the public is eager to eat him alive if he does it. He knows his own Republican Party might even have to dunk him for it. They could, and at this point probably would, turn around and immediately reappoint Mueller as a more powerful Independent Counsel. It’s not that the GOP cares about doing the right thing. It just doesn’t want to go into the midterms having to answer for why it let Trump fire Mueller. Trump, for all his deranged ideas and increasingly addled brain, knows this.
So why is the media pushing the narrative so vigilantly about Donald Trump preparing to fire Robert Mueller? It’s the same reason the media has begun automatically hyping this same narrative every time Mueller has made a breakthrough. It comes down to one word: ratings. People hear this, they get scared, they tune in for more. It’s not that the odds of Trump firing Mueller are zero. Anything is possible. It’s just that the odds of it are no better now than the last time ten times the media breathlessly overhyped this particular narrative.
The post The media feeding frenzy about Donald Trump firing Robert Mueller is out of control appeared first on Palmer Report.
Firing Mueller would be hard for Trump and Congress should make it impossible – USA TODAY

Firing Mueller would be hard for Trump and Congress should make it impossible
White House attorney Ty Cobb has reportedly built up President Trump’s expectation that special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation would be winding down by Christmas. But now that Mueller has secured the guilty pleas of former national 
Trump slams DOJ and FBI in weekend tweetstormCNN
Feinstein: Senate Russia probe building obstruction case against
Donald Trump’s Lawyers Keep Saying the Russia Investigation Will End Soon. Here’s WhyTIME
Business InsiderReutersFox News
all 4,093 4,092 news articles »
Trump’s Endorsement of Roy Moore Points Up a GOP Problem: Chaos – New York Times

New York Times
Trump’s Endorsement of Roy Moore Points Up a GOP Problem: Chaos
New York Times
WASHINGTON President Trump’s sudden decision on Monday to endorse Roy S. Moore and direct the Republican National Committee to restore funding for the embattled Senate candidate in Alabama undercut party officials who have disavowed him. But it did 
White House defends Trump’s Moore endorsementCNN
GOP senators grumble over Trump, RNC backing MoorePolitico 
Was Trump’s Endorsement Of Roy Moore A Mistake?FiveThirtyEight
Senate GOP won’t follow Trump’s lead in backing Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore

Los Angeles Times TwitterWashington Post
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all 1,421
 news articles »
How Robert Mueller is using Deutsche Bank to prove Russia bought off Donald Trump

Many Americans were surprised to learn today that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is working with a bank in Germany to try to connect the dots between Donald Trump and the Russian government. If you’ve been reading Palmer Report since January, you’re not surprised to see this story at all. All year long it’s been inevitable that Mueller would target Deutsche Bank in the Trump-Russia scandal. We know exactly what he’s looking for, because the biggest clues have long been hiding in plain sight.
For years, Deutsche Bank has been loaning unreasonably large sums of money to Donald Trump. Even after most banks worldwide concluded that Trump had become too unlikely to repay his loans and had thus stopped lending to him, Deutsche Bank continued floating Trump almost single handedly. Even after Deutsche Bank hit hard times of its own and should’t have been making risky loans of any kind, it continued to keep Trump afloat for no apparent reason. Then in January of 2017, we learned what appeared to be the reason.
Regulators in the United States and Europe busted Deutsche Bank for having laundered billions of dollars in Russian money into the hands of clients in places like New York City. The story was widely reported in the British press at the time, but it barely got a mention in the American press. Nonetheless it wasn’t difficult to put the pieces together: the Russian government appeared to be sending money to Deutsche Bank, which the bank then turned around and “loaned” to Donald Trump, as a way of funneling money to him.
We’ve never been able to definitively prove this, but Robert Mueller can. It’s why he sent a subpoena to Deutsche Bank months ago in order to get his hands on financial records in relation to the Trump-Russia scandal. We don’t yet know why Deutsche Bank has chosen now to finally cooperate. But we do know what Mueller is looking for: the money trail that proves Russia bought Trump with cold hard cash before installing him as a puppet in the White House.
The post How Robert Mueller is using Deutsche Bank to prove Russia bought off Donald Trump appeared first on Palmer Report.
Music promoter behind Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer to testify before congressional investigators: Report – Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner
Music promoter behind Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer to testify before congressional investigators: Report
Washington Examiner
In addition to Trump Jr., former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, were present at the meeting. Manafort and his associate Rick Gates were indicted by a federal grand jury this fall on 12 charges 
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Comey Gets Emotional in Latest Subtweet Against Trump: Lady Liberty ‘In Rough Weather’ – Mediaite

