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Counterintelligence Elections 2016 Mueller Investigation My Opinion - Michael Novakhov Russian Propaganda on Social Media

M.N.: Mr. Rosenstein, please pay attention to this “matter”: If the hackers "remotely configured an overseas computer to relay communications" in DNC hack, why wouldn't they be able to do the same thing to Abedin's Blackberry device, programming it to send the copies of emails to the Abedin-Weiner's laptop for archiving? | 6:35 AM 7/14/2018 – 12 Russians Charged: Major Highlights of the Indictment and Rod Rosenstein’s Statement

M.N.: If the hackers “remotely configured an overseas computer to relay communications” in DNC hack,

why wouldn’t they be able to do the same thing to Abedin’s Blackberry device,

programming it to send the copies of emails to the Abedin-Weiner’s laptop for archiving and/or backup?

This explanation might help to solve the mystery of 650,000 emails which suddenly popped up on that laptop after her emails device was deactivated to handle the State Department emails. 
The consultation with the computer experts should be able to shed some light on this issue. 

Mr. Rosenstein, please pay attention to this “matter”! 

It is also quite legitimate and logical, I think, to investigate the possible connections between “cryptocurrency and foreign sponsors of Trump’s campaign” – Google Search 
“The indictment’s details about the Russians’ use of Bitcoin showed how cryptocurrencies — and the anonymity they provide — have become both a tool and a challenge for intelligence agencies in the battles between nation states. The Bitcoin network allows anyone to move millions of dollars across the world without any in-person meetings, and without requiring the approval of any financial institutions. For spies, that means gone are the days of covertly exchanging suitcases full of cash.

  • “The conspirators funded the purchase of computer infrastructure for their hacking activity in part by “mining” Bitcoin. Individuals and entities can mine Bitcoin by allowing their computing power to be used to verify and record payments on the Bitcoin public ledger, a service for which they are rewarded with freshly minted Bitcoin. The pool of Bitcoin generated from the G.R.U.’s mining activity was used, for example, to pay a Romanian company to register the domain <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a> through a payment processing company located in the United States.”

Spies need to get their money somewhere, and Russia’s intelligence services are not nearly as well bankrolled as their American counterparts. So, in 2016, the Russians came up with a new way to secure money — they created it by mining their own Bitcoins.


12 Russians Charged: Major Highlights of the Indictment and Rod Rosenstein’s Statement – NYtimes

  • “25. On or about April 19, 2016, KOZACHEK, YERSHOV, and their co-conspirators remotely configured an overseas computer to relay communications between X-Agent malware and the AMS panel and then tested X-Agent’s ability to connect to this computer. The conspirators referred to this computer as a ‘middle server.’ The middle server acted as a proxy to obscure the connection between malware at the D.C.C.C. and the conspirators’ AMS panel.”

This level of detail clearly indicates that intelligence agencies were inside Russian computers. That might be the N.S.A. — but it could also be the Dutch or the British, who were monitoring Russian activity and providing information secretly to the United States.
It raises questions about why the United States did not act more quickly.” 


Image result for gru
“We know that Russian hackers had posed as American citizens, but we did not know until now that they used cryptocurrency to hide their identities. That is a relatively new addition to traditional means of falsifying identities. ..
The Russia hack was announced by CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, in mid-June 2016. This suggests that the revelation did not slow the officers from the G.R.U., Russia’s military intelligence agency; they continued their hacking even though they had been exposed. This is consistent with the group’s activities when caught inside the White House computer systems, where it fought an National Security Agency operation to oust them.”
12 Russians Charged: Major Highlights of the Indictment and Rod Rosenstein’s Statement
Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks 

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12 Russians Charged: Major Highlights of the Indictment and Rod Rosenstein’s Statement
gru indictment – Google Search
The Trump-Putin summit and Germany’s delicate balancing act
Trump should cancel Putin summit after Mueller indictments, Congress says
netanyahu – Google Search
Lévon Minassian (Duduk) – ” They Have Taken the One I Love ” – YouTube
‘Inundated With Requests’: Novichok Vodka Producers Open Up on Sudden Success – Google Search
pussy putinka – Google Search
difference between machine and human pattern recognition – Google Search
FBI Files Prove Robert Mueller Approved 9/11 Cover-Ups
investigation 9/11 – Google Search
Donald Trump vows to reopen 9/11 terror attack investigation
Amesbury poisoning: Novichok source revealed as small bottle
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Russian Classical Music | Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, Rimskij-Korsakov – YouTube
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What is the GRU? Mueller indicted the spy agency’s operatives.

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>14 hours ago
The Main Intelligence Directorate, better known by the acronym GRU from its Russian name, is the Kremlin’s military intelligence arm. Founded …
Story image for gru from Fast Company

Mueller indictment: Read the full charges against Russia’s GRU …

Fast Company16 hours ago
Because no summer Friday can pass without a stunning news event, the Justice Department has charged 12 members of a Russian …
12 Russians Charged: Major Highlights of the Indictment and Rod Rosenstein’s Statement

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Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, on Friday announced new charges against 12 Russian military intelligence officers accused of hacking the Democratic National Committee, the Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
[Read our main story on the latest indictments in the Russia investigation]
The following are some of the key highlights of the indictment of the Russian agents and what Mr. Rosenstein said at the announcement on Friday.

Analysis by David E. Sanger and Matthew Rosenberg

  • “4. By in or around April 2016, the conspirators also hacked into the computer networks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (“D.C.C.C.”) and the Democratic National Committee (“D.N.C.”). The conspirators covertly monitored the computers of dozens of D.C.C.C. and D.N.C. employees, implanted hundreds of files containing malicious computer code (“malware”), and stole emails and other documents from the D.C.C.C. and D.N.C. 5. By in or around April 2016, the conspirators began to plan the release of materials stolen from the Clinton campaign, D.C.C.C. and D.N.C.”

