FBI News Review

9:51 PM 10/14/2017 – The American Psychiatric Association was run and governed by the FBI – Selected Posts

Who cares about the American Psychiatric (not Psychoanalytic, please read the previous posts and news) Association, its ethics committee, its Goldwater rule, its prescriptions and its proscriptions, its stupidity, and its little nincompoopy membership?! Just disband them, they push themselves more and more into the utter irrelevance. 
Wed, 26 Jul 2017 12:40:26 +0000
Who cares about the American Psychiatric (not Psychoanalytic, please read the previous posts and news) Association, its “ethics committee”, its “Goldwater rule”, its prescriptions and its proscriptions, its stupidity, and its little nincompoopy membership?! Just disband them, they push themselves more and more into the utter irrelevance. American Psychoanalytic Association, a much more authoritative body, said very … Continue reading“Who cares about the American Psychiatric (not Psychoanalytic, please read the previous posts and news) Association, its “ethics committee”, it’s “Goldwater rule”, its prescriptions and its proscriptions, its stupidity, and its little nincompoopy membership?! Just disband them, they push themselves more and more into the utter irrelevance. “
The American Psychiatric Association was run and governed by the FBI informant at its very top (its former President, Carol Bernstein). It degenerated and degraded into the total and complete irrelevance and impotence in scientific and the organizational matters. Very logical and even unavoidable outcome in these circumstances
Tue, 25 Jul 2017 15:13:12 +0000
The American Psychiatry is nothing without its Psychoanalytic tradition and its depth. Psychopharmacology does not explain the human soul, and it does not even attempt to. Psychoanalysis does not explain it either, but at least it does attempt to, and searches for its “royal roads”, although very often it is simply lost on the old side … Continue reading