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Election 2016 Investigations




The FBI Has Been Political From The Start

The 1936 film You Can’t Get Away With It about the FBI portrays a typical G-man of the era, complete with machine gun. AP 

News And Music – 2021

Opinion – Chris Farrell: “The FBI needs to go away.”

FBI needs to be shut down: Chris Farrell – Feb 16, 2018

To #US & #Senate

The Secret Confession of the G-Man turned Zi REB-BEH-EL

Who organized and staged the 1/6/21 ultimately?

Subversion definition: A systematic attempt to overthrow a government by working from within

The New Abwehr Hypothesis

On The New Abwehr And Her Dear Younger Sisters, The GRU And The #FBI

Donald #Trump is the prime example of the American #Fascist, and so was his father Fred

From the #Canaris Directive

Admiral Canaris and many of the Abwehr officers were Jews or part Jews, and so were many of their agents

#Canaris bribed Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster

Roy Cohn – a very likely New Abwehr agent and operative, influenced Hoover and FBI greatly

Inside the F.B.I. File of Trump’s Mentor, Roy Cohn

Michael Novakhov on FBI

The Nazi Germany Espionage in the pre-WW2 America was rampant

FBI News Review

Hoover and FBI were no match

Michael Novakhov on FBI

FBI was heavily infiltrated by Nazi Germany agents

Thousands of ex #Nazi Germans were hired by the FBI after WW2

Capitol Riot leaders and organizers are mostly Right Wing

Capitol Riot and Cryptocurrency

#Counterintelligence aspects of the #CapitolRiot


Feds Seize CNN Reporter’s Data, Then Gag CNN

Investigate your own criminal ass, FBI!

FBI: you do not know how to fish. Go back to your Pinkerton Fishing School!!!

FBI is just a Church for its members


John Durham investigation largely focused on FBI: report

John Durham and his investigations of FBI

John Durham | Whitey Bulger 

Whitey Bulger Is Dead in Prison at 89; Long-Hunted Boston Mob Boss - The New York Times

M.N.: The FBI issues of dysfunction and problems with legality are not random or sporadic, they appear to be systemic, structural, and deeply rooted. The whole organization and some workers appear to be just as cynical, psychopathic, conniving, and rotten as the very field they are dealing with.

The FBI and the Mob appear to have many common elements in their collective mentality, and it is logical: The primary function of the both groups is to protect and to benefit their respective members. In essence as Norman Mailer observed so aptly, the FBI is a Church which exists to satisfy and to tender to the needs of its members (“the true mediocre”), first of all and most of all. 

Why Norman Mailer Still Matters in 2018 | The Village Voice

„At bottom, I mean profoundly at bottom, the FBI has nothing to do with Communism, it has nothing to do with catching criminals, it has nothing to do with the Mafia, the syndicate, it has nothing to do with trust-busting, it has nothing to do with interstate commerce, it has nothing to do with anything but serving as a church for the mediocre. A high church for the true mediocre.“

I think, it was the truth then, and it still is the same truth now. 
In 1963, Mailer wrote — as paraphrased in an FBI memo — that the bureau had done more damage to America than the Communist Party. That same year, a magazine quoted Mailer as calling Hoover “the worst celebrity in America.”Nov 15, 2008 

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Chris Wray: ‘We’re Going To Keep Digging.’

Political attacks on Chris Wray

Michael Novakhov

All I see now in these #FBI comments are the political attacks on Chris Wray in order to unseat him. Be careful and aware of what you are asking for: the FBI dysfunctions can become worse with the new leader, male-female issue is irrelevant here. I recommend to create THE FBI ADVISARY BOARD, of the best minds in Academia and related fields, and to proceed with the reforms; gradually, cautiously, and prudently, under Mr. Wray, who appears to be committed to these reforms. 14w 

FBI and Capitol Riot: complicity or failure of intelligence?

Reuters launders #FBI claims

They are in these #CRIMINAL #GANGS FOR #LIFE!

Whitey Bulger the FBI Informant, Prison Murders

List of FBI controversies – Wikipedia


Is the FBI controlled by the New Abwehr and the KGB?!

Bing Search: Is the FBI controlled by the New Abwehr and the KGB?!

Google News Search: Is FBI controlled by New Abwehr and KGB?

These painful questions have to be asked, and the answers have to be searched! – M.N.

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Selected Tweets

Dismantle the Inept, Incompetent, Brainless, Psychopathic FBI-KGB MONSTER!

An American Affair: Trump & the FBI

FBI and Gays

FBI engaged for the decades in Gay Bashing

Giuliani’s son is married to a Russian woman

Is Giuliani’s son married to “Lithuanian-born” Russian agent?

The Giulianis were targeted by the Russians

Giuliani calls raid on his NYC home ‘illegal and unconstitutional’

Notorious double-agent

Ex-#FBI agent charged with falsifying documents

FBI Criticism

This is a self-destructive approach

Ex-FBI agent charged

A Call for FBI Reform

FBI HQ ‘Dumbed Down’ the Report from Minneapolis Agents Who Foresaw Terror Attack

FBI suffers another black eye, admits it hid payments to informant in white supremacist case

Jeffrey Epstein’s Secret Exposed

Mafia Bosses

Police News Review

News Reviews – The News And Times

 3:27 PM 3/30/2022

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