The indictment makes no reference to the previous hack of the D.N.C. by another Russian intelligence agency. That agency appeared to just be spying — it did not publish the committee’s documents, or go into the Clinton campaign itself. Mr. Mueller focused only on efforts to influence the election, not to spy.

  • “7. The conspirators also used the Guccifer 2.0 persona to release additional stolen documents through a website maintained by an organization (“Organization 1”), that had previously posted documents stolen from U.S. persons, entities and the U.S. government. The conspirators continued their U.S. election-interference operations through in or around November 2016.”

“Organization 1” appears to be WikiLeaks. It is not clear why the indictment does not name the organization. And it does not answer the mystery of whether WikiLeaks got the documents directly or through a cutout — a critical question for those examining whether there was any link to the Trump campaign.

  • “8. To hide their connections to Russia and the Russian government, the conspirators used false identities and made false statements about their identities. To further avoid detection, the conspirators used a network of computers located across the world, including in the United States, and paid for this infrastructure using cryptocurrency.”

We know that Russian hackers had posed as American citizens, but we did not know until now that they used cryptocurrency to hide their identities. That is a relatively new addition to traditional means of falsifying identities.

  • “22. The conspirators spearphished individuals affiliated with the Clinton campaign throughout the summer of 2016. For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton’s personal office. At or around the same time, they also targeted 76 email addresses at the domain for the Clinton campaign.”

The Russia hack was announced by CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, in mid-June 2016. This suggests that the revelation did not slow the officers from the G.R.U., Russia’s military intelligence agency; they continued their hacking even though they had been exposed. This is consistent with the group’s activities when caught inside the White House computer systems, where it fought an National Security Agency operation to oust them.

  • “25. On or about April 19, 2016, KOZACHEK, YERSHOV, and their co-conspirators remotely configured an overseas computer to relay communications between X-Agent malware and the AMS panel and then tested X-Agent’s ability to connect to this computer. The conspirators referred to this computer as a ‘middle server.’ The middle server acted as a proxy to obscure the connection between malware at the D.C.C.C. and the conspirators’ AMS panel.”

This level of detail clearly indicates that intelligence agencies were inside Russian computers. That might be the N.S.A. — but it could also be the Dutch or the British, who were monitoring Russian activity and providing information secretly to the United States. It raises questions about why the United States did not act more quickly.

  • “33. In response to Company 1’s efforts, the conspirators took countermeasures to maintain access to the D.C.C.C. and D.N.C. networks. 
    a. On or about May 31, 2016, YERMAKOV searched for open-source information about Company 1 and its reporting on X-Agent and X-Tunnel. On or about June 1, 2016, the conspirators attempted to delete traces of their presence on the D.C.C.C. network using the computer program CCleaner.”

Company 1 is CrowdStrike. The countermeasures are similar to the G.R.U.’s action when caught in the White House system. It also shows an effort to cover the group’s tracks.

  • “35. More than a month before the release of any documents, the conspirators constructed the online persona DCLeaks to release and publicize stolen election-related documents. On or about April 19, 2016, after attempting to register the domain <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>, the conspirators registered the domain <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a> through a service that anonymized the registrant.”

This says what has long been suspected: that the G.R.U. officers directly created DCLeaks.

  • “41. On or about June 15, 2016, the conspirators logged into a Moscow-based server used and managed by Unit 74455 and, between 4:19 PM and 4:56 PM Moscow Standard Time, searched for certain words and phrases.”

This was a day after the public revelation of the hack. It shows that the United States or one of its allies eventually got into the Russian servers to gather the evidence, or monitored the traffic from those servers.

  • “58. Although the conspirators caused transactions to be conducted in a variety of currencies, including U.S. dollars, they principally used Bitcoin when purchasing servers, registering domains and otherwise making payments in furtherance of hacking activity. Many of these payments were 21 processed by companies located in the United States that provided payment processing services to hosting companies, domain registrars and other vendors both international and domestic. The use of Bitcoin allowed the conspirators to avoid direct relationships with traditional financial institutions, allowing them to evade greater scrutiny of their identities and sources of funds.”

The indictment’s details about the Russians’ use of Bitcoin showed how cryptocurrencies — and the anonymity they provide — have become both a tool and a challenge for intelligence agencies in the battles between nation states. The Bitcoin network allows anyone to move millions of dollars across the world without any in-person meetings, and without requiring the approval of any financial institutions. For spies, that means gone are the days of covertly exchanging suitcases full of cash.

  • “The conspirators funded the purchase of computer infrastructure for their hacking activity in part by “mining” Bitcoin. Individuals and entities can mine Bitcoin by allowing their computing power to be used to verify and record payments on the Bitcoin public ledger, a service for which they are rewarded with freshly minted Bitcoin. The pool of Bitcoin generated from the G.R.U.’s mining activity was used, for example, to pay a Romanian company to register the domain <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a> through a payment processing company located in the United States.”

Spies need to get their money somewhere, and Russia’s intelligence services are not nearly as well bankrolled as their American counterparts. So, in 2016, the Russians came up with a new way to secure money — they created it by mining their own Bitcoins.

gru indictment – Google Search

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Story image for gru indictment from Fast Company

Mueller indictment: Read the full charges against Russia’s GRU …

Fast Company15 hours ago
The indictment was unsealed today and announced by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who said all 12 suspects are members of the …
12 Russian Intelligence Officers Indicted For Interfering With 2016 …
International<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a> (blog)13 hours ago
The Trump-Putin summit and Germany’s delicate balancing act

mikenova shared this story from PRI: Latest Stories.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in Brussels on July 11 and 12 left Germans stunned by President Donald Trump’s relentless attacks on the nation’s contributions to the defense alliance and its economic ties to Russia.