Comey Gets Emotional in Latest Subtweet Against Trump: Lady Liberty ‘In Rough Weather’
In James Comey’s latest subtweet against President Donald Trump, the former FBI director got a little emotional about the health of America’s democracy. In NYC to meet with my publisher. Hope leadership book will be useful. Reassuring to see Lady 
Robert Muellers holiday gift to the American people: even more Trump-Russia indictments

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Donald Trump’s Russia scandal has become increasingly fruitful over the past five weeks. He’s now indicted and arrested four people, including two of Trump’s most infamous advisers, two of whom have pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with the investigation. Now comes word that even more Trump-Russia indictments may soon be on the way.
We’ve already documented that the publicly available schedule for the federal court in Washington DC, where Mueller has carried out most of his grand juries to date, has dozens of sealed items on it. Based on the manner in which the case numbers are grouped, they appear to represent sealed indictments against six or seven individuals. Items are only sealed for good reason. Most or all of these indictments are likely against Trump-Russia players. But now something else entirely is playing out in the public view, and it involves one of the names you’ve already heard.
The attorney for Rick Gates was forced to appear in front of a judge this week because there was a perceived conflict of interest between his representation of Gates and that of another client. For reasons known only to him, the attorney used this as an opportunity to tell the judge that Mueller’s team has informed him that even more indictments could be coming against Gates, according to a new CNN report (link). This means Gates would be hit with charges for alleged crimes that Mueller either didn’t have ready, or didn’t know about, at the time of the arrest. Why does this matter?
By the time the smoke clears, few among the public are going to care or remember what ends up happening to Rick Gates. But it’s notable that this is coming almost immediately after Robert Mueller busted Gates’ business partner Paul Manafort for having conspired with a Russian spy to try to taint the jury pool. No one knows how Mueller found out about it unless Gates told him. All we know is that more indictments are coming soon. Some are against the same old faces, and some are against even bigger players. Happy holiday.
The post Robert Mueller’s holiday gift to the American people: even more Trump-Russia indictmentsappeared first on Palmer Report.
Mike Pompeo just proved why America needs him at the CIA – Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner
Mike Pompeo just proved why America needs him at the CIA
Washington Examiner
Praising Panetta for his work on counterterrorism operations while at the CIA, Pompeo stated that he frequently asks the Obama-era director “how to think about things.” This might seem simple, but it shows a bipartisan intellectual introspection 
and more »
Russia’s Influence Spreads – American Spectator

American Spectator
Russia’s Influence Spreads
American Spectator
The FBI has a lot to answer for and ought to itself be investigated. As for the Russians they now have more say in Washington than at any time I can remember. Those in Official Washington who have adopted Hillary’s strategy have made Kislyak a powerful  
Trump: Fired National Security Adviser Treated UnfairlyVoice of America
Gingrich: The swamp is more corrupt than we thought it wasFox News
Prosecutor: No evidence Trump knew Flynn lied to
POLITICO MagazineLifeZetteWashington Examiner
all 4,297 news articles »
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Press backpedals on Trump collusion charge, focuses on obstruction – Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner
Press backpedals on Trump collusion charge, focuses on obstruction
Washington Examiner columnist Brent Budowsky wrote a piece Tuesday that said, New evidence raises the danger that PresidentTrump will ultimately be charged with obstruction of justice by Robert Mueller and his special counsel team. The pivot came after a 
Obstruction of justice watch: Trump attacks the FBIThe Hill
We need to keep our focus on the real damage Trump is doingChicago Tribune
An “obstructionist” tweetAL DIA News
National Review
all 4,297 4,068 news articles »
Obstruction of Justice was Coming from Inside the FBI – FrontPage Magazine

FrontPage Magazine
Obstruction of Justice was Coming from Inside the FBI
FrontPage Magazine
Hillary Clinton, Mills and Huma Abedin made what appear to be false statements to the FBI. Had Mills been working for Trump, the same number would have been run on Mills as on Flynn and Papadopoulos. But the men interviewing Mills didn’t want her to 
and more »
White House: Reports of anti-Trump investigator on Mueller team ’cause a great deal of concern’ – Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner
White House: Reports of anti-Trump investigator on Mueller team ’cause a great deal of concern’
Washington Examiner
Her comment came days after the New York Times and other outlets reported Mueller had reassigned Peter Strzok, a top FBIinvestigator, over the summer in response to the discovery that Strzok had sent anti-Trump text messages to a colleague. The news 
WH Expresses ‘Concern’ About Bias in Mueller ProbeNewsmax
all 53 news articles »