Germans were particularly shocked by accusations that they are in bed with Russia.
“Germany, as far as I’m concerned, is captive to Russia because it’s getting so much of its energy from Russia,” Trump told NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, former leader of Norway, on the first day of the summit. “We have to talk about the billions and billions of dollars that’s being paid to the country we’re supposed to be protecting you against.”
Now, as Trump travels to Finland for a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, Germans worry that the nation’s decades-long balancing act between East and West might come tumbling down, leaving them — and Europe — reeling from the fallout.
They are bracing for the worst from what was once their once-most stalwart ally.
“The Germans are trying to assess what could be the maximum damage and how should the Europeans react if Trump does something horribly stupid,” said Gustav Gressel with the European Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin.
The transatlantic relationship is especially important for Germans, who have American investments to thank for helping rebuild the nation after World War II and helping Berlin during the Cold War. American politicking also contributed to the collapse of the communist regime in East Germany in 1989, and President George H.W. Bush’s nod of approval allowed for German reunification a year later.
Many Germans have family across the Atlantic as well, and hundreds of thousands study or work in the US each year. The German language — and food — is peppered with American influence.
Faith in that relationship and the nations’ shared democratic values, however, have made Germany reliant on the United States for its domestic security, analysts say.
Under the protection of NATO, Germany has winnowed away at its defense budget, which now stands at just 1.23 percent of GDP, according to government figures. That’s far lower than the 2 percent threshold NATO members agreed to meet by 2024, although defense spending is slated to increase in the coming years.
At the height of the German-American relationship, Germany’s dependence on the United States hardly tarnished German citizens’ views toward America. But relations experienced a major shift with the election of Trump in 2016.
Many Germans see the American president’s constant criticism of the United States’ $64 billion trade deficit with Germany and his gloating over American patronage to Germany as distasteful and an affront to nation’s sovereignty.
In 2017, 56 percent of respondents to a Pew Research Center study thought US-German relations were bad, while only 11 percent of Germans expressed confidence in Trump. That’s compared to over 80 percent who expressed confidence in the capabilities of former President Barack Obama in 2016.
“I think, generally speaking, we’re losing a very good friend,” said Jörg Dobers, 49, who works in pharmaceuticals in Berlin. “We know that Trump will be gone in four years but I’m fearful that he’ll leave much broken in his wake. That will be difficult to repair.”

‘Our former enemy’

Germany, in general, considers alliances with the US as well as with the rest of the EU as key to maintaining stability, peace and healthy trade. Throughout its history, however, the United States isn’t the only superpower with which Germany has sought to maintain close relations.
In order to pacify the Russian threat during and after the Cold War, Germany began developing energy networks with Russia, which were accelerated at the beginning of the millennium, said Gressel.
The relationship spawned massive natural gas pipelines from Russia to Germany, and Russian gas now makes up almost 10 percent of Germany’s energy mix, according to government figures.
That amount could increase when a second pipeline, Nord Stream 2, opens in the coming years, especially as Germany moves to shut down coal-fired and nuclear energy in line with its energy transition to renewable sources.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel shake hands following a joint news conference in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia, May 18, 2018.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel shake hands following a joint news conference in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia, May 18, 2018.
Credit:Sergei Karpukhin/Reuters

Economic and cultural rapprochement between Russia and Germany, however, reached its apex in 2014. Then, Putin annexed the Crimean Peninsula, showing that the “attempt to flatter Russia, or to provide economic incentives to Russia to make Russia more conformist and to accept Europe as it is, has basically failed,” Gressel explained.
At the time, ultra-pragmatic German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a product of Soviet-controlled East Germany who also speaks Russian, was adamant in levying sanctions against Russia for the deed. That was in spite of deep trade ties valued by businesses in Germany, a leading exporting country.
Not all Germans supported her decision.
“Germans are, all in all, for more of a cooperative tone with our former enemy in the Second World War,” said Henning Riecke with the German Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin.
After all, Germany’s formerly communist eastern states are still shaped by Russian culture, and many Germans feel a special relationship with Moscow.
“We have the advantage of having a chancellor who grew up in East Germany, the mid-point between East and West,” said Ruth-Janessa Funk, in her 40s, who teaches fashion marketing in Berlin.
But given increased Russian interference in Western elections, cyberattacks and Putin’s desire to fray Europe at the seams, “I think our relationship with Russia is getting so hot that it might boil over,” said Funk.

‘The Trumpian winter’

Looking forward to Helsinki on Monday, there are fears that Trump’s aggressive tone toward Germany and other traditional allies will only bolster Putin’s resolve to create chaos in the political alliances that have come to define the West’s geopolitical dominance, said Riecke.
“We’re now hoping that Helsinki doesn’t produce a complete break of Western consensus,” he said. “If Trump makes specific special deals with Russia that he didn’t pre-negotiate inside NATO, that would be a problem.”
Now caught between a geopolitical rock and a hard place, many Germans and political analysts say Merkel needs to take advantage of her position at the helm of Europe’s ideological and economic engine to return some semblance of normalcy to the East-West relationship.
That could take the shape of hiking up defense spending and bending slightly to Trump’s demands, but not to the point that she looks like a “poodle of Trump,” said Riecke.
And with Putin, that could mean leveraging Germany’s historical cooperation with Russia to salvage the relationship, “while also holding the European Union together and promoting European harmony,” said Sabine Reed, a city planner in Berlin in her 50s.
With Trump in particular, said Gressel, the key is appeasement and waiting it out to minimize the damage that his unilateral actions could have on Germany, the European Union and beyond.
“Germans don’t want to do a lot of damage on their end,” he said. “They basically want to freeze relations and hibernate the transatlantic relationship through the Trumpian winter. And with whomever succeeds him we can start talking serious stuff again.”
Austin Davis reported from Berlin.

Trump should cancel Putin summit after Mueller indictments, Congress says

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EU to Netanyahu: We Value Israel’s Democratic Values – Don’t Want to …

Haaretz10 hours ago
The European Union delegation responded to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday after he ordered the Foreign Ministry to summon …
Netanyahu: Nationality bill is what the majority wants
InternationalYnetnewsJul 12, 2018
Media image for netanyahu from Washington Post

Washington Post

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Media image for netanyahu from Ynetnews


Media image for netanyahu from Arutz Sheva

Arutz Sheva

Media image for netanyahu from i24NEWS

Story image for netanyahu from Haaretz

How Netanyahu’s Right-hand Man Silenced the PM’s Critics

HaaretzJul 12, 2018
The Walla! news site started to slant its media coverage in favor of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuafter site owner Shaul Elovitch received …
Story image for netanyahu from Newsweek

Tel Aviv Diary: Is Netanyahu Wise to Put All of Israel’s Eggs in the …

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The tweet came after the 9th meeting in three years between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuand Russian President Vladimir Putin, …
Netanyahu: Our problem is with Iran, not Assad
InternationalThe Jerusalem PostJul 12, 2018

Lévon Minassian (Duduk) – ” They Have Taken the One I Love ” – YouTube

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Lévon Minassian (Duduk) – ” They Have Taken the One I Love “

‘Inundated With Requests’: Novichok Vodka Producers Open Up on Sudden Success – Google Search

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Scientists Invented AI Made From DNA

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It’s a novel implementation of a classic machine learning test that demonstrates … that is best summarized as the art and science of pattern recognition. … are a type of computing architecture loosely based on the human brain. … all” approach to allow DNA neural nets to distinguish between numbers by …
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Samsung Research ranks first in global AI machine reading competition

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Samsung Research has ranked first in the MAchine Reading … hosted by the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR) in March. … of how AI technologies understand human dialogue and queries to suggest an …
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FBI Files Prove Robert Mueller Approved 9/11 Cover-Ups

mikenova shared this story from Your News Wire.

During special counsel Robert Mueller’s time as director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013, he actively sought to cover up disturbing links between a Saudi family in Florida and the Sept. 11 terror attacks, according to bombshell FBI files that throws grave doubt on the character of the man investigating President Trump and his campaign.
According to a report filed by the Sarasota Herald-Tribune last year, when the terrorists who carried out the devastating attack that left 2,977 Americans dead first arrived in America, they relied on a network of associates across the country to “get apartments, open bank accounts and connect with local mosques.”

They essentially used family and friends to get settled in and begin making preparations for their planned attack. This brings us to a mysterious Saudi Arabian family “who were living in Sarasota County (Florida) shortly before the 9/11 attacks” but disappeared shortly thereafter.
“Alerted by neighbors’ suspicions about a lack of activity and three vehicles apparently abandoned in the driveway and garage, FBI agents converged on 4224 Escondito Circle within weeks of the 9/11 attacks” and found “mail on the table, dirty diapers in the bedroom, made beds, a refrigerator full of food, and closets with entire wardrobes intact,” according to the Herald-Tribune.
ConservativeTribune reports: It was as if they had chosen to leave at a moment’s notice. As a result, many suspected the family had held ties of some sort to the Sept. 11 attacks.
Now fast-forward to 2011, when Florida Bulldog first unveiled these extraordinary facts in an exclusive report that quickly went viral across the nation, attracting attention from the Miami Herald and other notable papers.
In response, FBI officials “immediately repudiated the story, asserting that it had thoroughly investigated the Sarasota family and could find no links with the hijackers,” according to the Herald-Tribune.

Now fast forward another year to 2012, when the Florida Bulldog watchdog organization filed a Freedom of Information Act suit against the FBI, demanding it release its records on the Saudi family.
When the watchdog group finally obtained the records a year later, it noticed a bombshell sentence within them: “Further investigation of the (name deleted) family revealed many connections between the (name deleted) and individuals associated with the terror attacks on 9/11/2001.”
What wasn’t redacted was the address, 4224 Escondito Circle, i.e., the same one as the aforementioned Saudi family. This stunning piece of evidence proved that the FBI had known from day one that the Saudi family did in fact have verified links to the Sept. 11 attacks and had therefore lied in 2011.
Moreover, according to additional FBI records reviewed in January by Florida Bulldog, it appears it was Mueller who ordered the agency to lie.
“Mueller … is referenced in a document index created in late November by the FBI at the direction of U.S. District Judge William J. Zloch of Fort Lauderdale,” the watchdog group reported.
“The index reference to former FBI Director Mueller is contained in an item about a FBI white paper that was written one week after the Bulldog and the Miami Herald simultaneously published the Bulldog’s story about the abrupt departure of Saudis Abdulaziz and Anoud al-Hijji from their Sarasota area home about two weeks before 9/11.”
Here’s the kicker: The white paper “was created to brief the FBI Director concerning the FBI’s investigation of 4224 Escondito Circle,” as quoted directly from the index.
Florida Bulldog further notes that the white paper was created on the exact same day that the FBI issued its lies to the media denying the existence of evidence proving the family had ties to the Sept. 11 attacks.
What does all this mean? Well, assuming the picture painted by the clear-cut evidence is accurate, the man currently investigating President Donald Trump for collusion/obstruction/whatever is a bald-faced liar, point blank, period.

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Donald Trump vows to reopen 9/11 terror attack investigation

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Donald Trump 9/11 investigation reopenedGETTY
COLD CASE: Trump has vowed to reopen the 9/11 investigationDisenfranchised working class voters propelled the billionaire reality star into the White House this week in one of the biggest election upsets in US history.
In his first days as President-elect, Republican Trump has given few clues on how he plans to honour his pledge to “Make America Great Again”.
But ahead of his Brexit-style election earthquake, Trump threatened to lift the lid on one of the most catastrophic terror attacks in modern history.
Donald Trump 9/11 investigation reopenedGETTY
DISASTER: Almost 3,000 people died in the monstrous terror attackSpeaking at a Republican rally in Henrico County, Virginia, Trump pledged to launch a fresh probe into the 2001 September 11 attacks.
He claimed that the attack by Islamic terrorist group al-Qaida was not properly investigated and vowed to get to the bottom of it.
Pressed about the attacks on the World Trade Center, and his plan to prevent further massacres, he said: “First of all, the original 9/11 investigation is a total mess and has to be reopened.
Speculating over the collapse of the skyscraper after the attack, he said: “How do two planes take out three buildings in the same day?
“I never got my head around the fact that nothing is mentioned about the destruction of Building 7 in the 585-page document.”
9/11 investigationGETTY
ATTACK: The World Trade Center was targeted in 2001Accusing “19 high-jackers from Saudi Arabia” of carrying out the attack, he blasted George Bush’s administration for not taking legal action against the country in the February debate.
He added: “The World Trade Center came down during the reign of George Bush.
“He kept us safe? That is not safe. That is not safe.
“Americans deserve answers and I would definitely request a new investigation so that this horrible tragedy never happens again.”
9/11 investigationGETTY
RIDDLE: Conspiracy theorists claim the towers were brought down intentionallyLike many of his other seemingly off-the-cuff election promises, it is not yet clear whether he intends to re-open the 9/11 probe.
Although there is little establishment support for reopening the investigation, a number of government chiefs have demanded the case be revisited.
Former Governor of Florida Bob Graham has been demanding a new transparent investigation for years.
He said: “For years I have been campaigning for the release of the 2002 Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee 9/11 Inquiry’s report, to no avail.
“These missing pages point to the direct involvement of the government of Saudi Arabia.
“Why are these being kept secret? Who has to gain from these games of secrecy?”
9/11 investigationGETTY
REVOLUTION: Former Governor of Florida Bob Graham said the documents could ‘start a revolution’Due to a Freedom of Information exemption, the documents from the 9/11 Commission Report, released in 2002, were heavily redacted.
In the 28 pages released, the Saudi Arabian government claimed they were not responsible for supporting or financing the attacks.
Mr Graham added: “I have read these documents myself and if the American public knew what was in these documents, there would be a revolution tomorrow in the streets of America.
“Americans deserve to know the truth.”
Conspiracy theorists have claimed for years that the 9/11 attack was an “inside job” – known as a false flag attack – aimed at fuelling support for War on Terror.
There is no proof to stand up these claims – but truth seekers have pointed to footage which appears to show the Twin Towers explode before the planes hit.
Amesbury poisoning: Novichok source revealed as small bottle

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Sturgess, 44, died in hospital last week after she was exposed to the poison.
The incident occured just miles from where ex-spy Sergei Skripal, and daughter Yulia, were attacked with the substance in Salisbury in March.
Met Police today released a statement saying they believe the source of the Novichok that killed Sturgess was a small bottle.
Sturgess’ partner Charlie Rowley, 45, remains in a critical condition but has regained consciousness.
Cops said a small bottle was recovered after searching the scene of Rowley’s house in Amesbury.
It was taken for tests where scientists confirmed the bottle contained Novichok.
Source of Novichok that killed Dawn Sturgess revealed by policeFACEBOOK
TRAGEDY: Dawn Sturgess was killed by exposure to NovichokThe Met’s Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu said: “This is clearly a significant and positive development.
“However, we cannot guarantee that there isn’t any more of the substance left and cordons will remain in place for some considerable time.
“This is to allow thorough searches to continue as a precautionary measure for public safety and to assist the investigation team.
“I also appreciate there is a lot of interest in this; however, we are not in a position to disclose any further details regarding the bottle at this stage.
“The safety of the public and our officers remains paramount and we are continuing to work closely with Wiltshire Police, scientists, health experts from Public Health England and other partners.”
investigation 9/11 – Google Search

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investigation 9/11 – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

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investigation 9/11 – Google Search

mikenova shared this story .

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Russian Classical Music | Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, Rimskij-Korsakov – YouTube

mikenova shared this story .

Russian Classical Music | Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, Rimskij-Korsakov

investigation 9/11 – Google Search

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Image result for investigation 9/11

investigation 9/11 – Google Search

mikenova shared this story from investigation 9/11 – Google News.

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Brett Kavanaugh, Bill Clinton and the 9/11 attacks

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”></a>5 hours ago
In its 2004 report, the 9/11 Commission did not specifically link this lack of concern to the various investigations that continued to hound Clinton.
4 big questions about Brett Kavanaugh
Washington PostJul 10, 2018
Media image for investigation 9/11 from The Nation.

The Nation.

Media image for investigation 9/11 from National Catholic Reporter

National Catholic Reporter

Media image for investigation 9/11 from Washington Post

Washington Post

Media image for investigation 9/11 from Roll Call

Roll Call

Media image for investigation 9/11 from Business Insider

Business Insider

Media image for investigation 9/11 from Cheddar

Story image for investigation 9/11 from Fox News

Fox News Poll: Trump not tough enough on Russia, approval of …

Fox News17 hours ago
Voters think President Trump has been too soft on Russia, yet a majority approves of his July 16 meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, …
Trump isn’t attacking NATO. He’s strengthening it.
OpinionWashington Post20 hours ago
Story image for investigation 9/11 from Las Vegas Review-Journal

Radio troubles hampered Las Vegas police on Oct. 1, RJ investigation …

Las Vegas Review-Journal2 hours ago
Radio troubles hampered Las Vegas police on Oct. 1, RJ investigation finds …. “Post 9/11, there’s been a real push on first-response agencies …
pattern recognition in intelligence analysis – Google Search

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pattern recognition in intelligence analysis – Google Search

mikenova shared this story from pattern recognition in intelligence analysis – Google News.

Story image for pattern recognition in intelligence analysis from The Economist

The way people walk can be used for ID and health checks

The EconomistJul 12, 2018
These measurements form a pattern unique to the walker. … now commonplace for anything to do with pattern recognition, to an artificial-intelligence … Gait analysis might also be used as a security measure in the workplace, …
Story image for pattern recognition in intelligence analysis from Forbes

Can Artificial Intelligence Help In Hiring Talent? Darwin Ecosystem …

ForbesJul 11, 2018
The PPI fits into the category of pattern recognition and detection services. … The PPI analysis supplies insight on 52 different personality traits …
Story image for pattern recognition in intelligence analysis from Healthcare Sector

Healthcare Sector

Global Cognitive Computing Market Analysis & Forecasts …

Business Wire (press release)Jul 12, 2018
Applications of cognitive computing are derived from data mining, pattern recognition and natural language processing. These applications …
Story image for pattern recognition in intelligence analysis from Financial Reporting

Financial Reporting

Global Artificial Intelligence-based Cybersecurity Market Analysis …

Business Wire (press release)Jun 28, 2018
Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based cybersecurity applies machine learning and pattern recognitiontechniques to tap unstructured data and …
counterintelligence pattern recognition analysis – Google Search

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Image result for counterintelligence pattern recognition analysis

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FBI News Review Russian Propaganda on Social Media

3:02 PM 10/29/2017 – Russian Propaganda on Social Media: 'Our pain for their gain': the American activists manipulated by Russian trolls – The Guardian | The History of Russian Involvement in America's Race Wars – The Atlantic | Exclusive: Russian Propaganda Traced Back to Staten Island, New York – Daily Beast

Sun, 29 Oct 2017 18:19:45 +0100
29.10.2017 18:19

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Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks

Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
US Senators Single Out Russia In Push Against Anonymous Online Political Ads – RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
Russian Trolls Would Love the ‘Honest Ads Act’ – Bloomberg
Sharing fake news should be punishable as libel, says former FEC chair – Metro US
Russian propagandists allegedly targeted blacks with free self-defense classes –
Fake news purveyors regularly cited a Twitter account revealed to be Russian propaganda – Media Matters for America (blog)
Facebook Must Come Clean About Its Russian Propaganda Ads – Newsweek
Google and Facebook spend millions to lobby Congress as Washington inquiries ramp up – Silicon Valley Business Journal
UK lawmakers ask Facebook about Russian-linked Brexit activity – The Hill
New Charts Show What The Russian Troll @TEN_GOP Account Was Tweeting This Summer – BuzzFeed News
Rod Rosenstein doesn’t believe voters were swayed by Russia social media ads – Washington Examiner
Hillary Clinton ‘Sex Tape’ Was Made By Russian Trolls – Newsweek
First Charges Filed in US Special Counsel’s Russia Investigation: Report – Fortune
Donald Trump yells DO SOMETHING! in desperate cry for help as Robert Mueller moves in
GOP Doesnt Seem To Hate Debt So Much Now That It Wants A Tax Cut
9:36 AM 10/29/2017 A possible Russian role in Brexit vote should be checked out
Trump approval rating hits lowest ever amid tax reform debate, GOP departures from Senate – CNBC
Dozens of Russian companies and Government organisations … – The Independent
10:21 AM 10/29/2017 Putin Starts Aiming His Cyberweapons Against Individuals: Russia recruits psychiatrists, scientists, and neurologists, who construct these things to target particular individuals, Shymkiv said.
Rep. Adam Schiff: Russia probe indictment likely tied to Paul Manafort or Michael Flynn – Washington Times
Robert Mueller Probe: Manafort ‘Suspicious’ Wire Transfers Focus of FBI Trump-Russia Investigation – Newsweek
Mueller Has Authority to Name President Trump as an Unindicted Coconspirator – Just Security
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Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks
US Senators Single Out Russia In Push Against Anonymous Online Political Ads – RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty

mikenova shared this story from Anonymous Online Political Ads – Google News.

US Senators Single Out Russia In Push Against Anonymous Online Political Ads
WASHINGTON — A bipartisan trio of U.S. senators has introduced legislation to regulate paid political ads that appear on Facebook, Google, and other social media in an effort to prevent foreign interference in U.S. elections, with special emphasis
EDITORIAL: Bogus online political ads undercut democracyChicago Sun-Times
Despite backlash over political ads, Facebook’s role in elections will only growLos Angeles Times
Facebook’s Political Ad Problem Spreads to EuropePacific Standard
Splinter (blog) –ExpressNewsline –Bloomberg –New York Times
all 211 news articles »
Ex-Pentagon official says Russia may be operating hundreds of “troll … – Sacramento Bee

mikenova shared this story from Russian propaganda on social media – Google News.

Consortium News
Ex-Pentagon official says Russia may be operating hundreds of “troll …
Sacramento Bee
The number of networks of Russian-sponsored trolls spreading propaganda to the United States and Europe may number in the hundreds, including the one …
Russians aim to control our mindsAltoona Mirror
Blaming Russia for the Internet ‘Sewer’Consortium Newsall 7 news articles »
Russian Trolls Would Love the ‘Honest Ads Act’ – Bloomberg

mikenova shared this story from Anonymous Online Political Ads – Google News.

Russian Trolls Would Love the ‘Honest Ads Act’
The idea is to make online platforms store all the political ads — both those that support specific candidates and those dealing with issues of national importance — so that the public could access them and see how they were targeted. Another and more »
Sharing fake news should be punishable as libel, says former FEC chair – Metro US

mikenova shared this story from Anonymous Online Political Ads – Google News.

Metro US
Sharing fake news should be punishable as libel, says former FEC chair
Metro US
In the paper “Fool Me Once: The Case for Government Regulation of ‘Fake News,'” Ravel and two co-authors propose new rules to reduce disinformation advertising online by increasing transparency about where it comes from, whether it’s factual and slap and more »
Russian propagandists allegedly targeted blacks with free self-defense classes –

mikenova shared this story from Russian propaganda on social media – Google News.
Russian propagandists allegedly targeted blacks with free self-defense classes
The digital trail suggests the contact on the phone was part of a Russian propaganda campaign seeking to stoke racial tensions and disrupt the U.S. political system. The social media accounts connected to Black Fist are among the pages Facebook 
Members Of The Congressional Black Caucus Won’t Let Facebook Get Away With Their Part In Russia’sMeddlingEssence.comall 3 news articles »
The History of Russian Involvement in America’s Race Wars – The Atlantic

mikenova shared this story from Russia-sponsored troll networks – Google News.

The Atlantic
The History of Russian Involvement in America’s Race Wars
The Atlantic
The trolls, according to an interview with the Russian TV network TV Rain, were directed to focus their tweets and comments on socially divisive issues, like guns. But another consistent theme has been Russian trolls focusing on issues of race. Some of 
‘Our pain for their gain’: the American activists manipulated by Russian trolls – The Guardian

mikenova shared this story from Russians Posing as Black Activists on Facebook – Google News.

The Guardian
‘Our pain for their gain’: the American activists manipulated by Russian trolls
The Guardian
I’m profoundly disgusted, said Jones, who was stunned to hear that Russian propagandists had impersonated AfricanAmerican activists fighting police violence and racism and had created the event on Facebook, where hundreds RSVP’d.Facebook should 
Fake news purveyors regularly cited a Twitter account revealed to be Russian propaganda – Media Matters for America (blog)

mikenova shared this story from Russian propaganda on social media – Google News.

Media Matters for America (blog)
Fake news purveyors regularly cited a Twitter account revealed to be Russian propaganda
Media Matters for America (blog)
Several news outlets have also reported that Russian operatives used these social media platforms to push anti-immigration rhetoric, including organizing an anti-Muslim rally and impersonating a Muslim group to stir chaos in the U.S. In October, one of
Facebook Must Come Clean About Its Russian Propaganda Ads – Newsweek

mikenova shared this story from Russian propaganda on social media – Google News.

Facebook Must Come Clean About Its Russian Propaganda Ads
On November 1, Facebook’s general counsel Colin Stretch will testify before the House and Senate intelligence committees as part of the congressional investigations into Russia’s use of social media and internet platforms to interfere with the 2016 …and more »
Google and Facebook spend millions to lobby Congress as Washington inquiries ramp up – Silicon Valley Business Journal

mikenova shared this story from Russian propaganda on social media – Google News.

Silicon Valley Business Journal
Google and Facebook spend millions to lobby Congress as Washington inquiries ramp up
Silicon Valley Business Journal
Jonathan Albright, a social media analyst at Columbia University, believes Russian propaganda on Facebook may have reached billions of users. His findings indicated that a Russian disinformation campaign may have used Facebook to identify voters’ …and more »
Exclusive: Russian Propaganda Traced Back to Staten Island, New York – Daily Beast

mikenova shared this story from Russian propaganda on social media – Google News.

Daily Beast
Exclusive: Russian Propaganda Traced Back to Staten Island, New York
Daily Beast
Over the past two months, Russia’s efforts to integrate Americans and U.S. communities into its vast propaganda campaigns has become clearer, as social media companies began shuttering accounts originating from Russia’s Internet Research Agency, …
UK lawmakers ask Facebook about Russian-linked Brexit activity – The Hill

mikenova shared this story from Russian propaganda on social media – Google News.

The Hill
UK lawmakers ask Facebook about Russian-linked Brexit activity
The Hill
The inquiry signals an increased interest in learning the extent and success in which Russia permeated the social mediaplatforms with propaganda and fake news after Facebook announced earlier this month that roughly 10 million of its users saw the ads.and more »
New Charts Show What The Russian Troll @TEN_GOP Account Was Tweeting This Summer – BuzzFeed News

mikenova shared this story from Russia-sponsored troll networks – Google News.

BuzzFeed News
New Charts Show What The Russian Troll @TEN_GOP Account Was Tweeting This Summer
BuzzFeed News
Last week, reports emerged that @TEN_GOP, a popular Twitter account that the Tennessee Republican Party purportedly managed, was, in fact, run by the Kremlin-backed Internet Research Agency, which operated a network of propaganda-pushing troll …
Rod Rosenstein doesn’t believe voters were swayed by Russia social media ads – Washington Examiner

mikenova shared this story from Russian propaganda on social media – Google News.

Washington Examiner
Rod Rosenstein doesn’t believe voters were swayed by Russia social media ads
Washington Examiner
Facebook announced in September that $100,000 in ads was purchased from June 2015 to May 2017 by a Russian group called the Internet Research Agency, which has promoted pro-Russia propaganda. The money was affiliated with approximately 3,000 …
Twitter Bans Two Kremlin-Backed News Outlets From AdvertisingNew York Times
Twitter bans ads from Russia Today and
Twitter bans ads from Russian-sponsored news sitesCNET
Daily Beast –Fox News –Twitter Blog –Office of the Director of National Intelligence
all 275 news articles »
Hillary Clinton ‘Sex Tape’ Was Made By Russian Trolls – Newsweek

mikenova shared this story from Russian propaganda on social media – Google News.

Hillary Clinton ‘Sex Tape’ Was Made By Russian Trolls
Russian man who said he once worked as an internet troll claimed the nation’s propaganda factory produced a sex tape featuring a Hillary Clinton look-alike and an African-American man, among other accusations. During an interview with an independent 
Russian troll farm made a fake Hillary Clinton sex tapeDeath and Taxesall 6 news articles »
First Charges Filed in US Special Counsel’s Russia Investigation: Report – Fortune

mikenova shared this story from Russian propaganda on social media – Google News.

First Charges Filed in US Special Counsel’s Russia Investigation: Report
… January that Russia interfered in the election to try to help President Donald Trump defeat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton through a campaign of hacking and releasing embarrassing emails, and disseminating propaganda via social mediato 
First charges filed in Robert Mueller Russia inquiry – reportsThe Guardian
First charges filed in Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the Trump
Report: Grand Jury Provides First Indictment In Mueller’s Russia ProbeRefinery29
ABC Online –CNN –Wall Street Journal
all 281 news articles »
Donald Trump yells DO SOMETHING! in desperate cry for help as Robert Mueller moves in

mikenova shared this story from Palmer Report.

We’ve all been awaiting Donald Trump’s inevitable response to the news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has filed Trump-Russia criminal charges, and that the arrests of Trump’s people will begin tomorrow. Now we’re finally seeing that response, and while it’s as unhinged as expected, it’s also a rather desperate cry for help. Trump is so panicked, he’s begging his remaining allies to “DO SOMETHING!” to save him.
Here’s what Trump tweeted on Sunday morning: “Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?) ,the Uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more. Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia, “collusion,” which doesn’t exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R’s are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING!”
As usual, not one word of Trump’s Twitter rant is factually accurate or true. But it does reveal just how severely he’s now panicking. He’s not threatening to do anything, or vowing to take any action. Like the anti-leader that he is, Trump is begging others to “do something” to save him. It might be a little late on that front, with Mueller set to arrest one or more of his Russia co-conspirators tomorrow. But Trump wasn’t done, as he added one more tweet which revealed just who it is he’s hoping will save him.
Trump tweeted “All of this “Russia” talk right when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts & Reform. Is this coincidental? NOT!” In other words, he’s publicly reminding the Republican Congress that it needs to protect him a bit longer if it wants to be able to pass its tax giveaway scam for the wealthy. However, it may be past the point where anyone is even willing to try to save him.
The post Donald Trump yells “DO SOMETHING!” in desperate cry for help as Robert Mueller moves inappeared first on Palmer Report.

GOP Doesnt Seem To Hate Debt So Much Now That It Wants A Tax Cut

mikenova shared this story from Donald Trump.

Republican leaders support tax cuts adding trillions to the national debt now, but had dire warnings about it under the Obama administration.

9:36 AM 10/29/2017 A possible Russian role in Brexit vote should be checked out

mikenova shared this story from Trump Investigations Report.

“…Governments the world over, including various U.S. administrations, have often tried to meddle in others internal affairs.” Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks A possible Russian role should in Brexit vote be checked out | Op-ed A possible Russian role should in Brexit vote be checked out – The Keene Sentinel 7:17 AM 10/29/2017 How Much Did … Continue reading“9:36 AM 10/29/2017 – A possible Russian role in Brexit vote should be checked out”

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Trump approval rating hits lowest ever amid tax reform debate, GOP departures from Senate – CNBC

mikenova shared this story from Trump – Google News.

Trump approval rating hits lowest ever amid tax reform debate, GOP departures from Senate
Voters have given President Donald Trump the worst ever marks of his presidency, according to a new NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday, which showed ominous signs of voter discontent ahead of the 2018 midterm elections.Trump’s …
Trump’s Approval Rating Drops to Lowest Level Yet in New NBC News/WSJ
President Trump’s Approval Ratings Just Hit a New All-Time LowTIME
Poll: Trump approval rating drops to lowest of presidencyThe Hill
Wall Street Journal
all 11 news articles »
Dozens of Russian companies and Government organisations … – The Independent

mikenova shared this story from Russian Intelligence services – Google News.

The Independent
Dozens of Russian companies and Government organisations …
The Independent
The State Department on Friday listed 39 Russian companies and government organizations tied to the defense and intelligence sectors, and warned that …
Trump administration reveals new list of potential Russia sanctionsWashington Post
US Congress Receives List Of Russians Targeted By New SanctionsRadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
US draws up list of Russian firms under sanctions lawDaily Nation
Atlantic Council (blog) –RT –Foreign Policy
all 232 news articles »
10:21 AM 10/29/2017 Putin Starts Aiming His Cyberweapons Against Individuals: Russia recruits psychiatrists, scientists, and neurologists, who construct these things to target particular individuals, Shymkiv said.

mikenova shared this story from Trump Investigations Report.

Dmytro Shymkiv, deputy head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine on Administrative, Social and Economic Reform, explained this month during the Future in Review conference in Park City, Utah. Russia recruits psychiatrists, scientists, and neurologists, who construct these things to target particular individuals, Shymkiv said. According to Ukrainian security officials, Russian agents build a psychological … Continue reading“10:21 AM 10/29/2017 – Putin Starts Aiming His Cyberweapons Against Individuals: Russia recruits psychiatrists, scientists, and neurologists, who construct these things to target particular individuals, Shymkiv said.”

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Rep. Adam Schiff: Russia probe indictment likely tied to Paul Manafort or Michael Flynn – Washington Times

mikenova shared this story from michael flynn – Google News.

Washington Times
Rep. Adam Schiff: Russia probe indictment likely tied to Paul Manafort or Michael Flynn
Washington Times
Michael Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser. Rep. Adam Schiff said Mr. Manafort has apparently told others he expects to be indicted. If it is him, it may ultimately help to answer questions about information flowing back and 
GOP eyes end of Russia probes with Trump collusion unansweredPoliticoall 26 news articles »
Robert Mueller Probe: Manafort ‘Suspicious’ Wire Transfers Focus of FBI Trump-Russia Investigation – Newsweek

mikenova shared this story from russia helping trump – Google News.

Robert Mueller Probe: Manafort ‘Suspicious’ Wire Transfers Focus of FBI Trump-Russia Investigation
He helped Manafort run the Ukraine office of his international political consultancy and is the man who asked Manafort to provide private briefings to a Russian billionaire during Trump’s election campaign. Four of the payments linked to Manafort and 
Mueller Has Filed the First Charges in the Russia InvestigationVanity Fair
Robert Mueller Sends a Message: He’s Deadly SeriousThe New Yorker
First on CNN: First charges filed in Mueller investigationCNN
USA TODAY – –Deutsche Welle
all 591 news articles »
Mueller Has Authority to Name President Trump as an Unindicted Coconspirator – Just Security

mikenova shared this story from trump under federal investigation – Google News.

Just Security
Mueller Has Authority to Name President Trump as an Unindicted Coconspirator
Just Security
The provisions for the Special Counsel, for example, give Mueller jurisdiction to investigate obstruction of justice and the public understanding is that he is, indeed, charged to investigate that matter and the matter of potential criminal wrongdoing and more »